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orignal is there an I2CP parameter saying if a destination is high bandwidth(HTTP server) or low bandwidth(IRC)?
zzz I believe this was asked/answered recently
zzz the only thing we have is the profile param
zzz which is more of a latency hint but you could use it as a bandwidth hint also
zzz i2p.streaming.profile1 (bulk)(2=interactive not supported) This doesn't currently do anything, but setting it to a value other than 1 will cause an error.
zzz I don't know if that's true though
zzz there's also a corresponding streaming option flag that is unused i2p-projekt.i2p/spec/streaming
orignal no, I asked anout donpublishleasset
orignal so your that tunel config parameter doesn't go through I2CP?
orignal my question is if I can rely on this one or should introduce my own?
zzz all streaming params are allowed in I2CP and SAM
zzz and i2ptunnel
zzz you can use that or invent your own, depending on your requirements
zzz I did not propose any option in my proposal 168, but we could add something
orignal yes, but do you actually send it or not?
zzz send what?
orignal I would like to not invent my own because I expect it should also work through I2CP
orignal i2p.streaming.profile
orignal does snark send this param?
zzz all options are passed through i2cp, including unknown options
zzz snark does not set that param, but there's a snark config section to add any params you want
zzz welcome to i2p dolphinandcat
zzz how may we help you?
dolphinandcat i posted something related to i2pplus and docker and i uhh i got this memo:
dolphinandcat your docker-compose file was declared "should work" by idk aka. eyedeekay aka. the lead dev of Canon and dr|z3d gave this url for a Plus version git.skank.i2p/i2pplus/I2P.Plus/src/branch/master/
dolphinandcat but i never posted any solutions
dolphinandcat just a problem
dolphinandcat and when i clicked the link it redirected me to the signin page
orignal so can we use i2p.streaming.profile for badwidth/latency requirement?
dolphinandcat and on gitlab and github i saw no commits related to docker
orignal I want to rely on it for peer selection
dolphinandcat so i tried making an account, i got: Your account is pending approval from your GitLab administrator and hence blocked. Please contact your GitLab administrator if you think this is an error.
dolphinandcat i used a account idk if that's an issue
dolphinandcat also when i tried github sso it returned a server error didn't work
zzz dolphinandcat, for git.skank.i2p you'll need to talk to dr|z3d; for git.idk.i2p you'll need to talk to eyedeekay
dolphinandcat is it not the same?
zzz if you want to talk about i2pplus, I recommend #saltr
dr|z3d hop over to #saltr dolphinandcat if you like.
dr|z3d and what zzz said :)
zzz no they are not the same
dolphinandcat i2p worked fine on docker on my pi, i2pplus is the broken one
dolphinandcat i am on i2p right now, couldn't get i2pplus to work
zzz ok then I suggest you continue the discussion in #saltr
dolphinandcat also for i2p how can i make a pr to the docs?
dolphinandcat my username on git.idk.i2p is dolphinandcat
dolphinandcat it says it needs approval
zzz wait for eyedeekay to approve your account, please be patient, could be a couple days
dr|z3d wait for eyedeekay to approve. he'll see your comment here.
dolphinandcat where do i get that irc client
dolphinandcat irc has no history, right?
dr|z3d ***stereophonic help system activated***
zzz eyedeekay sees all, do not fret :)
dr|z3d the all seeing eyedeekay.
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
zzz orignal, you can use i2p.streaming.profile if it meets your requirements as documented
zzz welcome to i2p goose2_
zzz how may we help you?
goose2_ I want to participate in go-i2p development
zzz excellent
zzz we need the help
goose2_ Or work in a separate one.
zzz you'll want to talk to eyedeekay; as noted above, he sees all, please wait for him to reach out to you
zzz but in the meantime, you can tell us what part in particular you have in mind
goose2_ Okay 👌
orignal yes it's fine, basically I need two states "low" and "high"
goose2_ Specifically, I want to create a variant of the reseed protocol that starts instantly for using I2P in casual applications.
goose2_ Like an A-GPS.
zzz hmm
zzz don't quite understand, maybe explain a little more?
goose2_ I2P routers take a long time to establish the first connection after startup.
goose2_ I'd like to find a solution to this.
goose2_ A way to speed up peer discovery using a more centralized approach.
dolphinandcat ^ i noticed that too, you could try to see what happens if you start it in "hidden mode", maybe publishing to the netDb is the issue?
dolphinandcat i don't see how a centralized approach would be good, i2p's whole thing is that it's decentralized
goose2_ Tor starts fast.
goose2_ But I2P is not
goose2_ Yes, decentralization is good.
dr|z3d are you firewalled, goose2?
dr|z3d hidden mode is definitely *not* the way to initialize connections faster.
goose2_ After seeing that Berty Messenger was horribly slow, I gave up on using IPFS in my app.
goose2_ dr|z3d: no all ports are publicly reachable.
goose2_ Both in IPv6 and IPv4
dr|z3d shouldn't take long, then, assuming you're online 24/7?
dr|z3d not familiar with Berty Messenger. is that using SAM?
goose2_ It uses IPFS
goose2_ Not I2P
goose2_ dr|z3d: Mobile messenger apps can not be online 24/7.
eyedeekay dolphinandcat, goose2_ to activate your gitlab accounts I need emails
dr|z3d ok. so what's the problem with startup you're seeing on i2p?
dolphinandcat eyedeekay:
eyedeekay dr|zed berty can use SAM with some help now that there is a working libp2p trsnsport again
eyedeekay Thanks dolphinandcat
dr|z3d goose2: so your issue is with i2p on android, or?
goose2_ I2Pd on Android starts pretty fast. Still, client tunnel creation takes a long time.
goose2_ I2P on Android starts too slow
goose2_ eyedeekay: I haven't created an account in i2p gitlab.
dr|z3d or git.idk.i2p, same.
dr|z3d choose one :)
eyedeekay Generally the idea is to build tunnels when you have enough peers to do so safely
goose2_ The goal is to reduce the chances of a malicious peer being selected, right?
goose2_ I made an account.
dr|z3d there are several goals. reliable tunnels with fast peers, not using the same peer in multiple tunnels..
goose2_ Signup with Github seems broken.
eyedeekay Well yeah but also to simply know enough routers to build the whole thing
dolphinandcat eyedeekay: i didn't get a confirmation email on my inbox from i2p git
goose2_ Would it be faster if I download the router info for the entire network from outside?
dr|z3d dolphinandcat: wait a few moments, eyedeekay will be around to hand deliver it.
goose2_ Or what if I could use a carefully selected list of geographically close peers?
dr|z3d basically, goose2, it doesn't matter. if you're offline for any length of time, your routerinfos will be stale and need to be refreshed.
dolphinandcat a small service that just updates the routerinfos?
eyedeekay Several of the places we talk to the clearnet are either disabled on gitlab at the moment, dolphinandcat your account is approved
dr|z3d so that refresh process is likely why you're finding tunnels slow to build post-startup. not an issue if your router is online 24/7.
dr|z3d i2p already refreshes your routerinfos in the background.
goose2_ How often does the reseed server update router infos now?
dr|z3d depends on the server, some will cycle every 8 hours, so every 3 days or more.
dr|z3d *some every
dolphinandcat docker pull
dolphinandcat mkdir -p $HOME/convos/data
dolphinandcat docker run -it -p 8080:3000 -v $HOME/convos/data:/data
dolphinandcat looks like it's p simple :)
dolphinandcat wait i meant to do this uhh in dms
dolphinandcat no delete in irc-
dolphinandcat sorry for cluttering chat