IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
DSFGS Hello, we are back in case R4SAS is here.
DSFGS In case people don't want to communicate with us on our Fediverse we thought it best to return here.
DSFGS For those who might not know Fediverse is a decentralised social network. People set up servers like Akkoma, Mastodon, Peertube (for video) and the servers communicate with each other over ActivityPub protocol.
DSFGS To what extend is the i2pd team interested in some sort of fediverse-over-i2p thing? Maybe its not needed because there is this IRC, but we're thinking about more regular users that might just want a social experience over i2p.
DSFGS There is a type of Fediverse server called Epicyon (see that is designed to work on both the clearnet and i2p.
DSFGS Something to think about perhaps. :)
DSFGS For those interested in operating a fedi server in I2P and want a sexy fediverse icon for the website:
segfault orignal: R4SAS: Vort какие роутеры бывают кроме I2P на Java и I2Pd?
segfault я нашёл только какой-то i2p-cs
Vort я слышал ещё про I2P+, но он тоже на Java
DSFGS R4SAS: Re the topic of conflicts caused by reg.i2p, today we will publish a crude list of how reg.i2p's host file conflicts with inr, notbob, and i2p-projekts hosts file.
DSFGS Again we say some of these that will be listed below are false-positives due to a 'sig' not being included at the end of the address/publicKey (eg. zzz.i2p), and other negligable things.
DSFGS Here's the list
DSFGS ahmia.i2p
DSFGS as0.i2p
DSFGS bible.i2p
DSFGS blackbox.i2p
DSFGS blue.proxynet.i2p
DSFGS btdigg.i2p
DSFGS chitanka.i2p
DSFGS darknetlive.i2p
DSFGS echelon.i2p
DSFGS electrico.i2p
DSFGS example.i2p
DSFGS hq.postman.i2p
DSFGS i2psearch.i2p
DSFGS imperial.i2p
DSFGS irc.postman.i2p
DSFGS jalibrary.i2p
DSFGS lolifox.i2p
DSFGS matrix.i2p
DSFGS muwire.i2p
DSFGS paste.crypthost.i2p
DSFGS planet.i2p
DSFGS pop.postman.i2p
DSFGS proxynet.i2p
DSFGS salama.i2p
DSFGS smtp.postman.i2p
DSFGS stats.i2p
DSFGS tracker2.postman.i2p
DSFGS tracker.crypthost.i2p
DSFGS zzz.i2p
DSFGS If our memory is correct. The 'btdigg' and 'example.i2p' addresses provided by 'reg.i2p' seem to us, incorrect. We haven't checked all of them. How we generated the above crude list is with some basic bash scripts, shown below:
DSFGS grep --no-filename -ve '^#' 'hostsFile-A' 'hostsFile-B' 'hostsFile-C' | sort | uniq > 'hosts all (exported)_NO-COMMENTS_SORTED' ## combines different address books into SORTED alphabetical order for processing
DSFGS diff 'hostsFile-A_SORTED' 'hostsFile-B_SORTED' | sed 's/=.*//g' | uniq | sed 's/. //g'| grep -E '.*.i2p'| sort | uniq --repeated ## finds i2p hostnames with differing addresses
DSFGS diff 'hostsFile-A_SORTED' 'hostsFile-B_SORTED' | grep -E '. zzz\.i2p' ## shows how a host (eg. zzz) differs
DSFGS We hope this helps everyone here to check whaat they are putting into their address books.
DSFGS Bye for now
DSFGS R4SAS: PS. the 'bible.i2p' address (listed above) was also incorrect, if we remember correctly. T
DSFGS Thanks for reading.
orignal i2p+ это просто форк джавы
not_bob_afk DSFGS: Are the sig types just wrong? I'm happy to fix.
relaybot 13apophis: great
Guest19924 Здравствуйте. Вопрос по поводу браузера, поставляемого в комплекте с роутером i2pd. Сейчас я проверила несколько "фокусов" для деанонимизации, вроде входа при помощи NTLM авторизации, все они раскрывают информацию о пользователе, в �
Guest19924 епени (в случае авторизации с NTLM - имя компьютера и имя домена пользователя). При этом это только те методы, что я знаю. Насколько я понимаю, автор просто изменил конфингурацию браузера, но сам код неизменен. Вы рассматривали возмо�
Guest19924 раузер Tor или проект на его основе?
DSFGS not_bob_afk said:
relaybot 13apophis: ты что там про федиверсе говорил ?
DSFGS (Regarding the conflicts in reg.i2p's host file) Are the sig types just wrong? I'm happy to fix.
relaybot 13apophis: what where you saying about fediverse on i2p ?
orignal DSFGS stop flooding here
DSFGS orignal: We don't mean to flood. People ask questions and we answer.
relaybot 13apophis: DSFGS: you say, that you could not find any fediverse servers on i2p ?
DSFGS apophis: Hi, thanks for asking. We are interested in user-friendly spaces/eppsites like those offered by fediverse servers, for social engagement and for i2p development.
DSFGS Re the hostnames matter:
DSFGS Of those hostnames previously listed as conflicting, we went through the first eight - five were wrong(?) addresses and one was a better(?) address. Only one was missing variables. See below:
DSFGS -ahmia.i2p- wrong/broken address
DSFGS as0.i2p - ok/better address?
DSFGS -bible.i2p- wrong/broken address
DSFGS -blackbox- ?conflict: both broken or site down?
DSFGS blue.proxynet.i2p - missing extra variables/sigs
DSFGS -btdigg- wrong/broken address
DSFGS -chitanka.i2p- wrong/broken address
DSFGS -darknetlive- wrong/broken address
DSFGS That's all from us.
relaybot 13apophis: You jave not found ANY fediverse servers on i2p ? really ?
orignal stop it now
orignal don't post long texts
orignal use privatebin.i2p
segfault DSFGS use pastebin services
orignal is it clear?
DSFGS orignal: The text we post is not too long.
orignal more than 30 lines
orignal this morning
orignal again. STOP IT
segfault DSFGS: 99% members of this channel do not wont read this text.
DSFGS apophis: Whether we have found a fediserver or not they are too difficult to find. Maybe will be good to try an Epicyon server.
orignal а главное хватит уже грузить этой хуйней
relaybot 13apophis: fediverse is erlang based services. All others are for amateurs. Understood DSFGS ?
DSFGS Dear orignal and segfault, three people have thanked us and asked more questions etc. So maybe 10 are interested.
relaybot 13apophis: there are a few here, based on Pleroma that federate on i2p/tor and also, clearnet.
orignal DSFGS I don't care
orignal if you don't stop you will be banned
relaybot 13apophis: However, you personally, will have to pay to receive instructions on how to get in. You are too "activist" so to say.
orignal this is MY channel and MY rules
relaybot 13apophis: lol
relaybot 13apophis: finally.. orignal is coming to his senses !!!!
orignal and please stop talking about reg while R4SAS is not here
orignal wait for him
orignal 10 people are interested? fine. create another channel and talk there
segfault DSFGS this channel for bug reporting, developers issues, and so on ONLY. If you wont flood, pls go to other channel.
orignal you were told few times that you should wait for R4SAS
orignal but you keep posting your shit over and over
orignal I personnaly to see the chat full of you spam every morning
orignal *tired
DSFGS Thanks for reminder, apophis. Pleroma is heavy with javascript so is not optimal. 'Bloat' and 'epicyon' are js-free alternatives. We'll look into 'erlang' aspect you mention. "Too activist"? lol ok. orignal: We were welcomed here to talk. Yes, woops, R4SAS is not here, we will point him to the major.acetone.i2p transcript later if noone else does. In fairness we post sporadically, you post more to complain
DSFGS about us. Anyway, we are done. Have a good time.
DSFGS PS. it was 'not_bob' who asked about the nature of the conflicts, and he is here. Goodbye.
relaybot 13apophis: > DSFGS: Thanks for reminder, apophis. Pleroma is heavy with javascript so is not optimal. 'Bloat' and 'epicyon' are js-free alternatives. We'll look into 'erlang' aspect you mention. "Too activist"? lol ok. orignal: We were welcomed here to talk. Yes, woops, R4SAS is not here, we <clipped message>
relaybot 13apophis: will point him to the major.acetone.i2p transcript later if noone else does. In fairness we post sporadically, you post more to complain
relaybot 13apophis: Pleroma is an engine. There are a few front ends to it ( javascript or not). Please, leave you amateurish understanding of fediverse to yourself. I will make sure, that your resources will never federate with ours. Useless people that try to pretend that they do not understand rule <clipped message>
relaybot 13apophis: s of this chat are not welcome anywhere. Have a nice day, dear
AreEnn тролли повсюду
DSFGS Default pleroma is JS heavy. You say "pretend to not understand rules" while re-posting long lines of data? Hmmmm
DSFGS Goodbye
relaybot 13apophis: These anonymous "thinkers" that all are afraid of javascript. Why do not you just put your application into "jail" and see, if javascript makes any "weird" outbound connections. But no.... bashing javascript is a new trend, whereas providing your users with inferior experience is a <clipped message>
relaybot 13apophis: must ( for so called security activists ). 10 year old phones run default interface just great ;) Greta Turnberg wannabees ... get a life :)