IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
eyedeekay All bundles all day today, or at least until I have them done
eyedeekay At this point that means a release of I2PIPB and OICT, updates of arkenfox, noScript, uBlock, and LocalCDN, followed by a release of i2p.plugins.firefox, followed by a release of i2p.firefox
zzz heard any complaints about new repo or should we roll it out publicly?
eyedeekay None yet and I know at least kali-anonsurf, mark22k, and myself are using it
zzz ok I'll tweet it out
zzz R4SAS, our new repo is live at
R4SAS zzz: ok
R4SAS Is there Ubuntu Noble packages?
zzz yes
R4SAS in that case "Repository Information" is outdated
zzz yeah that bottom part of the home page was automated before, it isn't now, to be fixed
R4SAS pulled packages
zzz thanks R4SAS