IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Romster Hi I've been so over worked and not mentally able to do much until recently. lately I've been looking at DSCP marking my traffic and then I looked at I2P and about all i could do is run i2p as a different group and iptables/nftables mark the data going in and out of the network connection as a slightly lower than VoIP traffic. than me just marking DSCP the port that i use. knowing it'll miss a ton of other
Romster ports from others.
Romster my question is priority of data inside i2p streams and DSCP marking of the encrypted packets, but this would become another form of data analysis for what sort of data is being sent.
eyedeekay Apparently, the subreddit community grew by about 3700 people this year, a 17% increase from last year
eyedeekay At least some of which is probably organic
eyedeekay (reddit joke)
obscuratus I put together a patch to allow the adjustment of the tunnel throttling variables.
obscuratus The variables are updated each time the list is cleared.
obscuratus It took me longer than expected because I couldn't figure out why the changes to throttling weren't doing anything on my testing network.
zzz lol yeah no throttles on test network
zzz let us know if you come up with any recommendations
obscuratus OK, will do...