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puhaha hello,everyone. I have a question. As a proxy, I2P can help us access websites anonymously. We can access websites ending with .i2p, and we can also access surface websites. But when accessing surface websites, why is it sometimes slightly slower, and sometimes failed?
eyedeekay I2P outproxies are volunteer run services which your I2P proxy uses to reach sites. They are subject to some constraints. Exit-bound traffic traverses client hops+server hops+proxy-to-clearnet host, which is a pretty long path, and the outproxy itself serves many clients. This can sometimes cause an outproxy to be slow or low on resources.
eyedeekay zzz re: !144 #402 ack, merge when you're ready
zzz oooh quick turnaround, thanks for the review
zzz are you waiting on me for anything?
eyedeekay If you could glance at 142 again I would appreciate it but no rush
dr|z3d puhaha: if you experience fail on an outproxy, restart your http proxy tunnel.. occasionally an outproxy instance may be temporarily unavailable. if the problem persists, poke StormyCloud or myself.
dr|z3d also, if you're using i2p or i2p+, you can add multiple outproxies to your http client tunnel config which can help.
zzz eyedeekay, you still did not remove MIN_VERSION_HONOR_CAPS
eyedeekay Oh thanks I'll get that in a minute
zzz other than that, assuming it compiles, ACK
eyedeekay Super I'll merge it after I remove the unused var
zzz eyedeekay, I think FNDS is now in its final form. It was almost 1000 lines in -1 and now is 133, mostly comments.
zzz see how simple things can be? :)
zzz eyedeekay,
zzz if (_client != null) {
zzz ...
zzz } else if (_client == null) {
zzz ...
zzz } else {
zzz if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
zzz _log.error("No handling provisions for message: " + data);
zzz WTF
eyedeekay Yeah lol I really overcomplicated things
zzz ^^ that's in InboundMessageDistributor
eyedeekay That would fall as squarely as possible into the 'log everything I see and try to understand it' category of errors in my part
zzz is this a Schrodinger's Cat situation, the _client is neither null nor non-null?
zzz logging the impossible won't help you understand anything (((
eyedeekay Yeah I see that
eyedeekay But re schroedinger yes, client is one of the two and that affects handling and what we log
zzz one of the two what?
zzz cases I guess
dr|z3d cats!
zzz perhaps
dr|z3d that's the dilemma.. are they there or not? :)
dr|z3d some minor housekeeping tasks.. update to latest Tor browser user agent, maybe pull the latest RRD4J patches.
zzz anyway, good news is, after two months of clearing out the weeds I'm finally down to the guts of this thing, which is InboundMessageDistributor, and the Handlers
dr|z3d excellent. and what's your assessment of the mitigations?
zzz we'll see
dr|z3d non ffs shouldn't be handling direct lookups, no?
dr|z3d why not just ask a ff?
zzz as stated in the OP
zzz when you run out of ffs
dr|z3d iirc there was concern that direct lookups were part of a concerted strategy to deanonymize routers.
dr|z3d how would you run out of ffs?
dr|z3d or is that a hypothetical?
zzz they all get expired, or you didn't get any in the initial reseed
dr|z3d I think the main concern was direct lookups for locally hosted leasesets.
dr|z3d details are slightly fuzzy, but that shouldn't be allowed to happen, even if we do relax the non lookup blocks, no?
dr|z3d or maybe this is all moot with the subdb protections.
zzz I'll await eyedeekay's reply rather than guess
zzz it's blocking RIs too, not just LS
eyedeekay dr|zed that was one concern, we were also concerned about it being abused for blocklist crowding attacks(to coin a phrase) but I don't think it's right to do anymore b/c of the issues zzz raised
eyedeekay Direct lookups for local leaseSets should also not be harmful with subdb's anymore
T3s|4 zzz: thanks for your Schrödinger reference. Damn glad I updated my understanding of the still unsolved quantum superposition 'problem'
eyedeekay I'm tempted to say that it can all go back to the way it was less the subdb-specific changes
eyedeekay *I don't think it's right to do anymore b/c of the issues zzz raised - and also the issues we were trying to fix are solved better elsewhere
RN So are my routers asking me to downgrade?
RN Since 2.3.0 every dev version installed shows the news item to 'update' to 2.3.0 and dismissing the news item does not make it go away.
RN also I have a 'download unsigned update' even though I have downloaded and applied my latest update.
zzz eyedeekay, lets think about it some more
eyedeekay Yeah I still have questions
eyedeekay RN what news server?
RN default. I didn't change that part.
RN I'm used to in in plus, I mean he has a new version every time a politician lies... ;)
RN bit in Canon it used to go away after reading it and clicking hide
RN I do have the unsigned updates configured to my builds if that makes a difference.
zzz the news and the download button are two different things
RN yeah, both seem to be stuck...
zzz it will always show at least 1 news header in the sidebar
dr|z3d yeah, about that. thinking about decoupling checks for news updates and checks for unsigned updates, so new update servers aren't hit so frequently.
zzz but you shouldn't see it at the top of the console after you click hide
RN I swear it used to drop out of the sidebar
dr|z3d *news update servers
RN am I crazy?
dr|z3d you're confusing canon and cannon, perhaps.
RN hahah
dr|z3d in canon, sidebar news is only shown if the news section is hidden.
RN no, as I said when you were disconnected...
dr|z3d sorry, cannon.
RN I'm used to in in plus, I mean he has a new version every time a politician lies... ;)
RN hrrmmm... maybe you're right about hiding it....
RN but the dl button... last build I made was -10 and it is applied to this particular router... but the dl button is showing
dr|z3d if you updated manually, you may still be seeing the official update.
dr|z3d you can tweak your last update config if you don't want to see it.
RN yes I am seeing the message to update to 2.3.0 it keeps coming back
RN but I did not update manually, I used the built in mechanism
dr|z3d well, strange then. could be related to the news not being updated for a while.
RN this news thing happens both on Canon and Plus
RN I'm on -83+ and it is telling me to upgrade to 2.3.0... LOL
RN I did do a drop the file in update to revert Plus to -14+ a couple times, but did not do that with Canon, only applied the updates through console
RN anyway... I'll probably bring this up again after next release
RN where is this last update config?
dr|z3d router.config
RN hmmm...
RN is that an epoch time?
RN router.updateLastDownloaded=1688148101906
RN router.updateLastInstalled=1695897639296
RN last installed > last downloaded.... that doesn't make it consider it has been done?
RN previous version is wrong. It shows 2.3.0 when it should show 2.3.0-9
RN or is that just for release versions?
dr|z3d previous version afaik is just major release version.