IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz last call for translations, deadline in 24 hours
Opicaak Hello, my Rubik's cube brain forgot who it was that solved the frequent IRC disconnects. I hereby summon you, if you want to be added to the credits file.
RN Opicaak, increase the ping timeout in your irc client
Opicaak That's what someone suggested, now I'm looking for that person, if he wants to be credited.
Opicaak I forgot to save his nick at that moment. I think it was T3s, but I'm not sure.
dr|z3d no need to credit me, Opicaak, information wants to be free :)
Opicaak Are you sure?
Opicaak Thanks for the fix, by the way.