IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz thx obscuratus
orignal wb, zzz
zzz thanks
T3s|4 zzz: it's really great to see you back!
RN Woot! Welcome back!
eyedeekay +v organize
eyedeekay God I hate IRC on Android
orignal zzz.i2p ?
eyedeekay Now, organize, the reason that DNT is not a fingerprinting issue on I2P or when using an outproxy is because DNT doesn't make you more unique unless you're the only one using it
orignal what is DNT?
eyedeekay If you've got a properly configured browser, DNT is on, if you don't, it isn't
eyedeekay Do Not Track, the header thing that browsers sometimes send
orignal organize or organise?
eyedeekay organise
orignal I thought you want someone to organize something
eyedeekay Guess I'm not speaking the King's English today
orignal use tab
orignal so, it would be nice to see zzz.i2p online even with a placeholder page
orignal as a proof that zzz is back
orignal I trust I2P keys, but not nickserve's database
eyedeekay If jump opspeople are talking about expiring dead hostnames then maybe a non-forum placeholder would be helpful
Opicaak Sending DNT is most of the time completely useless.
eyedeekay If services don't honor it it does nothing but when you recommend a browser configuration you have to choose either everybody has it on or everybody doesn't. It's not choosing that causes it to be harmful
eyedeekay Fingerprintable characteristics only matter if they differ in externally visible way
Opicaak Whoever is organise, s/he can't talk.
Opicaak eche|on, +v organise?
organise Thanks fellow crimethinkers
Opicaak eyedeekay, DNT is also deprecated, and should no longer be used.
Opicaak Hello, organise.
orignal so, i2p-dev is in +m now?
organise As stated, according to the EFF who operate the service, of those people that take the test, ie. of those people who are interesting in maintaining their privacy, the DNT header splits *that* very population into two.
orignal Haven't been here for a long time, just entered to greet zzz
organise Europe have made DNT an enforceable law since DNT was deprecated apparently.
Opicaak Wait wtf? EU requires this header to exist?
eyedeekay organise that's true but that's describing the problem not the solution, the solution is to have your application, i.e. the browser, behave in a uniform way, i.e. not split the population
eyedeekay That's why I spent all that time on browser config
organise Not quite, if someone says DNT: 1 then it is an offence not to honor it.
eyedeekay Literally exactly what i2p.plugins.firefox is for
organise Blinded message
Opicaak Interesting, so you could quite literally report almost every website in the EU for not honoring it.
organise eyedeekay, Okay so your work adds the DNT to Tor/Firefox etc?
RN but if my eepsite does not honor it, how are you going to come after me?
RN you can't
Opicaak I assume this is about accessing clearnet sites through i2p.
RN it is irrelevant in I2P
RN but also eepsites generally don't use google analytics and such anyway
organise Well, it depends on how many hands can see what you are doing. In a large company a whistleblower can probably come forward and report them to the EU
organise Blinded message
RN orignal, I believe the +m was set due to spam issues
orignal practicaly it means than an ordidary newbie can't ask thier question to the devs
orignal btw, I could when I was I newbie in I2P and there was no +m on i2p-dev. Pity
eyedeekay organise yes i2p.plugins.firefox adds it among other things, it makes you look like the arkenfox/librewolf style profile, or TBB if it's available
organise Okay, that's great to hear. Thanks. I hadn't been able to test that. Last I checked, Tor Browser does not add the header.
organise Tor Project probably figured it might break functionality of some sites.
organise Blinded message
eyedeekay In general they tend to be a little more concerned with looking like a "normal" browser by default, which IMO is slightly inconsistent for them and extremely inconsistent for us. Tor exits are well known, and in our case, almost everybody who will have the same exit IP. There's no hiding that you're egressing an anonymous network, so what matters is having everybody on the same config and limiting available
eyedeekay variation
organise Agree.
organise On this topic of having a good browser configuration, it is probably not great that all the instructions on this page seem to go to clearnet sites (http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/download/firefox)
organise Blinded message
organise Blinded message
eyedeekay It's already on my list
eyedeekay An i2p equivalent of a.m.o. would be great too but there's an insane amount of tooling to write before that's viable
organ1se eyedeekay What is "a.m.o."? It looks like you have a fine site (git.idk.i2p), albeit it does require js, which people seeking the setup will not be able to comfortably handle yet, I guess.
organ1se Is that what you mean?
organ1se Maybe this is a good link to use? (http://git.idk.i2p/idk/i2p.plugins.firefox/-/raw/main/
organ1se Maybe this is an off-topic gitlab question, but why does the build.html render the html verbatim? (http://git.idk.i2p/idk/i2p.plugins.firefox/-/raw/main/docs/BUILD.html)
organ1se Anyway the raw displays in a predictable way (http://git.idk.i2p/idk/i2p.plugins.firefox/-/raw/main/docs/
organ1se I notice that there are some TODO's in that
dr|z3d you're looking at the *raw* file, that's why you're seeing the contents of the file.
dr|z3d md files, when not displayed as raw, are rendered by gitlab. html files aren't, outside of the framework of the software itself.
organ1se dr|z3d yes, maybe I assumed poorly that the browser would render the HTML nicely.
organ1se Anyway I'd like to chip in. What are the exact files that I need to go through to outline exactly how Strict Mode customises the browser? I will attempt to go through the files and this will also help those masochists who are obsessed with manually doing this stuff. lol
eyedeekay build.xml mostly, by and large it is generated from other tools, and all the md files
eyedeekay As for the html files, for most of my work repo==site, give the site generator a repository, it finds the markdown files and uses them to generate a website, which I then clone back into the eepsite docroot
dr|z3d are you around for a while, eyedeekay? and obscuratus, you about?