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eyedeekay Hi everyone, welcome to the dev meeting
eyedeekay 2. Release Status (1.7.0 / 0.9.53)
eyedeekay Anything else to add to the agenda today before we start the release status?
zlatinb I have two small items that could fall into a "wishlist for 1.8.0" item
eyedeekay 3) 1.8.0 wishlist
eyedeekay 2. Release Status(1.7.0/0.9.53)
eyedeekay On my end I do have one remaining item, there is an issue with the .aab bundle build process where static resources that are included from the `i2p.i2p` build are deleted and from the final .aab
eyedeekay For the time being, GPlay is delayed, I'm working on it today and should be done soon.
eyedeekay F-Droid and Freestanding are both .apk's that use the old build process that isn't broken, so it still works.
eyedeekay Are there any other outstanding release processes to finish?
eyedeekay zzz anything to add to the release status topic from your end? I understand BiglyBT released their plugin today, is that correct?
zzz yes
zzz based on expl. build success stats, we've rapidly recovered from i2pd's regression in the last release
zzz and are now at a higher point than any time in the last few years iirc
zzz things should settle out in another week and we'll see where we are
zzz eot
eyedeekay That's really excellent news. Glad things are looking good so far.
eyedeekay Thanks zzz
eyedeekay 3. 1.8.0 wishlist
eyedeekay zlatinb take it away
zlatinb hi, 1) is speeding up initial exploratory build time and 2) JNA
zlatinb 1: I've been doing some analysis, 75% of the exploratory tunnels that do build do so in less than 500ms
zlatinb out of ~30 samples the slowest successful build was less than 2500ms
zlatinb whereas the timeout we have now is 13000 ms, I think reducing that will get the router to RUNNING state faster
zlatinb we don't have to decide now, just floating the idea out there
zlatinb eot on 1
zzz no objections on 1
eyedeekay Sounds like an interesting experiment to try at least, it doesn't seem like it could do any harm
eyedeekay If all the successful builds are so short
zlatinb 2: JNA - we'll definitely need to add JNA to the windows easy install bundle in order to elevate priviledge during auto-update. ProcessBuilder fails if the process requires elevation.
zzz although I'd like to see data over a longer time period before we pick the new number
zzz please back up and define JNA
zlatinb (back to 1) I'll leave a router running with logging enabled
zlatinb (back to 2): JNA is Java Native A-something but it's basically a Java wrapper of native windows linux and mac libraries
zlatinb so instead of writing native code you write java code
zlatinb two jars combined size 3MB, compressed with LZMA down to 2MB
zzz please back up and elaborate on the problem and how prevalent it is
zlatinb while testing silent updates in muwire I saw that ProcessBuilder fails to launch an installer with an "priviledge elevation required" or some such
zzz windows-only problem?
zlatinb googling revealed that it is not possible to do so with ProcessBuilder
zlatinb yes windows-only for now
eyedeekay It doesn't seem to be happening on the Windows Easy-Install to me, is that because NSIS is asking for the elevated privileges and not Java?
zlatinb NSIS is asking
zlatinb if you already run the java with priviledge then it won't ask
zlatinb privilege*
zzz yeah that's my question, windows easy-install has been in beta for months and months, is this a muwire-only problem?
eyedeekay Oh OK, then it will start happening before the next update with ShellExecAsUser
zlatinb do you elevate if launched not from installer eyedeekay?
zlatinb I don't remember seeing an elevation prompt
zlatinb so it should be happening with windows easy-install if launched from desktop shortcut, not as a last step of an installer
eyedeekay No I don't, it runs as the user running the batch script, but only if I2P isn't already running, presumably as an admin
zzz so, before we can start talking about a solution for our easy-install windows bundle, let's verify there is a problem
eyedeekay It does not shut down the router with the browser
zlatinb so if the user doesn't uncheck the "launch i2p now" checkbox and leave the router running, it will run as privileged and not prompt on update
eyedeekay I'm inclined to believe that there will be, but will confirm later this week
zlatinb either way, with 1.7.0 the router is launched as non-privileged even if launched from the installer
zzz and while you can follow your own rules in muwire, any solution in our official products will have to be vetted for suitability, maintenance, license compatibility, etc
zlatinb Apache 2.0
zlatinb looking forward JNA allows us to do anything we like with windows APIs really.. register shell extensions, URI handlers, all that good stuff
zlatinb eot on 2
zzz let's get a couple cycles in on the easy-install auto-updater, which apparently has never worked?
zzz you don't have to wait for a i2p release, just put in a new java, or change something else. let's work out the bugs a little faster
eyedeekay It was broken, then fixed, now apparently it will break again on the next update
eyedeekay But the other solution from my side would be to change the installer so it no longer uses %ProgramFiles% and installs somewhere unprivileged
zzz do a release every week until it's working smoothly. obviously the 3-month pace isn't fast enough to converge on something that works
eyedeekay Thanks for bringing these up for us zlatinb, anything else on 3?
zzz and that will give us data on the extent of the privileges problem, if any
zzz eot
zlatinb no, eot from me
eyedeekay All right anything else for the meeting? timeout 1m
zzz also, use the news to tell your beta testers if the update is broken and they need to re-download
eyedeekay will do
zzz you both have your own news feeds, but aren't using it to talk to your users, you're just relying on my news entries? you should start testing/using that feature
zzz eot
eyedeekay Can do, in the past I added the i2p.firefox changelog
eyedeekay Thanks for coming to the meeting everybody, looks like I've got a lot of work to do, see you all around IRC