zzz: outproxy configuration on the client end.. 3 modes.. round robin, random, and redundancy. round robin and random use a set timer to cycle any configured outproxies. redundancy mode would always use outproxies in the order they're listed, only fallback to secondary/tertiary outproxies (in order) if the primary outproxy is unavailable. thoughts?
zzz: just pushed a draft blog post about the arm64 bundle. This is the first time I'm writing a blog post or touching .rst files, pls take a look if I did it right
it renders ok on my local server but I'm not sure I got the links correct
eyedeekay: can you update i2p.newsxml on both update servers?
zlatinb will do, sorry for the lag
thx maybe you know what are the best practices for including links in blog posts?