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dr|z3d eche|off: can you have a look at the gatewway when you have a free moment. it appears not to be working.
dr|z3d thanks in advance.
eche|off dr|z3d: email gateway works, just received mails from outside. It still has issues. but as a private service...
dr|z3d eche|off: e-mails sometimes take hours to arrive, if they arrive at all. and we've got a duplicate mail issue. my main issue right now is not receiving authentication codes for gitlab, which is a major problem. are you filtering spam at the gateway? maybe this is part of the problem?
eche|off I do not filter spam
eche|off double is a issue we cannot find the root cause
eche|off what postman does on its servers, I cannot tell for sure for spam filter
eche|off all I can tell: I receive and forward to postman via I2P
eche|off if mail does not arrive, I do not know much about
dr|z3d ok, great. best to leave that to postman's server.
eche|off I just do block several spammer IPs and blocklists, but thats been all the tim efor years now
eche|off and fail2ban, for sure
dr|z3d Looks like there's no DMARC policy enabled on the server, that can affect the reputation of the domain.
dr|z3d > DMARC is "Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance." It's another protocol for preventing unauthorized use of domain names by sending email servers.
dr|z3d > SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are three technologies which enforce security and trust in the email ecosystem. If you're sending emails from your own server, you should use all three so recipients can verify you're authorized to use your domain as a from address. This will reduce your risk of deliverability issues.
eche|off I know all this
eche|off my 1h/month timeframe for I2P is very limited and often croded, also not all tasks are possible as expected
eche|off lots of tasks on the pile, but...
eche|off as email is stateless and not a official i2p service. it has to wait and suffer sometimes
eche|off at least
eche|off if anyone else has more time and the ressources, go for it
dr|z3d how would anyone else "go for it"? clearnet e-mail for an @mail.i2p address is currently locked to, and you're the only one managing the gateway, no?
dr|z3d I'm not sure I agree that isn't an official service and therefore users can't expect anything approaching reliable. i2pmail is a flagship service.
dr|z3d I sympathize with your time constraints, but if you don't have the time to manage the server, then other people should be invited to take on the role.
eche|off as it is MY server and MY service, no one else goes on that server. Anyone maybe free to tkae that domain in their hands and do all the services and management
eche|off until that happens, you are bound to me and my time
eche|off as it has been all the time already, I2Pmail is not a i2p service like git or website, it always has been a private donor by others
eche|off and I will not change it to official i2p sevice as I will not be repsonsibble for that legal wise
eche|off as I said: I may handover the domain to anyone willing to do
eche|off no proelbem
dr|z3d ok, what sort of server's required to handle the service, spec-wise? and what software is currently handling the job? if you want to take this to PMs, feel free.
eche|off it is a simple exim4 server, you may run on very limited ressources
eche|off in general it just acceots mails and forward it after a rewrite of headers
eche|off it has several spam wayve of 10k mails/senders per day
eche|off oh, it needs a i2p router to forwards mail to i2p postmans server
eche|off currently I setup a mailaman3 for several lists which needs to receive and send via that gateway into i2p
eche|off IPv6 would be great, currently my bind 9 knowlkedge lets me down, as google requires a reverse dns entry, which is done on my hosters side with a vaild entry, which I have not done correct yet
dr|z3d are you using mimedefang on the server?
dr|z3d I ask because that may be one way to fix up the duplicate e-mail issue, and more.
eche|off just receive, rewrite header, send to postman
eche|off and the dupilcates are as postman receives the email, and somehow my exim4 does not get a "ok" back and resend 30min later
eche|off and on 2nd try it receicves the ack for 99,9999999%
eche|off and postman got 2 emails with differnet IDs
eche|off but same content
eche|off would need some more testing, e.g. different I2p router or alike
eche|off dkim/spf are partly active already, just dmarc not AFAIR
dr|z3d all 3 should be fully enabled to minimize the chance of the server being assigned a poor reputation. maybe that's why gitlab mails aren't getting through.
eche|off I know, I know
eche|off na, gitlab mails got through the last days afair
dr|z3d, not idk's gitlab.
dr|z3d when gitlab sends an authentication code, it should arrive almost instantly. I'm still waiting for mine, 12h later.
eche|off ahh, that maybe git, I need to discuss with him
dr|z3d I'm saying I'm waiting for a authentication code, nothing to do with idk or his server.
eche|off which email you send to (pm maybe)
eche|off 024-02-05 07:06:45 1rWs7w-00Gc3L-1t <= [] P=esmtps X=TLS1.3:ECDHE_X25519__RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA256__AES_256_GCM:256 CV=no S=5417
eche|off several went through this day
dr|z3d, not!
eche|off all this differences...
eche|off sorry, doing this as a sidetask here