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orignal zzz, what do you think about SSU2 address cap mentioning symmetric NAT?
orignal it would help to build U-U-U tunnels
zzz orignal, discussed April 11; awaiting proposal
orignal and what did we agree?
zzz don't know if we did, but read the backlog
orignal I suspect I lost it
zzz its been on my list for 6 months stats.i2p/docs/roadmap-2.8-zzz.html
orignal I reeber it was only an idea without any discussion
zzz then read major
orignal I remeber it was discussion about symemtric NAT
orignal than two U routers can't connect each others if both are behind symmetric NAT
orignal but don't reeber discussion about caps
orignal "Published G cap if symmetric natted, in 2.5.2"
orignal You do it now?
zzz yes, as stated
orignal hwo come I hear it for the first time? ))
orignal what is "moddle hop cap"?
orignal oh yes I remeber what's that
orignal but should be called "only middle hop cap"
orignal for routers with limited connectivity
orignal btw setting G for symmetric NAT is not the best idea
orignal because it might be first hop
zzz I believe that's what I said I would do, but I don't remember specifically.
zzz check the backlog
zzz it may have been temporary until you wrote a proposal?
orignal did you have a chance to look at relay reponse resends?
orignal maybe
zzz what about relay resposne?
orignal 1. they are no akced
orignal does Bob forward resend from chahlie to alice?
orignal looks like your charlie resends hole punch and relay response together
zzz I assumed that your fix solved all the problems. I'll put it on my list, will take a while
orignal we have an issue with introducers
orignal Chralie received relay intro
orignal sends relay response
orignal never gets Ack back
orignal and believe that this session is dead
orignal as reasult we don't resend relay reponse from charlie now
zzz ok, I'll put it on the list
orignal because sessions die
orignal for 6 relay reponses what data do you need from em?
zzz I'll research and get back to you
orignal thanks
zzz so far I only see retx as charlie when bob is i2pd 0.9.63
zzz 10/26 10:15:46.733 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 0 as charlie nonce xxx to bob q-8YF0 OB2
zzz 10/26 10:15:46.956 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie nonce xxx to bob q-8YF0 OB2
zzz 10/26 10:15:47.420 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie nonce xxx to bob q-8YF0 OB2
zzz 10/26 10:15:48.129 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie nonce xxx to bob q-8YF0 OB2
zzz note that first time is 0, the rest are 68 (because the relay was successful and we connected to alice)
zzz and I am sending acks
zzz actually sending twice, because I send the relay response, which includes the ack, and a separate ack shortly after, so I can remove the 2nd one
orignal that's fine because Bob didn't send ack in previous releases
orignal but I'm asking about Alice
orignal so, you are Charlie sending relay reponse and keep resending because bob don't ack
orignal yes, it's known issue and it's fixed
orignal the problem I see when you are Bob and I'm Alice and keep receiving RelayResponses even if I send Ack
zzz no, as charlie I keep getting relay intros from bob
orignal but from older versions
zzz when i2pd 0.9.63 is bob
zzz yes
zzz so you think I have a bug as alice or bob or charlie? I'm confused again
orignal you don't get acks to you relay reponses or you get resends of relay intro?
orignal as bob
orignal bob keeps sending relay responses to alice even if they are acked
zzz I'm testing as charlie right now, and not seeing anything wrong
zzz I get resends of relay intro from bob, as charlie, if bob is i2pd 0.9.63
zzz I can switch and test as bob later
orignal do you get acks to relay reponses from Java Bob?
orignal sorry acks to relay reposnses
zzz yes
zzz I'm going to test this minor tweak for charlie, then test bob later
zzz eyedeekay, you said bundle is done but not on website, nor is 2.6.1. still on 2.6.0. 2.6.1 blog is still drafted, no 2.7.0 blog in sight. Is your release process broken?
orignal thanks. will test again
eyedeekay Necessary changed to i2p.www were pushed to the wrong remote, download page has been corrected as has that part of the release process. Blog still pending.
zzz thanks eyedeekay