IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz perhaps stormy and bigly need to talk
zzz but hopefully just for torrent d/l, not webseed or bt traffic itself
eche|off which reminds me of something
zzz ok. independent of any outproxy issues, it looks like another set of tunnels. I sent him an email with my concerns
zzz sadly, I've turned into a fulltime use-less-tunnels crusader
zzz hmm I wonder if they could even be part of the current problem? Looks like he did point releases with the new proxy tunnels
zzz not sure if they're on by default though
eche|off symptome of not good enough docs :-/
zzz but bigly has done this before, they should know better
zzz tagged on Nov. 29, on Dec. 26, but not clear if he released them
eche|off to bad
zzz dates don't line up with network issues
eche|off state about mac release: still invalid key to sign the files.
zzz again, don't know if on by default. will find out.
eche|off I can create a .dmg to install latest i2p on mac, but with no notarization and thats not good, still working on it.
zzz ok, thanks for update
eche|off wonder if I should publish the signed, not notarized, 2.1.0, while I may need to change the key to sign in process
eche|off if, at all, only as a test
zzz have you tested it?
eche|off it does run on my mac (at least 1 hour)
zzz will apple let it install over top of 1.9.0? Does it just complain or does it bomb out?
eche|off would need to install 1.9.0, but other reported my beta did install wihtout blowing up
eche|off sadie just had a non.dmg install
zzz sure then, put it on my forum with instructions and warnings
eche|off later on^
lbt Is there a way to get I2PSnark to start a torrent that was added in the directory/filesystem using a bash-command or so? It would auto-start after a router-restart, but can I re-start _just_ i2psnark or even just signal it to rescan the directory for new files or something alike?
lbt Starting them manually "looks okay" though, as in "Starting up torrent i2p.www.bundle-complete-git-2023-01-13"
zzz sounds like it, please enter a gitlab ticket
lbt Will do
lbt Thx
zzz thanks
dr|z3d re bigly, probably harmless, zzz. I think that's just for pulling torrents from a tracker.
zzz I asked him to verify it's not for webseed
dr|z3d vaguely recall something in the bigly ui about http torrents last time I used it, which was a long time ago. ok, thanks.
dr|z3d while we're on the topic of torrents, no, I2P+ doesn't have an explicit search feature, it has javascript-based filtering for torrents by status.
dr|z3d if you want to take the existing filtering feature and convert it to query parameters and add search... :)
zzz my suggestion is that you take the lead on it; if you don't bite, it's pretty far down my list
dr|z3d I'd do something with javascript if there was a pagesize query param, but alas.
dr|z3d with a pagesize param, you could perform an ajax search so you hit all pages if there's more than 1.
dr|z3d I did something similar for susidns as a test.
dr|z3d results returned as you type kind of deal.
zzz that's fancier than I'm capable of
zzz still fighting with DnD
dr|z3d well, if you can handle the pagesize param, I can handle the inline instant search. :)
dr|z3d iirc, I temporarily abandoned the susidns search because it got a git laggy with 1000 table rows. but maybe I'll see if it can be optimized.
dr|z3d > iirc, I temporarily abandoned the susidns search because it got a git laggy with 1000 table rows. but maybe I'll see if it can be optimized.
zzz hmm could I drop a cannon snark war into a running canon or would that explode?
zzz should work if you didn't change any jar APIs
dr|z3d should be fine.
dr|z3d I'm assuming you'd run it as a second snark instance?
zzz yeah, just to take a look
zzz external css/js/imgs makes it messy though
dr|z3d not with the standalone.
dr|z3d all contained in the war.
zzz ok, so build standalone, then copy that war
dr|z3d try that, sure.
zzz or just run standalone and avoid any chance of issues
dr|z3d or just download an existing standalone build from postman.
dr|z3d up to you. lots of options :)
zzz the side-by-side in the same jvm might be fun for all the wars, would make your head spin though
dr|z3d there's enough difference that your head shouldn't rotate too much :)
zzz again, all depends on no jar-side changes
dr|z3d you know the phrase, suck it and see :)
zzz you can also try it vice-versa
dr|z3d I don't think there are any canon snark features I'm needing to port :)
zzz lets see what notbob thinks he wants, if he keeps it simple it may not be that hard
dr|z3d at the most basic, he wants what susidns already has.
dr|z3d enter string in box, hit return, existing torrents returned in the table.
zzz sure, but still need to know what I'm searching
zzz is it like postman's search, or something else
zzz and what is postman's search anyway
dr|z3d torrent or magnet name is probably what you want to limit it to. extra points if it takes a partial hash, but that's probably not required.
dr|z3d postman's search is a bit more involved.
zzz thats why I want notbob to do the research and explain what he wants
dr|z3d you're not just searching for a torrent name, you've got category filters and all manner of extra bells and whistles.
dr|z3d I've talked to notbob.
zzz and I believe postman hits filenames too?
zzz then somebody write it down
dr|z3d he doesn't want a search on trackers.
dr|z3d he wants a search for torrents loaded in snark.
zzz no, but I mean it's similar algorithms, maybe
zzz if you search on postman, or search in snark, would it return the same results
zzz given identical torrents loaded
dr|z3d keep it simple, at least initially. just search by torrent name.
zzz cannonball kaboom
zzz Error 500: /i2psnark-plus/ java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.klomp.snark.I2PSnarkUtil.showStatusFilter()Z
dr|z3d not sure that postman's results search by filename, I think the search is by torrent name only.
dr|z3d standalone?
zzz no, dropin
zzz API change
dr|z3d standalone it is then.
zzz yup
dr|z3d showStatusFilter is the torrent filtering based on status.
zzz I assumed.
dr|z3d you'd need the .jar and the .war and the themes dir to make that work in canon. I should have known.
zzz It was the standalone war, just not running standalone.
dr|z3d ah, so probably relying on the existing i2psnark.jar then.
zzz right, thats the explosion I predicted if you made any jar changes
zzz which, if you're adding new config options, is impossible to avoid
dr|z3d *nods*
dr|z3d in-snark browser lightbox also diverges also with canon, and there's probably more.
zzz I think postman needs to up his per-client conn limits, I can't get past the first page due to all the added icons
zzz you seen that problem?
dr|z3d could just be a temporary tunnel fail. try a refresh.
zzz the first page loaded in a heartbeat but now I'm stuck
dr|z3d I occasionally see the page loaded without assets.
dr|z3d so you're trying to browse to page 2 and it stalls?
zzz yeah I'm blocked out
dr|z3d just hit pages 1-4 and no issue.
zzz you may have had things cached, depends when you were last there
dr|z3d true, though I've not bumped into that issue before. postman doesn't use the tunnel throttler afaik, he uses a custom solution, so if you're blocked, it's usually on the page/section, not globally.
zzz new tunnel and all good
dr|z3d *thumbs up* was just about to say..
zzz confirmed postman does not match on file name but does match on Description, Owner, and Genre
dr|z3d none of those are really relevant to snark.
dr|z3d if you start with torrent name, you can build out the features afterwards.
dr|z3d I could see search by download size being useful. +500M or -200M or whatever, for >= or <= in similar vein to linux's find.
dr|z3d or whatever syntax seems most intuitive. but just by torrent name would be a good start.
dr|z3d you'd be returning results in the table as per normal listings, so that probably limits the theoretical scope of the searches
dr|z3d (at least initially)
zzz postman search for multiple terms is odd
zzz Mystery Thriller returns lots; Mystery lskjflksdjlksdj returns nothing
dr|z3d exact search terms only I think is the rule.
dr|z3d (no fuzzy matching)
zzz not talking about fuzzy, but about AND vs OR
zzz ok it appears to be strictly AND
dr|z3d *nods*
zzz you know who was asking for "magnet dump" or why that's any better than BT scrape?
dr|z3d no idea, haven't looked at the format of the dump.
zzz CSV according to news
dr|z3d better than a scrape because scrape is single torrent only on postman I suspect. that data's probably intended for importing into a different tracker or whatever.
zzz its an odd, ad-hoc format
dr|z3d grumble to postman :)
zzz no, just saying I wonder who the customer is that convinced him to do it
zzz #Torrent Name;Magnet Link (dump created: 2023-01-13 16:08:01)
zzz SAGA 1978 - Saga "COOL";magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5131807abba39272c635c414e4c3f587f3a352f8&dn=SAGA+1978+-+Saga+%22COOL%22&tr=http://tracker2.postman.i2p/announce.php
zzz 56765 more rows
dr|z3d yeah, no idea who the target audience is.
zzz it's all you need for history, or backup, or a simple standalone search engine
zzz if he crashes or vanishes
zzz RIP brittanysworld.i2p and Yellow Submarine.mp3
zzz which may have been 1st i2p torrent iirc
dr|z3d avoid the rabbit hole!
dr|z3d you were trying to get standalone cannon snark working. did you get there?
zzz another day
dr|z3d in standalone mode, it's one command. but whatever suits :)
zzz you don't have home page search enabled by default in cannon? I see you put all that work into the provider list
dr|z3d it's enabled, sure.
zzz typo:
zzz "nitter.skank.i2p" + S + "hhttp://nitter.skank.i2p/search?f=tweets&q=%s" + SOURCE + S +
dr|z3d ah, thanks.
dr|z3d fat fingers wins again :|
zzz join club
dr|z3d never did figure out how to set a default search engine that persists restarts.
zzz you ever get any feedback on search? I wonder if anybody uses it
zzz you have a long list of special-purpose sites that would be unproblematic
dr|z3d never solicited feedback, but I think it does get used. notbob uses it, I occasionally hit up zzz.i2p with queries.
zzz might help the reddit "I installed it, now see this, wut do?" posts. might not.
dr|z3d can't hurt. but if user is stuck on "how do I browse .i2p sites?" not going to help.
zzz sure, still have the proxy problem, but easy-bundle fixes that
dr|z3d true. well, up to you. I think it's a pretty useful feature to have on by default.
dr|z3d and if you're in the i2p+ source, you'll see there are plenty of reasonable default engines.
zzz another fatfinger:
zzz "raklet.i2p" + S + "http://ransack.i2p/search?page=1&query=%s" + SOURCE + S +
dr|z3d yeah, already fixed that, noticed after you mentioned the first, thanks :)
zzz anyway, magnet dump is a good doomsday file, save a copy but hope we don't need it
zzz eyedeekay, reminder, still need your gpg key
eyedeekay Oh right, I promised to check that in on the website too
eyedeekay I'll mail it too you right now
zzz thanks
zzz while we're talking promises, how about version/link on fdroid, and stickers for translators?
eyedeekay Working through my backlog, doing the sticker post as we speak
eyedeekay I'll do F-Droid tonight too
zzz wouldnt have bugged you if you hadn't promised "that night" or "real soon" or similar :)
eyedeekay No problem
eyedeekay Keys all checked in, next on the list is the forum post then f-droid and I have to get back to echelon