IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz eyedeekay, eche|off eche|on there's a major problem with the news being served at tc73n4kivdroccekirco7rhgxdg5f3cjvbaapabupeyzrqwv5guq.b32.i2p/news.su3
zzz <i2p:release date="2023-01-10" minVersion="0.9.9" minJavaVersion="1.8">
zzz <i2p:version>2.3.0</i2p:version>
zzz <i2p:update type="su3">
zzz <i2p:torrent href="magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f7d9ddeddb17ae728900c84e49debf7de5ebfa8a&amp;dn=I2P+Update+2.2.1&amp;tr=http://tracker2.postman.i2p/announc
zzz e.php"/>
zzz <i2p:url href="http://mgp6yzdxeoqds3wucnbhfrdgpjjyqbiqjdwcfezpul3or7bzm4ga.b32.i2p/2.2.1/i2pupdate.su3"/>
zzz </i2p:update>
zzz </i2p:release>
zzz the version is 2.3.0 but the magnet and direct downloads are for 2.2.1
zzz the update fails "version mismatch"
eyedeekay Ack I'll figure out what's happened and fix it tonight
zzz thanks. whats in i2p.newsxml looks right (except for the release date)
zzz commit 1829ed012e0f7d8cde4b3a44cfbdf2c65caef7e2
zzz Author: eyedeekay <idk@mulder>
zzz Date: Tue Jul 11 17:27:23 2023
zzz fix version numbers and blog post URLS
zzz it looks like eche|on rebuilt on 7/11 but without your fix?
zzz and how did you guys go 11 days without realizing the error after the release, and then eche still didn't fix the news right and nobody caught it?
zzz and 3 months later still busted?
zzz I don't know how or why you got as much of the net on 2.3.0 as you do
eyedeekay Easy-install defaults to my news but otherwise it's tc7, must have fallen to the backup at some early point
RN building -8 Σ:Đ
RN 2.3.0-8 available on I2Peek-a-Boo.i2p
RN what's the status on Macintosh installer and or updating. Got someone stuck on 1.9.0
zzz eche|off, eche|on, please let me know when you fix it so I may retest
zzz or eyedeekay if you fix it let me know
eche|off what fix?
eche|off currently I get no email, don't know why
zzz see 12 hours above ^^^
zzz news broken at 2.3.0 release late June
zzz eyedeekay fixed it in newsxml July 11
zzz you rebuilt news July 11 but _without_ the fix
zzz metadata has 2.3.0 release number but 2.2.1 magnet and URL
eche|off oh, I di dnothign on that for ages now
eche|off no time for anything
zzz well, it's wrong and been wrong for 4 months, and people can't update to 2.3.0 because of it
zzz please pull newsxml
eche|off as soon as I got time
zzz verify in releases.json that the magnet and URL are right
eche|off tomorrow or weekend
zzz rebuild news
zzz let me know
zzz thank you
zzz we're failing at the basics which is getting releases to people
eche|off I do not know howtro verify. if the pull pulls worng data
eche|off but we will see later on
zzz well, I wasn't here, but apparently he fixed it on July 11, but you didn't get the fix
zzz here is how to verify so you know:
zzz magnet starts with b3a8
zzz url has 2.3.0 in it
zzz in file data/releases.json
zzz subsession LS MR is up for review
zzz and working on the next one which will be about 700 lines of reversions
zzz as for the news fix, it's been broken for 4 months, so what's another couple days...
zzz eyedeekay, next big 'design intent' question
zzz I was going to wait until we finished the multihome discussion but I'm stuck on it now
zzz can subdbs have RIs in them or not?
zzz whichever the answer is there's a lot of inconsistencies in the code to be resolved
zzz this is another big topic right up there with multihome
dr|z3d possible issue with the latest patchset:
dr|z3d Error processing job [Lookup LeaseSet for Client] on thread 8
dr|z3d java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.lookupDestination(, net.i2p.router.Job, long," because the return value of "net.i2p.router.client.ClientConnectionRunner.getFloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade()" is null
dr|z3d at net.i2p.router.client.LookupDestJob.runJob(
dr|z3d at net.i2p.router.JobQueueRunner.runCurrentJob(
dr|z3d at
zzz hmm
dr|z3d this line:
dr|z3d // TODO tell router this is an encrypted lookup, skip 38 or earlier ffs?
dr|z3d _runner.getFloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade().lookupDestination(_hash, done, timeout, _fromLocalDest);
zzz reproduced here, thanks, will work on it
zzz missed a whole bunch of spots that need null checks after that MR
dr|z3d ok, good, not a heisenbug then.
zzz no, thankfully
zzz oh good, the fixes are mostly revert revert revert
eyedeekay Sorry you've been talking to my bouncer all morning, outage, no connection until now, signing and uploading thew news now
zzz dr|z3d, fixed/briefly tested/pushed on top of MR 136, thanks again
dr|z3d nice, zzz, thanks.
eyedeekay news should be fixed up on tcy finally
eyedeekay Hmmmm... BSD?
RN Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-1043-realtime x86_64)
RN not my box, but I have shared access
RN it is moving ~250KB/s+ up/down so performing well. curious if we should apply the suggested fixes from the log entry
RN revision: e204c50....
eyedeekay You can, IIRC we use jbigi way less than before but still use it in a few important places, zzz would know better than me on that one
eyedeekay Hmm, that ELFCLASS32 thing seems like a possible cause...
eyedeekay Does `file /tmp/i2p-CaaN0SAK.tmp/` agree that it's a 32-bit ELF?
eyedeekay If that's the case then the solutions aren't likely to work
eyedeekay Should say something like: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked
dr|z3d eyedeekay: you want to put teddit.i2p on the canon homepage?
dr|z3d if we're trying to migrate people off reddit, probably a good move.
RN hrrrrm... 'no such file or directory'
RN that's not great.
eyedeekay dr|zed yeah might be a good idea
dr|z3d check /tmp/ for random i2p- dirs, RN.
eyedeekay or maybe `find /tmp -name -exec file {} \; 2>/dev/null` or possibly also `sudo -u i2psvc find /var/lib/i2p -name 'libjcpuid*.so' -exec file {} \; 2>/dev/null`
RN yeah, got the dir /tmp/i2p-CaaN0SAK.tmp/ with several jetty dirs and a snark dir, but no in there
eyedeekay Well that would also cause that error at least according to StackOverflow
eyedeekay zzz been having some spam filter issues finally found your reply re: multihomeDb and disableSubDbs and replied back
zzz RN et al the real problem is the first one - the stack guard thing
zzz the 2nd error was just it trying the 32 bit lib after the 64 bit one failed
zzz please file a ticket with the logs from the paste and full version info from /logs in console