IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
eyedeekay Finally un-broke the Android app, should be updated by tomorrow morning
robin Which file in my .i2p directory is the "private key" I need for setting up sessions?
zzz robin, we're still talking about SAM ?
robin Well, I am using it with SAM
robin The i2plib API has places you can specify the private key.
robin In either b64 or binary form
zzz unless your SAM lib does something for you, the SAM client is responsible for saving the keys wherever ahd however you want
robin When I try to start a session with the router I get back InvalidKey error, so I know I need this
robin Hmm. Maybe when I generate the address then. I will look there
zzz if you're the i2plib API, consult the i2plib docs
obscuratus I've haven't looked at the python SAM lib, but when I've been poking around the C libsam3 libs, when I got a key error it was often because the code hadn't been updated to understand the new-ish longer key lengths.
zzz looks like i2plib is by l-n-s so I'm going to send him over to ilita when he returns
obscuratus zzz: I was thinking the same thing. The l-n-s python lib hasn't been updated since 2019.
obscuratus Is l-n-s someone who is still around? Their github stuff hasn't been touched since early 2020.
R4SAS he's away for years
R4SAS what can I say about i2psam lib for python: it works till 3.10
R4SAS for 3.10+ someone will try to fix it, but there is no guarantee
obscuratus Thanks R4SAS.
dr|z3d l-n-s is aka villain afaik.
obscuratus dr|z3d: That would explain why l-n-s's github badge proclaims "Every hero needs a villain". :)