IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz ping eyedeekay re: website
eyedeekay I'm here, Which thing zzz?
zzz eyedeekay, you apparently broke almost every single translation on the entire website 5 months ago, unnoticed until now
zzz your march 30 checkin looks like you did a tx pull but not a, which breaks all multiline translations
zzz also, you've subsequently checked in some translations, uncommented, with e.g. meeting logs, not sure why
zzz I pulled the new translations and checked them in, that fixed those... then I reran update-existing.po and checked it in, should be live in a few minutes
zzz please don't combine translation updates with other checkins
zzz please be very careful to follow the instructions in the readme when updating translations
zzz it's really bad to have our SEO and translations completely broken for almost 5 months
eyedeekay Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that was what was going on but I remember exactly when what you're talking about happened
eyedeekay Had an email session with echelon about it and everything, I'll re-read everything right away and ping you about questions
zzz well, if you knew you broke it and never fixed it, that's even worse :(((
eyedeekay If I have anyway
zzz I'm also updating the source files and pushing them to tx, we haven't done that in almost a year
eyedeekay No I didn't realize it was broken I just remember the time when I accidentally broke it
zzz ok. and why are translations getting checked in with unrelated stuff like meeting logs?
eyedeekay Same as when I made the same mistake in other places, I was in a hurry and didn't separate the checkins
eyedeekay I made that mistake a lot about that time, trying to do better
zzz ok. I don't think echelon knows much about the website translation stuff, that was all str4d wizbangery. I've been doing the push/pull for years, but not often enough
zzz just be careful, follow the readme, and take your time if you're going to do it
eyedeekay Well I'll re-read it and get it right next time so we have some backup
eyedeekay Will do, sorry for the mistake, thanks for letting me know about it
eyedeekay Can't improve if I don't know
zzz yup
zzz I assume you're working on android this weekend?
eyedeekay Android and also testing Firefox Profile+Separate I2P Router scenarios
zzz don't forget there's some threads on my forum with minor android todo's in there for you, can't remember what or where
eyedeekay Yeah text changes mostly IIRC, I know where they are
eyedeekay Oh and the b32 validator
zzz again, take your time, test and be careful, let's have a good release, when it's ready and not before
eyedeekay Will do
zzz eyedeekay, another thing for your list, after the release...
eyedeekay lay it on me
zzz we'd like to make a list of user count by language, so we can make a prioritized list of the translation "gaps" and give that to the Loc. Lab
zzz you should be able to get that from the ?lang param in the news server logs
zzz this will be better data than just the by-country geoip info from the console
eyedeekay Yeah they will have selected it on purpose, makes perfect sense
zzz I assume eche's news server is logging requests
zzz well, yeah, on purpose if they went thru the wizard on first install, but we'll get it from the locale if not
eyedeekay Ech's server does log requests, mine does too but they go away when I rebuild my news, so my sample will only be for one update cycle for instance
eyedeekay shouldn't be a problem to come up with a count
zzz eyedeekay, also, eche's i2pnews.i2p is returning 503, please investigate
HaruCode i2pforum.i2p does the same. probably the same server
eyedeekay OK I'll figure out what's going on
zzz thanks, if you're stumped lmk and I'll DM eche
eyedeekay Woo got at least part of it
eyedeekay i2pforum clearnet side is back up
HaruCode indeed. out of storage space due to logs?
eyedeekay Maybe, I just got back into it, still figuring out what happened
eyedeekay Close, old backups
eyedeekay And also logs
eyedeekay I2P side is back up too
HaruCode the usual thing whe something works, works, works and then suddenly 503. things need maintenance, you know
eyedeekay Worrying part was that I lost SSH access when it happened too, had to fix it from the VM host, higher stakes
HaruCode whether it is worrying, depends. some system can't accept new ssh sessions when out of storage space. if you can login without changing anything after you freed the space, it's probably ok
eyedeekay Re: i2pnews it's not the disk, it's not the server, and it's not the feed so it's got to be the reverse proxy
HaruCode to me it returns 200 and shows two broken graphs
HaruCode the graphs do return 503 though
HaruCode so it'ts the script which draws the graphs, unless you see no error in direct requests
eyedeekay No issue on direct requests here, that's why I think what I think for now
eyedeekay Might find out different
HaruCode if the backend server for the page itself and the graphs is the same, the database connection might be the issue
HaruCode oh. if it's ok in direct requests, then it's probably proxy indeed. try cleaning its cache
HaruCode also hostnames might be the problem
HaruCode you might see no error because you send a different hostname in your request
HaruCode or it's your result that is cached and the actual state is bad
eyedeekay Could be
eyedeekay not the state, making my requests with wget, should be no cache
HaruCode free space or config on proxy then
HaruCode can't say for sure without looking. try tracing the traffic between the proxy and backend
eyedeekay Proxy is trying to talk to the wrong hostname, but since it worked before and didn't change, and I can still reach it from the proxy host with both wget and curl, so still some kind of mystery to be solved
HaruCode not quite get it: what hasn't changed and what can be reached? and if you didn't change something it doesn't mean other admin didn't. if there are other admins, of course
HaruCode and the wrong hostname might me not related to this site. or it's a bad sign meaning the config has been tampered with. depends on whether you know this "wrong" hostname
eyedeekay Proxy trying to reach the same hostname as it always has, but it isn't able to. But, if I log in to the proxy host and try the same hostname with curl, it works just fine
eyedeekay Looking for clues in the config files
HaruCode aha. local dns issues are likely
HaruCode try using tcpdump to compare how the proxy and curl resolve the name
HaruCode and maybe grepping the configs for the resulting ip
HaruCode and if the name resolution is correct, dump the traffic to see differences in http streams
eyedeekay OK got the name resolution fixed, according to the logs all requests for su3 files have been successful for about 10 minutes and no more failures to connect to the news host, but it's still 503'ing on the homepage
dr|z3d if it's nginx, check /var/log/nginx/error.log or wherever it's stored, might shed some light.
eyedeekay It's apache2 unfortunately, I'm much better at nginx but I'll get it
HaruCode http-error.log should help
eyedeekay I'm looking around in the logs for clues too
HaruCode if it's apache, necessary modules might have not been loaded
HaruCode of the dependencies for the modlue used, like php or perl additional modules
eyedeekay Only new information I've got so far is a warning "Flask-Cache: CACHE_TYPE is set to null"
HaruCode that only means the internal cache is disabled
eyedeekay Yeah it seemed unrelated when I stuck it in a search engine
HaruCode python modules and updates can be tricky. maybe an update happened that broke it
HaruCode the http(d)-error.log has no details?
HaruCode usually the problem is unintended python version switch
eyedeekay Nothing new in the httpd error logs unfortunately
HaruCode well, reinstalling the related packages or rebuilding from sources might reveal the problem, but I can't say how exactly it should be done, since it's os-dependent
eyedeekay Yeah I'm always breaking python stuff that way, gotta be super-careful
HaruCode check which python versions you have and which is the default. the wrong python is number 1 in the list of error caues
HaruCode *causes
eyedeekay about to be sick, back in ~20
eyedeekay That sucked
StormyCloud eyedeekay: You all good?
eyedeekay Yeah I'll be fine
eyedeekay Hey that's a little more helpful, 429 denied, access-control-allow-origin
eyedeekay Got it to show me something useful, pretty sure if I fix that we're back to normal...
eyedeekay Nope, I was wrong, fixed the 503's but the 429's are still there
eyedeekay Nope, wrong about that too
eyedeekay and yet, every single su3 download seems to work without incident
eyedeekay It is down to just the script that generates the stats svgs