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zzz orignal, re: SSU2, I checked my notes, where I call it a "clone attack"
zzz eyedeekay told me about it in May, for both SSU2 and NTCP2. I told him to tell you NTCP2 was not affected, and you agreed
zzz on 6/11 eyedeekay sent me more details. On 6/12 I suggested he ask you to write it up as a proposal
zzz on 6/25 he replied that you agreed to write it up
zzz afaik that's where we still are today, and that's still my recommendation
zzz even if you don't want to put in the work yet to document a solution, starting the proposal with a description of the problem/attack is the best way to start
dr|z3d Is there any value in reverting the mega segmented netdb patch until it's refactored?
dr|z3d I mean, it's still early enough in the commit tree to pull it, rework it, and then recommit it when it's fixed, ideally in scoped commits and not one huge "throw everything in and cross fingers" commit.
eyedeekay You mean the merge commit?
eyedeekay I'm not against reversing it but erasing the history of the master branch doesn't seem good, if I do it I'll have to find a way to do it without that