IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz dr|z3d, you ever play with js drag 'n drop?
dr|z3d drag 'n drop, zzz? I don't think I've ever had the need for it. what are you thinking?
zzz just got it working well after about a hundred attempts
zzz dragging urls into snark.
zzz dragging files doesn't work well because you cant get the full path
dr|z3d oh, neat. that's javascript for you, you have to slog it out, often :)
dr|z3d what about using a file manager dialog. still borked?
zzz yeah, again, can't get the full path
dr|z3d this sounds like a continuation of something you did before?
zzz nope, from scratch
zzz so for links you can drop it anywhere on the page. For files the user has to hit the box
dr|z3d you've got me looking for a method to grab the full file path.
dr|z3d I'm also wondering if a javascript file manager dialog can do what apparently java has issues with.
zzz this is js, not java
dr|z3d yeah, I understand that. I'm just having a hard time believing there's not some solution to absolute paths in a java file manager.
zzz and enforced by the browser
zzz you can get the base name and the size and mime type but no path
zzz ewww
dr|z3d let me guess, you don't like swing :)
zzz yeah
zzz the other thing is if we did something like that we'd be browsing the files on the server, not wherever the user is
zzz and seems like a security risk too
zzz if we aren't in fullblown crisis by this weekend I'll probably check it in
zzz Translators please update, there are no new strings, your deadline is TBD :)