IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal basically what ack do you receive and what number do you restrans
orignal the main question is
orignal if you recive an Ack with still missing message after retransimmion or receive nothing
orignal if will help me to understand the problem
zzz seems to be inbound connections right after handshake
zzz I'm not logging acks
zzz 07-07 00:42:24.198 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] ort.udp.InboundEstablishState2: New IES2 lifetime: 1ms Rcv ID: 8293077990559914232 Send ID: -3482812418673117245 IB_STATE_REQUEST_RECEIVED
zzz 07-07 00:42:24.223 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] ort.udp.InboundEstablishState2: Processed 2 blocks on IES2 lifetime: 26ms Rcv ID: 8293077990559914232 Send ID: -3482812418673117245 IB_STATE_CREATED_SENT
zzz 07-07 00:43:29.243 INFO [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: [Hash: 2RRYXk4DLmwmsCwDaFcN1u88XPStZiIAi3eNGFMGyJI=] Congestion, RTO: 1000 -> 2000 timer: -9 -> 2000 window: 3909 -> 1500 SST: 524288 -> 2688 FRTX? false BWE: 44 bps
zzz 07-07 00:43:31.243 INFO [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: [Hash: 2RRYXk4DLmwmsCwDaFcN1u88XPStZiIAi3eNGFMGyJI=] Congestion, RTO: 2000 -> 4000 timer: 0 -> 4000 window: 1500 -> 1500 SST: 2688 -> 2560 FRTX? false BWE: 30 bps
zzz 07-07 00:43:35.243 INFO [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: [Hash: 2RRYXk4DLmwmsCwDaFcN1u88XPStZiIAi3eNGFMGyJI=] Congestion, RTO: 4000 -> 8000 timer: 0 -> 8000 window: 1500 -> 1500 SST: 2560 -> 2560 FRTX? false BWE: 13 bps
zzz 07-07 00:43:38.255 WARN [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Message expired: OB Message 3871723709 seq 1 type 19 size 87 volleys: 4 lifetime: 10021 unacked to: 2RRYXk IB2 recvAge: 74s sendAge: 74s sendAttemptAge: 3012ms sendACKAge: 3012ms lifetime: 74s RTT: 24 RTO: 8000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 1500 acwin: 2542 SST: 2560 FRTX? false consecFail: 1 msgs rcvd: 0 msgs sent: 2 pkts rcvd
zzz OK/Dup: 1/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 5/3 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 0
orignal inbound to whom?
orignal to you ?
orignal if it's right after handshake it's not an ack problem
zzz yeah, and I'm firewalled ofc. So this is after a relay?
zzz no wait, it's not, this is ipv4
zzz I'm not firewalled on v4
orignal so, I send SessionConfirmed, then you send Ack
zzz so basically I'm not getting any acks for things I send to i2pd after the handshake
orignal I recieve Ack and assume sessiion established
zzz for inbound connections
zzz I think????
orignal what happens after your Ack?
orignal what do you send right after handshake?
zzz not sure. you send me something. I ack it
zzz then later, I send you something, it's never acked, I retransmit it 3x and give up
orignal no no
orignal I send SessionConfirmed, you Ack
zzz right
orignal then I send somemthing else
orignal because that's what I create this session for
zzz right
orignal but what do you send from your side?
orignal beside acks
zzz one minute later, I send you somethign
zzz type 19 size 87
zzz and retx, and retx, and retx
orignal so before you sent ack only
orignal and when you send first message I don't ack it
zzz I think?
orignal how it looks from your side
zzz thats all I know so far
orignal do I keep sending data?
orignal I'm trying to understand if you even receive acks from me
orignal either you don't receive them at all or they just wrong
orignal what is the packet num for your that message? 0 or 1?
zzz I didn't get anything more
zzz I sent a termination 3 minutes later
zzz 07-07 00:46:20.331 WARN [leTimer2 2/4] r.transport.udp.PacketBuilder2: Sending termination 2 to : 2RRYXk IB2 recvAge: 3m sendAge: 3m sendAttemptAge: 165s sendACKAge: 165s lifetime: 3m RTT: 24 RTO: 8000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 1500 acwin: 1500 SST: 2560 FRTX? false consecFail: 1 msgs rcvd: 0 msgs sent: 2 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 1/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 5/3 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 0
orignal ok. you keep sending message and nothing back from me
zzz not sure what packet num
orignal what packet num do you start with?
zzz would have been several since I sent it 4x
orignal but you said you don't recieve ack for very first message
zzz I don't have that logged
zzz sure but I could have been sending you acks before that
zzz I;m not logging the lowest level stuff right now
zzz all I know is I'm sending a msg 4x and never getting it acked
orignal does it happen with every incoming connection from i2pd or sometimes it works?
zzz don't know
orignal and ofc the second question whan happens if I keep sending data
orignal e.g. this connection if part of a tunnel
orignal anyway it's enough for me to start looking
orignal another issue, I receive peer code 65 from Java Charlie too ofter
orignal why is it?
zzz don't know
zzz sorry that's all the info I have right now, I'll tweak the logging and try to get you more info tomorrow
orignal 65 seems really strange
orignal SSU2: Peer test 4 error code 65 from PeGQ
orignal for example
orignal ok. I know what's the issue
orignal Bob starts from seqn 0
orignal and I always consider it as already received
zzz seeing more issues, not just the first packets sent, not just inbound
orignal do you have an example?
zzz still working on logging
orignal fixed that problem with first packet anyway
zzz the first message losses can be inbound or outbound, any size
orignal can 65 be result that you don't like other tunnel addresses?
zzz the losses later, after a connection has been up for a while, look like mostly fragmented messages
orignal 2a06:a004
orignal don't your have this one in your filters?
zzz 65 is banned ip, banned port, too-close-to-my-ip, or can't find router address with intro key
orignal it's 69
zzz you said 65
orignal 65 is "address not found"
orignal so my question is
orignal is it possible that you don't like range?
orignal because only Java sends 65'
zzz yes, I'm using 69 for banned-by-hash or banned-by-ip, 65 for invalid ip
orignal in my case
zzz 2a06:: should be fine
orignal since IP and RI is fine, I susppect it's range
orignal then I'm worng
zzz let me see what the too-close check is
orignal it's another tunnel
orignal nothing prevents me from using dufferent tunnel brokers in the same network
orignal and btw it's another problem
orignal from the same location
orignal and no way to detect it
zzz /16 for ipv4, /32 for ipv6
zzz SSU doesn't know anything about tunnels :)
orignal I mean IP ranges
orignal lol. I have received 65 from 2RRY ))
orignal let me investigate
zzz On my router in about last 12 hours I've sent 14 0's, 2 67, 1 68
zzz on other router, 6 0, 1 68
orignal what is 67?
orignal found it
zzz ok, got 4 expired messages to ImQC, stand by for logs
orignal expired?
orignal what does it mean?
zzz retransmitted I2NP message 4x and gave up
orignal got it
zzz ok., here we go:
zzz inbound connection, got a packet, sent a packet:
zzz 07-07 14:23:02.493 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] ort.udp.InboundEstablishState2: New IES2 lifetime: 0ms Rcv ID: -5404588203126340187 Send ID: -6604025666776426633 IB_STATE_REQUEST_RECEIVED
zzz 07-07 14:23:02.563 DEBUG [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: New data pkt 1 sent with 1 fragments on ImQCa~ IB2 recvAge: 0ms sendAge: 52y sendAttemptAge: 0ms sendACKAge: 0ms lifetime: 0ms RTT: 69 RTO: 1000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 3840 acwin: 2556 SST: 524288 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 0 msgs sent: 1 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 0/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 0/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 1
zzz 07-07 14:23:02.630 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: New 49 byte pkt 1 rcvd on ImQCa~ IB2 recvAge: 67ms sendAge: 52y sendAttemptAge: 67ms sendACKAge: 67ms lifetime: 67ms RTT: 69 RTO: 1000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 3840 acwin: 2556 SST: 524288 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 0 msgs sent: 1 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 0/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 1/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 1
zzz 07-07 14:23:02.630 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Got new ACK block from ImQCa~ ACK 1-0
zzz ^^^ and got an ack for that packet
zzz then, two minutes later, I sent two packets, and retx, and retx, and retx, and never got anything back
zzz 07-07 14:25:04.288 DEBUG [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: New data pkt 2 sent with 1 fragments on ImQCa~ IB2 recvAge: 121s sendAge: 121s sendAttemptAge: 0ms sendACKAge: 0ms lifetime: 121s RTT: 68 RTO: 1000 MTU: 1344 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 3912 acwin: 442 SST: 524288 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 0 msgs sent: 2 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 1/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 1/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 1
zzz 07-07 14:25:04.288 DEBUG [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: New data pkt 3 sent with 1 fragments on ImQCa~ IB2 recvAge: 121s sendAge: 121s sendAttemptAge: 0ms sendACKAge: 0ms lifetime: 121s RTT: 68 RTO: 1000 MTU: 1344 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 3912 acwin: 442 SST: 524288 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 0 msgs sent: 2 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 1/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 1/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 1
zzz 07-07 14:25:05.288 INFO [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: [Hash: ImQCa~41bzppySTUmrtpGpJekB4e5o9rHQG~7ylt4wE=] Congestion, RTO: 1000 -> 2000 timer: 0 -> 2000 window: 3912 -> 1500 SST: 524288 -> 2688 FRTX? false BWE: 46 bps
zzz 07-07 14:25:05.288 DEBUG [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: New data pkt 4 sent with 1 fragments on ImQCa~ IB2 recvAge: 122s sendAge: 122s sendAttemptAge: 0ms sendACKAge: 1000ms lifetime: 122s RTT: 68 RTO: 2000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 1500 acwin: 442 SST: 2688 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 0 msgs sent: 2 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 1/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 3/2 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 1
zzz 07-07 14:25:05.288 DEBUG [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: New data pkt 5 sent with 1 fragments on ImQCa~ IB2 recvAge: 122s sendAge: 122s sendAttemptAge: 0ms sendACKAge: 0ms lifetime: 122s RTT: 68 RTO: 2000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 1500 acwin: 442 SST: 2688 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 0 msgs sent: 2 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 1/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 3/2 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 1
zzz 07-07 14:25:07.288 INFO [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: [Hash: ImQCa~41bzppySTUmrtpGpJekB4e5o9rHQG~7ylt4wE=] Congestion, RTO: 2000 -> 4000 timer: 0 -> 4000 window: 1500 -> 1500 SST: 2688 -> 2560 FRTX? false BWE: 31 bps
zzz 07-07 14:25:07.288 DEBUG [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: New data pkt 6 sent with 1 fragments on ImQCa~ IB2 recvAge: 124s sendAge: 124s sendAttemptAge: 0ms sendACKAge: 2000ms lifetime: 124s RTT: 68 RTO: 4000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 1500 acwin: 442 SST: 2560 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 0 msgs sent: 2 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 1/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 5/4 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 1
zzz 07-07 14:25:07.288 DEBUG [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: New data pkt 7 sent with 1 fragments on ImQCa~ IB2 recvAge: 124s sendAge: 124s sendAttemptAge: 0ms sendACKAge: 0ms lifetime: 124s RTT: 68 RTO: 4000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 1500 acwin: 442 SST: 2560 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 0 msgs sent: 2 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 1/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 5/4 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 1
zzz 07-07 14:25:11.288 INFO [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: [Hash: ImQCa~41bzppySTUmrtpGpJekB4e5o9rHQG~7ylt4wE=] Congestion, RTO: 4000 -> 8000 timer: 0 -> 8000 window: 1500 -> 1500 SST: 2560 -> 2560 FRTX? false BWE: 13 bps
zzz and so on and so on and so on. gave up and sent a termination
zzz then connected outbound to ImQC 30 seconds later and successfully sent several packets and got acks
zzz so like I said last night, something's not right with trying to send to i2pd on connections inbound to me
orignal now please explain
orignal you keep sending message and get nothing back?
zzz correct
orignal just no packets at all?
orignal or you receive something without akc
orignal like peer test etc.
zzz i don't see anything, no
orignal so we can say that the connection is stalled
orignal not just about acks
zzz I sent 0 and 1, got an ack, then two minutes later sent 2-14, got nothing
zzz maybe got a dup ack? I don't log dup acks any more
orignal I think that this connection doesn't exist on my side anymore
orignal I have closed it
orignal but you believe it still exists
zzz didn't get a termination. it was only 122 seconds after I got the last ack
zzz when I started sending more packets
orignal 120 seconds ))
orignal maybe I have teminated it for another reason than timeout
orignal rememmber that issue about relays "already connected"
orignal I think that's the source of problem
orignal maybe I send temination wrong way
zzz this is IPv4, I'm not firewalled on IPv4, and ImQC is not firewalled
orignal I know
orignal it seems just termination issue
orignal do you send Ack if termination block?
zzz no, that's not part of the spec
orignal I know
orignal but how do I know if you have received my termination
zzz same as SSU 1 - you don't.
zzz I just checked - I don't think I ever receive termination from i2pd for inbound connections to me. only outbound
zzz all my terminations for inbound connnections are from java
zzz so I don't think it's just packet loss
zzz please check
orignal yes that's what I mean
orignal probably I do something wrong with temination
orignal have to go. will be back afternoon
zzz I'll look at how QUIC handles termination
zzz ok...
zzz QUIC says when you send a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame, you enter the "closing" state
zzz An endpoint in the closing
zzz state sends a packet containing a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame in response
zzz to any incoming packet that it attributes to the connection.
zzz An endpoint
zzz that is closing is not required to process any received frame. An
zzz endpoint MAY retain packet protection keys for incoming packets to
zzz allow it to read and process a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame.
zzz | Note: Allowing retransmission of a closing packet is an
zzz | exception to the requirement that a new packet number be used
zzz | for each packet; see Section 12.3. Sending new packet numbers
zzz | is primarily of advantage to l | Note: Allowing retransmission of a closing packet is an
zzz | exception to the requirement that a new packet number be used
zzz | for each packet; see Section 12.3. Sending new packet numbers
zzz | is primarily of advantage to loss recovery and congestion
zzz | control, which are not expected to be relevant for a closed
zzz | connection. Retransmitting the final packet requires less
zzz | state.oss recovery and congestion
zzz | control, which are not expected to be relevant for a closed
zzz | connection. Retransmitting the final packet requires less
zzz | state.
zzz oops that got messed up, try again:
zzz | Note: Allowing retransmission of a closing packet is an
zzz | exception to the requirement that a new packet number be used
zzz | for each packet; see Section 12.3. Sending new packet numbers
zzz | is primarily of advantage to loss recovery and congestion
zzz | control, which are not expected to be relevant for a closed
zzz | connection. Retransmitting the final packet requires less
zzz | state.
zzz all that seems to make sense and be a good idea
zzz I'll start a new section in the spec for it
orignal so how it will work?
zzz what QUIC does is very simple. wait for a while after sending termination, and if you get anything more, send termination again
orignal but it's not our scenario
orignal I sent termination nothin goes back
orignal and then you try to send something after a while because you haven't received my termination
zzz right. and then you get the termination that you didn't get before
orignal but my session don't exist anymore on my side
zzz we could, if we want, send a termination in response to termination. there's a reason code for that. QUIC has something similar and says it's optional. that's more complex
orignal I forgot it
orignal why can't we send just Ack?
zzz we could. not sure if that's easier or not
zzz both our spec and QUIC say that termination is not ack-eliciting
orignal or you approach would also work
zzz point is, responding with ack _or_ termination is not the full solution. you still need to wait for a while after sending termination, in a "closing" state
zzz responding with ack or termination just gets you out of the closing state faster
orignal so what I'm supposed to do now?
orignal to fix the problem instantly
zzz well, we haven't decided yet. But I don't think that's the problem with all the errors I'm seeing
orignal I think I don't send termination at all now
orignal but I want to implement it proporly
zzz agreed, that's my guess. Not for (your) outbound connections. I do get them for (your inbound, my outbound) connections
orignal you errors have the same scenario
orignal you keep sending messages and receive nothing back
orignal at the same time I see bunch of message in the log I can't decrypt
zzz sure, but we've never bothered to fix it for SSU1 in 17 years
zzz that's why I don't want to just invent an answer in 10 minutes
orignal I think there were bunch of probelms like this in SSU1
zzz actually, jrandom's SSU1 didn't have a destroy message at all. We added it later
orignal then current behaviour is right
orignal if you don't get ack for a message few times you assume that connection is dead
zzz sure, it's "right", but not ideal. that was your point, what happens if destroy packet is lost
zzz so we can do better
orignal let me implement termination message first))
orignal found the source of 65 code
orignal what's the bug