IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal I remember the reason why uptime is string
orignal because it was too long
orignal no it shouldn't be
orignal nevermind
orignal zzz, what is uptime is more than few months?
orignal can itoopie handle this value as integer?
orignal e.g. does it support 64 bits?
exokientic just a quick update
exokientic 23.5hr uptime since rebuilding with the latest commit
exokientic Tunnel creation success rate: 31%
exokientic Routers: 4558 Floodfills: 1808 LeaseSets: 0
exokientic Client Tunnels: 248 Transit Tunnels: 708
exokientic Received: 9.52 GiB (186.01 KiB/s)
exokientic Sent: 8.48 GiB (180.79 KiB/s)
exokientic Transit: 6.36 GiB (161.84 KiB/s)
exokientic looking quite good
exokientic eepsites are loading the fastest I have experienced in my own router so far
orignal yes looks good
exokientic average 5 second load time for zzz.i2p
orignal and how much for 333.i2p?
orignal because the same engine
orignal but i2pd
exokientic and biglybt is downloading at a solid average of 100-150 MBps
exokientic let me check
exokientic ~10 second on first load
exokientic first time I ever went to that eepsite so first load
orignal yes it downloads javascipts
exokientic yeah now page load average is 2-5 seconds
exokientic navigating between forums/ posts
orignal also check reg.i2p
orignal one of most busy eepsites
exokientic itoopie app working perfectly for me with i2pd router
exokientic i2pcontrol enable = true
exokientic address = i2pd router static ip
exokientic port = 7650
exokientic password= *user defined*
exokientic works as expected :D
exokientic itoopie app working perfectly for me with i2pd router
exokientic i2pcontrol enable = true
exokientic address = i2pd router static ip
exokientic port = 7650
exokientic password= *user defined*
exokientic works as expected :D
exokientic Blinded message
exokientic zzz.i2p I am now getting:
exokientic 429 Denied
exokientic Denied due to excessive requests. Please try again later.
exokientic Blinded message
exokientic okay im back in to zzz.i2p
zzz orignal, yes, itoopie can handle 64-bit uptime
zzz exokientic, thanks for testing
zzz orignal, can you make "itoopie" be the default password? exokientic said he had to uncomment the password=itoopie config to make it work?
orignal how come?
orignal it's there already
orignal will fix uptime then
zzz ok, not sure what exokientic problem was
RedFox zzz: I did not specify the password in i2pd.cong. It works.
zzz ok, thanks RedFox
RedFox If I close the program to the tray, the data disappears.
zzz yes, I need to research
zzz thank you for testing
zzz I fixed the graphs getting cleared on X-out
zzz thanks exokientic HidUser0 RedFox
R4SAS поправил слегка CSS в консоли
R4SAS а то темный стиль был слигком темным по комментариям некоторых
R4SAS wrt:
R4SAS Uptime: 12 days, 22 hours, 30 seconds
R4SAS Network status: OK
R4SAS Network status v6: OK
R4SAS Tunnel creation success rate: 50%
R4SAS Received: 132.90 GiB (80.29 KiB/s)
R4SAS Sent: 120.68 GiB (80.53 KiB/s)
R4SAS Transit: 115.72 GiB (74.52 KiB/s)
R4SAS Routers: 4795 Floodfills: 1863 LeaseSets: 0
R4SAS Client Tunnels: 40 Transit Tunnels: 567
orignal а памяти сколько сожрал?
R4SAS 10177 1 i2pd S 37620 31% 23% /usr/sbin/i2pd
orignal неплохо че
orignal за 12 дней
orignal а что кстати с их репой?
R4SAS молчание
orignal R4SAS тут интересуются что за проц у тебя
orignal в железке
R4SAS там yangfl сказал что чет слишком много изменений в файлах пакета, и типа много не нужных
R4SAS я ответил, и молчание пока что в ответ
orignal а то некоторые не верят ))
R4SAS MediaTek MT7621
R4SAS вполне нормально держит на 21.02.1
R4SAS на 19.07.6 чет процент в нуль уходил
R4SAS но там и система была не офф поддерживаемой
R4SAS на моем роутере
orignal там небось openssl стоял древний
R4SAS не помню, вроде нет
R4SAS orignal: это кто кстати не верит то?)))
orignal хохол ))
R4SAS ну привет ему)
R4SAS я частенько его наблюдаю повсюду
orignal ага он везде интересуется
orignal даже ygg себе установил ))
R4SAS там чел перевел ш2зв на немецкий
R4SAS сейчас залью, но вероятно будут еще правки
orignal отлично
AVATARJFVULGARDISPLAYOFPOWER я ещё абдуловеру помалу агитирую сюда
AVATARJFVULGARDISPLAYOFPOWER ну, не всю секту а 11 мемберов
R4SAS зачем это на канале dev писать?
orignal потому что шиз ))