IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz the two drag-n-drop MRs are merged for snark and susimail, please test and report results
dr|z3d still waiting for the keep-alive stuff to land
zzz so please help out by reviewing and testing, and report results on the MR. After all, you've already merged an earlier version long ago, might as well try this one
dr|z3d It's not one of my favorite pastimes, manually merging code, but I'll do it when the MR isn't too big.
dr|z3d In this case, I'm inclined to wait it out, not least because there's no server-side MR so I can really give it a proper test.
zzz the thing is, a review would be much more in your wheelhouse than in eyedeekay's
zzz the client side, on its own, does have substantial changes that do take effect even in the absence of the server side, because it's persisting the browser socket
zzz and you can also test it against my two servers
zzz if you want to see the whole thing working end-to-end
zzz anyway, it's still going to be a tedious merge for you, whether it's reviewed or not doesn't change the effort req'd
dr|z3d maybe I'm doing it wrong, but having it merged makes a world of difference.
dr|z3d as it stands, I have to _manually_ merge the code, that's to say, copy and paste from the MR.
dr|z3d when it's merged, I can pull and then cherry-pick and let meld do some of the heavy lifting.
dr|z3d maybe I should be pulling each of your branches down when I want to merge an MR and cherry-picking from those, but I'd prefer not to have to pull down 3 or 4 branches just to get at a single commit, you know?
dr|z3d *single commit per branch
zzz ok. that's more git-fu than I know
zzz there's always another way with git but I stick to the basics
zzz saw this google project which is interesting
dr|z3d I don't mind testing, don't get me wrong, but 500 or so lines of manual commit is plenty to go wrong :)
zzz then how about just a code review from you? no merging required ))
dr|z3d jujistsu. another layer of abstraction and pain :)
dr|z3d *jujitsu
dr|z3d what are we reviewing?
zzz the MR diff
zzz what caught my eye about jujutsu is they claim to fix a lot of the things I find wonky about git, especially stashes and staging
zzz and conflict resolution
dr|z3d yeah, it's got some interesting ideas.
dr|z3d it removes you from git, though, my strategy is usually to stare down git until I get it to work, and learn in the process.
dr|z3d but maybe it'll work for you, after all your workflow and code churn is a lot different to most.
zzz yeah I can't tell if you can forget about git or have to know everything about git to use jujutsu
zzz not brave enough to try it atm
dr|z3d back to reviewing your MR, I'm reading the section about not having a pool of I2PSockets, and asking if that's the best possible strategy?
dr|z3d can we not just keep one in reserve?
zzz best on what metric?
dr|z3d latency I'm thinking.
zzz no such thing as reserve, because a socket has to go somewhere, so the pool would be for places you've been before
dr|z3d ok, well that seems like a waste if you're keeping sockets around from previous requests "just in case" you want to go there again.
zzz since i2p is mostly single-user, and web pages are mostly single-server (you're not pulling css and fonts and images from multiple destinations) ...
zzz it's optimized for the simple case, so it's "best" on the metric of "simple"
dr|z3d ok, what about the inverse case, pulling resources from a single server from multiple local dests?
dr|z3d I guess you just get the sockets you need per tunnel and nothing special required.
zzz pooling sockets across multiple local dests (client proxies) isn't possible and would defeat whatever you're trying to accomplish with having multiple proxies
dr|z3d yeah, wasn't suggesting pooling across dests, just wondering out loud if there's any penalty for pulling from multiple dests.
zzz we're just not keeping multiple i2p sockets open. only one. so you lose the efficiency if you have multiple browser tabs open and quickly going back and forth
zzz more optimization and complexity is possible in the future but this version is KISS
dr|z3d ok, understood.
zzz so for the 3 hops you only keepalive hop n if hop n-1 is keepalive
dr|z3d not sure I understand that.
dr|z3d one thing I'm wondering about is the timeout. 2m per connection could get expensive on the server quite quickly.
zzz browser skt -> i2p skt -> server skt
dr|z3d oh, ok, I was thinking entirely different hops.
dr|z3d timeout.. let's say you have 4 visitors, each visitor has multiple dests requesting resources from your server..
zzz so we don't keepalive the i2p skt unless the browser skt is keepalive
zzz so we never have a bunch of i2p skts "floating around" waiting for reuse. only one
dr|z3d so browser requests keepalive, only one socket is required (normally).
dr|z3d what I'm concerned about is browser asking for 10 keepalive sockets from 10 different dests.
dr|z3d for example.
zzz well the goal is to reduce server resources by reusing sockets. ofc that could be "expensive" to have them sitting around waiting
zzz browser only talks to one client, one local dest
zzz sure it could have sockets to 10 servers
dr|z3d yeah, I'm probably overthinking it. your average server can probably handle thousands if not 10s of thousands of open sockets without too much issue.
zzz but we'd close the other 9 on the client side
zzz we limit to something like 30 by default
zzz on the server side
zzz a long way from thousands
dr|z3d yeah, non-issue then.