IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
eche|on time for some upgrades, services will be down some time today
eche|on ok, system upgrade halfway done, lets see which services need a bit more work
eche|on and I do run several ssu2 test routers
eche|on lets see what breaks^
eche|on oh, latest version shows a window of a completed i2psnark download
zzz yup. like it?
eche|on not so much
eche|on if you have lots of torrents, it blocks the screen somewhat
eche|on and if you have several screens, you do not find them again to close them
zzz it should only tell you when it completes, why would you have a lot at once?
eche|on it is nice information, but IMHO popups are annoying
zzz you can disable it in the systray menu
eche|on not at once, but doesn't it open a window per torrent?
eche|on oh, systray...
eche|on never cared about
zzz what OS? on everything I've tested, they go away after 10 seconds
eche|on linux debian bullseye
eche|on ok, not tested
eche|on just saw iot and closed at once manually
eche|on will see if they close automaticly
zzz what desktop? not gnome...
zzz yeah enabled by default for KDE, because it works. gnome is too broken
zzz SSU2 fixes in -8, thanks to the testers
eche|on good to know
eche|on how bad it is to run -7 for longer now?
eche|on (a few days, does it break your testing much?)
zzz Not critical to update, but I'd appreciate it if the testers stay up-to-date, to make testing and diagnosis easier.
zzz -7 is fine for now
eche|on ok, I try to keep up
eche|on after lunch, I replace -7 on files.i2p---
zzz thanks. if you can't update every few days, probably better to turn ssu2 back off
eche|on not really, just wanted to gather the impact
eche|on (as I just upgraded to -7 2h ago... and enablked SSU2 on a few nodes)
zzz first we try to make it work once... then we try to make it work every time
zzz until we test with i2pd, we don't know if it's right. So far all we know is that java is compatible with java
eche|on at least sth
zzz baby steps
dr|z3d zzz: is the commit policy wrt SSU2 to bump version when an update is recommended?