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RN is the stat router.integratedPeers the same as displayed "Active Peers?"
obscuratus RN: No, router.integratedPeers is the same as FloodFills.
RN hmmm... jsonrpc doesn't agree with console...
RN and it gives the same value for thoe
RN those
obscuratus RN: Are you saying router.integratedPeers is tracking "Active Peers" for your router?
obscuratus I graph router.activePeers and router.integratedPeers for my router, and they both track with what I expect, with activePeers being what it say, and integratedPeers tracking Floodfills
RN in the console it is fine, just what I'm getting in conky they are the same number
RN and what conky shows is closest to active peers in console
RN double checked a dozen times if I missnamed the function or stat or mistyped it where it is invoked
obscuratus You've tied conky into I2P. :) Hhhhmmmm. Ok, I'm impressed.
RN no, idk did that
RN I'm just tinkering with it
RN he uses lua to handle i2pcontrol/jsonrpc