IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d in other news, zzz, your pagesize param for i2psnark came in handy. torrent filtering now applies globally, not just on the visible page. so thanks again for that.
zzz super
zzz you'll still probably want to switch to my way eventually, so you can page through the results
dr|z3d yeah, once I've figured out how to take your live search code and integrate it, maybe I'll think about paging the filtered results.
dr|z3d one thing about the ajax refreshes, somewhat related..
dr|z3d you don't need to request anything other than the html. CSP will handle that.
dr|z3d > resp.setHeader("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'none'");