IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
puha Question: Does every node have leasesets?
dr|z3d every router that hosts services has leasesets.
dr|z3d we don't have nodes, we have routers.
dr|z3d LeaseSet
dr|z3d A group of tunnel entry points (leases) for a destination. Note: A 0-hop server tunnel will only have one lease, regardless of the number of tunnels configured.
puha If I were an ordinary router and didn't run services, I wouldn't have leasesets. Is that correct?
dr|z3d depends. if you're running i2psnark and hosting or downloading torrents, you have a leaseset.
dr|z3d your router is not a destination, so by definition it doesn't publish a leaseset.
dr|z3d think of router-router communication as the outer ring of the network. no leasesets there, just router ids. the inner ring of the network is where the services reside, so router-destination.
puha Other routers who want to contact me must know the entrance of my inbound tunnel. How can I get my router to contact other routers?
dr|z3d router-router is by ip. that's what's published in the routerinfo.
puha Is it necessary to send the entry information of my inbound tunnel to the Floodfill router in order to maintain continuity with other routers?
dr|z3d you want to be reading the docs there, everything you're asking should be covered.
Irc2PGuest9522 Question:how many routers are there in I2P?
RN Irc2PGuest9522, you can look here for a good estimate stats.i2p/home.html
Irc2PGuest9522 RN,thank you. and dr|z3d,thank you
Irc2PGuest9522 another question:Do I need to first know the routerinfo when querying leasesets from the Floodfill router?
eyedeekay To communicate with the floodfill router you'll need it's RouterInfo yes
Irc2PGuest9522 If I know a lot of routerInfo, I can try to obtain more leasesets by constructing a query request DatabaseLookupMessage, right?
zzz eyedeekay, comment from transifex:
zzz Thanks for your work on developing the I2P. I would like to know why the translated phrases are not applied for the latest versions (2.2.0 and later), i.e. not shown on News?
zzz eyedeekay, news on transifex last updated April 12, and I don't see any separate please-translate-news announcements there from you this year
zzz is the translate-news process broken?
zzz may I push the 2.3.0 news to transifex?
eyedeekay Translate news should not be broken, I followed up re: missing translations for 2.2.0 in gitlab and it should be fixed, please feel free to push the news
zzz ok. I assume more tx problems caused the 2.3.0 news not to get pushed. I'll try it, will be good to test tx v3 push
zzz but gotta stay on top of those release checklists, seems like you had a number of issues with 2.3.0
zzz I'd suggest you keep the news a little shorter/simpler next time, for better translatability
zzz gahh you didn't migrate the tx config for newsxml either. I'll do that too.
eyedeekay It was a challenging one because of tx and the last minute attack/rug pull by fake-x, the email timeline I sent you
zzz yeah I get it but still gotta go back and get things back in shape
zzz config migrated, config change checked in to git, news pushed to tx, news announcement on tx
eyedeekay Thanks zzz
zzz eyedeekay, thank you for the review of MR 151
zzz may I please bump the rev after I merge it?
eyedeekay Yes go ahead
zzz ok, here goes