IRCaBot 2.1.0
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R4SAS If someone knows element.i2p owner, tell him to enable gzip for static resources
dr|z3d not transparently gzipping non-server-side resources on the tunnel, R4SAS?
dr|z3d *non-server-side gzipped resources
mesh I think the i2p protocol already does gzip compression
dr|z3d no, the protocol doesn't. i2ptunnel does in java-land.
mesh at least I remember zzz saying that gzip compression is pretty pointless
R4SAS guys, there is HTTPS connection, so I really think that enabling gzip on webserver side more efficient than on i2p tunnel side
R4SAS ah, there also is no cache-control... omg...
R4SAS every page reload it downloads whole buch of resources againg and again
mesh according to, i2cp.gzip defaults to true. But actually that's just between the router and the java client
dr|z3d there are surely some poorly configured web servers out there, R4SAS. no surprise, really.
R4SAS yup, classic
dr|z3d intercept the headers (or lack thereof) on the fly and add some sane defaults. :)
dr|z3d if (cache-control == null) {cache-control = "max-age=3600"} or something.
mesh that site is really slow for me
mesh i2p sites really should be mostly text, cache or not. and ideally images and css would be inline
dr|z3d latest I2P+ shizzle dizzlery, if anyone cares :) tracker2.postman.i2p/attachments/e994432b751e5fd8cd896842
mesh it's too bad the uis diverged
zzz eyedeekay, are you pulling and checking in android translations every release?
zzz because I see very little checkins and I just pulled from tx and got quite a few changes
zzz prompted by a chinese screenshot on twitter, but it appears the missing strings are untagged
zzz I just checked in what I got
zzz Blinded message
zzz I'm out, eyedeekay please reschedule
eyedeekay OMG so sorry I got the DST mixed up
mesh is this normally the time for the meetings?
mesh (well 42 minutes ago)
eyedeekay Yes 8PM UTC
mesh No wonder I always seem to miss em hehe. That's ~0300 for me.
mesh lately though my schedule has been all crazy. End of year insanity.