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orignal zzz, where is SRV recrord located?
zzz the proposal is that it goes in the (currently unused) options mappping in LS2
orignal what if an LS has multiple domain names?
orignal secpnd. what will prevent me to use someone elese's domain?
orignal only FFs cache?
zzz generally, our addressbook / subscriptions do not support mulitple domain names for one destination
zzz there's nothing to prevent you from forwarding your email to somebody else
zzz FFs don't care about it, no cache in FFs. Only routers that look it up would cache
orignal in reg.i2p you can register mamy domains for one destonation
dr|z3d multiple domains for a single dest isn't prevented either. there's no correlation between domains in the addressbook, but there's plenty of domains being hosted from a single dest.
zzz ok, this proposal would have the service records apply to all domains
zzz would you need them to be different for e.g. foo.example.i2p and bar.example.i2p pointing to different mail servers?
dr|z3d gut instinct tells me you'd want to limit to the primary domain.
dr|z3d so and both direct to eg.i2p
orignal wait? is this propopsal for e-mail only?
orignal or addressbook in genreal?
zzz the proposal is for any service type; the most obvious first application would be email
orignal e-mail is more complicated
orignal because MX record
zzz not really. SRV record is just a generic version of a MX record
zzz there's no need to do MX if we do SRV
orignal how about A?
zzz a LS is kinda like an A record, it give you the gateway addresses
zzz so that's why an LS is a little bit like DNS
zzz if you think of it that way, then SRV records make sense
orignal please exaplin on example
orignal I publish some LS with SRV = zzz.i2p?
orignal what's goin to happen?
zzz if I want the email for anybody@zzz.i2p to be sent to a server bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.b32.i2p port 25:
zzz In the options for the zzz.i2p LS, I would put:
zzz _smtp._tcp="1 86400 0 0 25 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.b32.i2p"
orignal and hot it works?
zzz If I wanted to send email to anybody@zzz.i2p, I would get the zzz.i2p leaseset, and look for the SRV "_smtp_tcp" in the options
orignal I resolve zzz.i2p though regular addressbook
zzz [end of example]
orignal do leaseset lookup
orignal then obtain this SRV record
orignal and use that address as MX servers?
zzz correct
orignal it's clear now
zzz or maybe you look up _smtp._tcp.zzz.i2p in the address book, and it "knows" that if it starts with _ it's a service record lookup
orignal well it solves the problem only partially
orignal it doesn't seolve the problem with main domain
orignal SRV record is a good idea
zzz what's the problem with main domain?
orignal how to make disributed system
orignal with stats or reg
zzz yeah, this isn't really related to addressbook much at all, but it could enable distributed DNS:
zzz the DNS SRV is _domain._udp, add that to your LS, then you could have your own DNS or GNS server
zzz or, you could put the GNS records like zones and keys directly into the LS, in DNS binary format, but that's messy
orignal yes I understand what you mean
orignal that's basically another implementation of my old ideawith subdomain
zzz right. SRV records in LS2 are like broadcast DNS, but you can't send it queries; for that you need real DNS or GNS
orignal are you publishing such LS2 already?
orignal I need to check if I handle options properly
zzz no, but long ago when we were developing LS2 I did put some dummy entry in there and let it run for a month or two
zzz I could do that again just for a double-check
orignal when do you think you will be ready with this?
zzz just an idea right now. I'd want comments from everybody and a real review. The protocol part is easy, but the actual work to support it in susimail would be huge
orignal I only care about options sections
orignal if I handle it propely
zzz maybe 6 months after it's reviewed and agreed to? there's a lot of other stuff that's higher priority
zzz that part I can do today ))
orignal but where is options section in LS2?
orignal wait? it it type 9?
orignal hmmm, I doubt I ever habdle options section
orignal I see it first time today ))
zzz we were planning ahead...
zzz standard type 3
orignal let me check the code
orignal uint16_t propertiesLen = bufbe16toh (buf + offset); offset += 2;
orignal offset += propertiesLen; // skip for now. TODO: implement properties
orignal should work
zzz orignal, stats.i2p and zzz.i2p now up with a test option in the LS2 options, works for me
eyedeekay and are out, binary packages, upgrade instructions and PR to divaExchange to follow
zzz nice eyedeekay how does it feel getting back into go-i2p? Going to have the router working by tomorrow? ))
eyedeekay Not likely to have it working by tomorrow but knowing for sure it knows how to handle RI's of all shapes and sizes now is a pretty good feeling
eyedeekay Encouraging, going to implement some more NetDB logic maybe since I spent so long staring at Java's
zzz sounds like parsing 5000 RIs was a good test case?
eyedeekay Yes it was
eyedeekay **much** more thorough than the existing unit tests
zzz lol nothing like a good test corpus
zzz that's why things get so much easier once you're talking to other routers
eyedeekay Yeah I need to take another whack at NTCP2 in Go this month if I can
eyedeekay Find the time
zzz plenty of time, 5 days left ))
eyedeekay All depends on what I can do with the mess I have right now I guess
kytv zzz: re: fielding questions at i2pforum, I just registered (I had an account at the old forum.i2p but not the new one)
zzz thx kytv any help would be appreciated
kytv ack