IRCaBot 2.1.0
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RN Re: 2.6.1-4-rc I'm getting an error building updaterWithJavadoc
RN [javac] /usr/home/user/yougit/i2p.i2p/apps/imagegen/imagegen/webapp/src/main/java/net/i2p/imagegen/ error: no suitable method found for render(SimpleSVGGraphics2D,int,int)
RN there's a few more messages if you want me to pastebin something
eyedeekay RN did you `ant distclean`?
RN yes
RN just building javadocs works
RN well...
RN did a distclean, even though my script does one...
RN and what do you know
RN 2.6.1-4-rc with javadocs available at I2Peek-a-boo.i2p/i2pupdates.html
RN next time I'll turn it off and on again first
orignal zzz do you resend peer test msgs 5 and 6 few times?
zzz yes orignal
orignal how many times and how often?
orignal because you might not receive 6 for 5 if alice is firewalled
zzz 4 total retxes, at 4 10 17 25 sec elapsed time since first tx
orignal thanks
orignal another question
orignal what you do if address mismatches in msg 7?
zzz that's all in the spec
zzz including if ip or port or both mismatch
orignal will check
orignal because I do nothing with 7 now
zzz see 'results state machine' section that we put a lot of work into figuring out and documenting
orignal will do
orignal trying to sort out peer test issues before release