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zzz dr|z3d, would you please help me out on zzz.i2p accessibility? re: zzz.i2p/topics/3587
dr|z3d let's have a look
zzz thanks
dr|z3d try this: set the body font to 12px, set the wrapper to min-width: 760px; width: 60%; max-width:100px;
zzz max 100?
zzz max < min?
dr|z3d sorry, typo. max-width:1100px;
dr|z3d oh. and we're dealing with Igillis here. *laughs*
dr|z3d just noticed.
zzz is this not a legit request?
dr|z3d I'd do what I've suggested above regardless, but if you want insight in the OP, talk to postman. he has opinions :)
dr|z3d *into
zzz are the wrapper changes sufficient? I'd rather not do 12px
dr|z3d try this as well: .post-body -> line-height:1.6;
dr|z3d adjust to taste, you can probably get away with 1.5 there.
dr|z3d if you don't want to change font-size, that's also fine.
dr|z3d and yeah, the font-size argument in the post is a red herring I suspect. line-height is probably what's causing text overlap.
zzz I don't see post_body kicking in at all, it's the id for the form but the css is for the class?
zzz wrapper change is live
dr|z3d yeah, that's for the post content, or should be.
dr|z3d it shouldn't make a huge difference to the content display at native res with standard font sizes, but it might help with the specified issue.
dr|z3d what you have re font sizes, for reference, is a body font that fixes the size of everything unless overriden to 11px. removing the line would set the font to the size of the browser's default, usually 16px?
dr|z3d you could specify the font size as a percentage of the configured browser default, to get a font that scales according to the configured browser font, which would be something around 70% to keep it ~equivalent to 11px.
dr|z3d wrapper width is a separate issue, so not directly relevant, but I think the change is a good one.
zzz I don't get overlapping text at any magnification
zzz not forcing the width to 760 makes the header pic repeat, but that's fine I guess
dr|z3d yeah, it's not magnification he's talking about, it's the default font size set in the browser. magnfication will scale everything proportionately.
dr|z3d try this on the .header class: background-size: cover;
zzz i guess there's nothing special about 1100 width max, why not 1600 or just don't set at all?
dr|z3d it's about optimal values. set the width too wide, the text becomes harder to read.
dr|z3d field of view and all that.
dr|z3d and also proportionality relative to the content.
zzz yeah but would that help accessibility to have more on the screen?
dr|z3d not beyond a certain point, no.
dr|z3d 1100px max is about right for the content.
dr|z3d here's another tweak for you:
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d width: 1%;
dr|z3d white-space: nowrap;
dr|z3d min-width: 120px;
dr|z3d padding: 8px;
dr|z3d text-align: center;
dr|z3d vertical-align: middle;
zzz what does that do
dr|z3d sets the avatar and username in posts centered, adds some padding, limits the width so it doesn't take more than needed.
dr|z3d vertical-align is superflous, can lose that.
zzz bg-size: cover worked
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
zzz tweaked .profile to my taste, applied
dr|z3d great.
zzz thanks, let's leave it there for now and see what OP thinks
dr|z3d got one more proposed set of changes for you.
dr|z3d if you add them to the bottom of the css you can tweak them/nuke them as required.
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d float: left;
dr|z3d width: 100%;
dr|z3d margin-top: 5px;
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d display: none;
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d width: 1%;
dr|z3d white-space: nowrap;
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d width: 1%;
dr|z3d white-space: nowrap;
dr|z3d with those changes, you'd probably want to put the twitter/rss links in the footer.
zzz what are you trying to solve?
dr|z3d a website refugee from the 1990s :)
dr|z3d joking aside, space usage.
zzz more clues plz? where is .home-left/right?
zzz found it
dr|z3d homepage, full width for topic table, lose the twitter/rss icons, adjust width of tds.
dr|z3d twitter/rss links would go in the footer or header.
dr|z3d perhaps with additional links to stats.i2p, hostname registration page and plugins page.
dr|z3d can lose the float:left in .home-left with the above. not needed.
zzz taking margin-top, passing on the rest
zzz thazzit for now, thanks
dr|z3d sure thing.
dr|z3d font-size: 70% for body is probably worth doing. that'll keep Igillis off your back without much of an impact if your looking at the site with default browser font size set.
dr|z3d in any event, I can't reproduce the issue he detailed, so you're probably fine regardless.