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mesh so does anybody have any theories why the lynx browser (and the lynx browser alone, no problems with firefox or links) hangs with i2ptunnel+javai2p?
SilicaRice mesh: huh?
mesh SilicaRice: I see the strangest behavior using lynx to browse a local i2p site. Randomly a request will just hang and take a long time
mesh SilicaRice: I have to set the read_timeout (lynx's default read timeout is 5 hours!) and it's not so bad but it's terribly annoying
mesh behavior is not observed in firefox, links or curl
SilicaRice ohh, "randomly" is an important keyword!
SilicaRice any other additional important details?
SilicaRice (also, is i2ptunnel = "standard client" (i.e. lynx, or http_proxy=...?)
mesh yeah it's lynx talking to i2ptunnel,
mesh there was a problem with chunked encoding, apparently lynx doesn't support it, but I removed chunked encoding and gzip
SilicaRice isn't it supposed to autonegotiate those?
mesh SilicaRice: do you have lynx installed?
mesh SilicaRice: rm Lynx.trace & lynx.exe -trace -dump -connect_timeout=60 -read_timeout=10 zio3s6krhwrgp3fegb3ckh35wgnux3snpvee3thgup5b66zflgna.b32.i2p
mesh perhaps increase the read_timeout
SilicaRice wireshark might be interesting to look at too
mesh SilicaRice: I'd be curious to know what happens when you run that command several times, one after the other
mesh you may need to export http_proxy= first
SilicaRice it works fine here with zzz.i2p
mesh SilicaRice: try my uri if you can
mesh if you run it several times you may get an unexpected pause
mesh what's even more infuriating is that links work but it doesn't render my sweet, sweet unicode symbols
SilicaRice is your destination on?
mesh yeah
mesh SilicaRice: what do you see?
SilicaRice HTTP/1.1 504 gateway timeout
mesh increase the connect_timeout and read_timeout
SilicaRice this isn't on lynx's end
mesh it may also take a little bit of time for the lease set to get to you, keep trying if you can
SilicaRice it got the lease, it just can't connect for some reason
mesh SilicaRice: what does it show exactly when you run that command?
SilicaRice the i2ptunnel website unreachable page
mesh btw how do you know it got the lease?
mesh well I've never used wireshark but this behavior is absolutely infuriating
SilicaRice because the error message is "The website was not reachable. The website is offline, there is network congestion, or your router is not yet well-integrated with peers."
SilicaRice instead of "The website was not reachable, because its lease set was not found. The website is probably down, but there could also be network congestion."
mesh huh, you learn something new everyday
mesh SilicaRice: do you have lynx configured to use the right http proxy?
mesh SilicaRice: alright well thanks for trying. can you even load it in firefox?
SilicaRice nope, same issue
SilicaRice are you sure it's up?
mesh SilicaRice: yeah I'm hitting it right now
mesh is the address
SilicaRice weird. never seen it fail to connect like this.
mesh SilicaRice: Usually it takes a good 5-10mins for lease sets to propagate
mesh but it should eventually connect
SilicaRice usually it takes a minute, if my experiments with friendcode are anything to go by
SilicaRice never seen it fail this long before