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anon13913513513 Im not using RS. What are the advantages / disadvantages of RS filesharing compared to BitTorrent over I2P?
` Google?
` anon13913513513, look, for example. I2P torrent-trackers: a) moderated; b)non-popular; c)only for I2P
` RetroSahre: a) non-moderated; b)+- most popular because...(see 'c'); c)can be "integrated" (already) with TOR&ClearNet/IPv6(MESH_like_Yggdrasil)/maybe_other.
` Disadvantages.. need "friends"
Xeha file search is a huge pain in RS
Xeha its bloaty (needs lots of resources)
Xeha just listing downsides, i'd recommend you to try it out
anon13913513513 I can understand point a. By point B, do you mean that there is more content on RS / more people using RS than BT?
anon13913513513 (when comparing to the content listed on postman tracker, for instance)
Xeha anon13913513513: RS is friend-to-friend. So if you peer with enough "friends", you can connect over them to clearnet RS people too
Xeha you can either search for a file, or a shared directory from your "friends".
Xeha if you want to try it out, go to my eepsite. it has a list RS peers from which you can start from (tor+i2p)
anon13913513513 Yeah I guess I will try it
` But DON'T USE BOB/SAMv3 from RetroShare!
` I can send .md file about I2P tunnels for RetroShare.
anon13913513513 by the way, I heard that RS uses GPG. It will not touch my GPG keys, right?
` Aha.
Xeha you create a new GPG pair, it will be stored in ~/.retroshare/...
anon13913513513 Well, I am currently running it and I have added 5 "friends" but it's rather boring because noone is online :/
Xeha now you should have 1 :)
` You can add me
` I2P....txt
anon13913513513 Indeed, Xeha is online now
Xeha anon13913513513: did you configure your i2p inbound too? if so, share your cert (it contains the dest)
anon13913513513 What do you mean by inbound? Sorry I am very new to this, I just followed the steps in the first guide in the channel topic
` got it..
Xeha you added the b32 to the incoming settings in retroshare.
Xeha when you click on "Test" there, does it turn green?
anon13913513513 it says "ok" but doesnt turn green
anon13913513513 changed the port, now it's green
Xeha the port is the one you've put in tunnels.conf
Xeha paste your cert here (you see it at home)
anon13913513513 What is bothering me is that RS just crashed when I tried the b32 test the first time. Now at the bottom RS displays "tor". I think it tries to connect over tor. How do I change this?
anon13913513513 ABCoz2/n0OL6iwOlUpeYZ5H3AxT2+Q2vx2oEE/q/nSf1JQ6Om7BMwwEEYW5vbpBCAAAABAAKb2NlazJweG9nb2FndDJ5dmNsNTN1
anon13913513513 enl4Y3ptbTNja25zM2RhdjZyNmlldzZ1aDNnb3R2YS5iMzIuaTJwkwYBAAB/J/oEA++Sqg==
Xeha if it crashes, you have to set the settings again
Xeha in the Outgoing Manual Tor/I2P, you set the socks5 proxy (port 4447)
Xeha In the incoming you paste the b32 that you got (ocek2pxogoagt2yvcl53uzyxczmm3ckns3dav6r6iew6uh3gotva.b32.i2p according to cert)
Xeha you've selected port 10? that cant be right and wont work well, all ports below till 1024 are privileged (needs root)
anon13913513513 I'm running port 10234
Xeha be sure to put that in there too, the cert you posted had port 10
Xeha ensure automatic i2p/bob is disabled
Xeha then press quit and restart RS
Xeha if everything worked, you should see I2P: <ICON> at the bottom and when you press on Test in the Incoming, it should turn green and say "I2P Incoming ok"
anon13913513513 yeah it works as you describe it, now
anon13913513513 I forgot I had a tor daemon running in the background, I stopped it
Xeha post your cert again
Xeha you can leave tor running
anon13913513513 ABCoz2/n0OL6iwOlUpeYZ5H3AxT2+Q2vx2oEE/q/nSf1JQ6Om7BMwwEEYW5vbpBCAAAABAAKb2NlazJweG9nb2FndDJ5dmNsNTN1
anon13913513513 enl4Y3ptbTNja25zM2RhdjZyNmlldzZ1aDNnb3R2YS5iMzIuaTJwkwYBAAB/J/oEA++Sqg==
Xeha RS uses tor+i2p outbound :) but incoming is either tor or i2p
Xeha thats the same again...
anon13913513513 Sorry, where do I change my cert?
Xeha you dont change it
Xeha you go to home and copy it again
Xeha i manually changed you to port 10234
Xeha your incoming works: https_proxy=http://127.1:4444 curl -vk ocek2pxogoagt2yvcl53uzyxczmm3ckns3dav6r6iew6uh3gotva.b32.i2p:10234
Xeha issuer: CN=* is the id of the node
Xeha the retroshare ID consist of your GPG id, the name, the destination and port.
Xeha Since you changed your setting, the cert also changed
Xeha in the RS chat/forum/mail, you can right click on whitespace and say "paste my certificate" which makes it more easy
Xeha take a look around, subscribe to some forums/boards, download some files
Xeha if you wanna stay, subscribe on the Retroshare *i2p* key/exchange forums and post your cert
Xeha for now, im your relay but its available 24/7 :)
` anon13913513513, I will open PM, send me please your cert via RMB (right mouse button > paste my certificate)
anon13913513513 Talking about files - what kind of files can I usually find on (public i2p) RS? Currently theres not a single file in the 'Files' tab.
Xeha files -> Friends files: listed files, by those who share a list (optional)
` i2puser, are you online?
Xeha files -> search: file search, here you can find files also from my friends and theirs etc
` i2puser, можешь повторить сертификат, ффчате RetroShare I2P User?
i2puser свой?
` i2puser, у меня другая нода - основная - на ней нет тебя, а заходить на предыдущую лень..
` ))0
` i2puser, ну да, через ПКМ там.
` Там полный отправится.
i2puser у меня написано окружение 0/1, наверное доступа нет
` Я думаю ты уже добавил кого-то ещё..
` Я думал*
` Ладно, сейчас передобавлю..
` i2puser, вот тут моя основа ( xeha.i2p/retroshare/I2P-b32.i2p.txt ), добавь ПЖ. И Ксеху можешь добавить тоже, кстати.
` Вот ксеха
Xeha anon13913513513: i've sent you a mail with a link to a file if you want to try DL'ing something.
anon13913513513 I got it and I will try to download it
anon13913513513 By the way, thanks for guiding me through all this
Xeha anon13913513513: btw, update your chat message. instead fo pasting it as text (its wrong), right click on whitespace and click "Paste my certificate link"
` i2puser, Добавил? Запрос получил, я тебя с другой ноды добавил.
` ?
i2puser добавил
Xeha anon13913513513: also you posted the wrong cert again :D its still the old one
Xeha this is yours, anon13913513513:
Xeha ABCoz2/n0OL6iwOlUpeYZ5H3AxT2+Q2vx2oEE/q/nSf1JQ6Om7BMwwEEYW5vbpBCAAAABCf6b2NlazJweG9nb2FndDJ5dmNsNTN1enl4Y3ptbTNja25zM2RhdjZyNmlldzZ1aDNnb3R2YS5iMzIuaTJwBAM2fjM=
` i2puser, ксеху тоже?
Xeha the one ending in Sqg== is your old one with wrong port
` Тогда ждём-с, у него получше тырнет.
i2puser теперь тоже
` i2puser, вижу онлайн!)
anon13913513513 Xeha, ok, thanks for noticing
` i2puser, того, предыдущего "моего", можешь удалить.
Xeha anon13913513513: i've pasted the node link with correct port for you ;)
` anon13913513513, you can use "right button mouse - paste my certificate" for forum too, it's will be better;)
Xeha anon13913513513: somethings wrong with your settings, it still has port 10
Xeha anon13913513513: do you have a space or something between the 10 and the 234 there?
` Xeha, maybe "restart" will help?
anon13913513513 D: no it's 10234
` Hm..
Xeha anon13913513513: type it in yourself, maybe you have some unicode whitespace char in there lol
anon13913513513 I'll try restarting
Xeha i've seen quite some people with port 10, guess its a common bug
Xeha if you restart, on the homepage your cert shoudl end with 2fjM==, not Sqg==
Xeha the "home" page, sorry lol
Xeha i2pd re-routes port 10 to 10234 on connect, so just life with it in case its wrong.
anon13913513513 By the way, shutting my computer down will not cause problems, right? Will everything sync up when I close and start RS again some hours later?
` Xeha, hm, port is still actually?
` Devs talk about short-certs for port
` Maybe that port is unused for now
` Hm, no. I am wrong.
` i2puser has normal port
Xeha anon13913513513: correct
Xeha anon13913513513: if you shutdown now, i'll forward the forum post while you are away since im subscribed too
Xeha other users might answer and once you come back online, you'll resync automatically
anon13913513513 This is weird, I restarted and RS still shows my cert ending with Sqg==
` Xeha, hm, what is my port? "I2P"
` Blinded message
anon13913513513 Well, have a nice day, I am going afk for a while. Thanks for helping. I think I'll use RS for a few days from now and then decide if I want to keep it or not.
Xeha `: 6647
` Xeha, was. Now 9966, if these a sense..