IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Anonymous Hi, does anyone here use i2psnark or something for I2P torrenting?
Anonymous What I am wondering is that max tunnel quantity is 16, right?
Anonymous But torrenting benefits from multiple tunnels, right?
Anonymous Doesn't this limit torrenting A LOT?
Leopold Default tunnels quantity is five. Speed of downloading is depenced only from amount of peers (peoples with them routers)
Anonymous I don't use i2psnark, I use qBittorrent, and the default is 3/3
Anonymous What does tunnels mean in torrenting? Each peer gets a tunnel?
Anonymous I think it is downloading torrents faster with more tunnel quantity
Leopold 3 tunnels for each p2p connection, 2 tunnels are ready to be broken if someone's router will be shutten down. Data is just mirroring as i understand
Anonymous it's only 3 or 5 probably because a) it's mirroring or b) it's better for some reason? maybe bandwidth?
Anonymous We'll see if someone responds in #en
cumlord yeah for sure up to a point more tunnels can divide the bandwidth up bc each tunnel is only as fast as the slowest link in the chain
cumlord you can run multiple instances/routers to get more tunnels but imo diminishing returns past 10 tunnels unless its a large swarm