IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz eyedeekay, try again with releases.json, it's "xxx", "yyy" not "xxx,yyy"
zzz sorry wasn't clear
mrt hi folks
mrt thanks to zzz for giving me voice
mrt after upgrading to I2p 2.4.0 ive got following issue with i2psnark:
mrt the form where to start a download has been changed, a upload element for a .torrent file has been added
mrt hat prevents me from adding it to the search keyword list of firefox which i have used before to add magnet links with ease
mrt also my account on git.idk.i2p dose not work anymore for no apparent reason
mrt so maybe someone here could forward a bug to make that form again compatible with firefox search keywords by moving that upload stuff into another form (or remove it completely i mean you can just put the torrent file in the i2psnark dir and its get loaded)
mrt i mean the right click / contect menu option "Add a Keyword for this search"
mrt when i remove the <tr> whith Torrent file: and enctype="multipart/form-data" option from the <form> the option comes back and dose still work but it is quite anoying to open up the web development tools and modifie the html code anytime i restart i2prouter
mrt o please, please, please, move that file upload field into a different form or add an option to disable it
mrt thanks in advance
zzz ping eyedeekay did you see the releases.json problem above ^^^
eyedeekay Yeah I did, got the signing script running now
zzz super, thanks
eyedeekay no problem
eyedeekay I should have source packages dput up to launchpad in the next hour or so
eyedeekay Gplay released yesterday evening
zzz the reason I mentioned commas is we've made the mistake "xxx" "yyy" before which is not valid json
zzz by now we've made almost every mistake possible in releases.json
zzz some more validation in the news build process would be helpful
zzz "js releases.json" will catch json errors
zzz but wouldn't have caught what you did
eyedeekay I could write a short script to validate it and describe the format at the top
eyedeekay That's basically the kind of thing that goes in i2p.newsxml anyway
eyedeekay Yeah I'll probably do that later today
zzz worry about the release first :)
eyedeekay Ack will do