IRCaBot 2.1.0
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hk is it a fruitful endeavour to have some sort of automated program turn the i2p docs into a pdf?
hk it would be a portable way to carry the documentation, I figured it could be useful to some
hk but unsure if it is worthy to pursue
RN can you not build them from the git?
RN hk, do you mean the javadocs?
hk RN: no no the docs on geti2p
RN s/build them/build pdf files/
RN \oh
RN browse, "print (to pdf)" done
RN though, pdf form is handy if you want to view them offline (don't have a router up yet or are mobile or...)
RN well, the docs on geti2p are in the git
RN in i2p.www instead of i2p.i2p
hk ahh I was thinking of an all-in-one
hk a whole table of contents and all of them in a single file
RN so, you should be able to do something from that
hk gotcha I appreciate it
RN at the very least you can parse the files you select and generate an index and make that into a pdf, if there is not a more native way to do so from a gitthigy
RN My thinking is: I build the BSD docs from source when I compile/update freebsd and that can be set up to make pdfs or web pages or whatnot
RN docproj or something
RN been a long time since I tinkered with that part of my setup
hk yeah im just cramming through claude to get me something in go to do it, it's gonna parse through the html files then put them in a pdf. I have no idea if it's gonna work but it uses wkhtmltopdf.
RN sounds like an interesting project that can either be done quick, or get confusing...
RN I hope you get the former
hk thanks, I appreciate the advice
hk if this thing works ill def share it
RN so are you getting the html from git i2p.www? or do you already have it copied locally?
hk naw I did it the shady way, I didnt even think about i2p.www I just scraped
hk DX
RN well, if you pull it from the git, you can update easy, and maybe skip some steps, like
RN *** watches train of thought just derail ***
hk hm
hk I see what you mean though, it just makes sense to git clone
RN yeah
RN then set up your 'convert' process
RN pull again and convert again to repeat
RN rinse
RN and repeat
RN to updae
RN update
RN *** flubs the punch line ***
RN I guess not drinking as much makes a difference. Only one beer and I'm typing funny and messin up
RN anyway... I'm oftopicing
RN s/oftopicing/off-topicing/
RN off top icing
RN off topic in
hk hahaha
RN *** unplugs the keyboard for a little while ***
hk no problemo
hk it is incredibly broken right now, it appends a lot of redundant information and the whole pdf is 500+ pages but it has the content
hk RN:
hk but it's there. I cant believe it
RN :)
RN redundant stuff like what? page numbers? url on each page?
hk like
hk like the social media links
hk on every single page XD
hk "Follow us on Mastadon!" x500
hk whole thing is ~5 megabytes
RN hehe
RN I don't see social links, browser extension
RN ;)
RN or is it a greasemonky script...
dr|z3d I'm not convinced pdf is the best format.
dr|z3d a self-contained, relative-linked website might be a better bet. something that can easily be read offline.
RN yeah, you can definately browse/navigate local html when offline
dr|z3d since it's local, you can throw in some javascript to handle things like languages, navigation etc, as required.
dr|z3d maybe local search, too.
hk right right
dr|z3d and coherent navigation.
dr|z3d it could then feasibly be included as a build option with the router, in similar vein to the javadocs.
hk I see, sounds very feasible. I appreciate the feedback a lot guys thanks
RN hey now. dr just next leveled your fun project
RN no pressure there hk
RN ;)
dr|z3d the word you want is "elevated" RN :)
RN but I'm anxiously awaiting progress reports
RN naw, I like verbing things
hk RN: no pressure indeed
hk *** wipes sweat from forehead ***
RN wordsmith, so, ya' know
RN great ideas though
RN that really would be an interesting optional router feature
hk just needed a reality check and I got it
hk yeah I figured some local docs like that would just be convienient at the least
RN specify enabled, docroot dir (relative to .i2p), and displayed name on the link
RN javadocs, site docs, custom-user-html-files
dr|z3d no, not relative to .i2p
hk maybe a little bloat, maybe but you wouldnt need to connect to i2p-projekt.i2p everytime you needed to check the docs and whatnot. javadocs included and everything just bundled. a manual
dr|z3d i2p/docs/ is where it would live, in its own folder.
dr|z3d just like javadoc does.
hk hm hm
RN well, not sure where to put them, javadoc goes into .i2p doesn't it? havent looked in a while where it ends up
dr|z3d no, it doesn't.
dr|z3d i2p/docs is exposed in the console. .i2p/ isn't.
dr|z3d think of i2p/docs as the site root if you like.
RN ok, so just need to expose the mechanism and you could have other content in i2p/
RN i2p/usercustomhtmlthing/
RN static stuff like (java)docs only
dr|z3d you're not listening, are you?
RN probably not, you mean me?
RN sorry
RN bit distracted...
dr|z3d content you want to serve up in the console goes in /i2p/docs/{foldername}
RN right. sorry.
hk dr|z3d: good to know, I appreciate it
dr|z3d if you grep for <target name="javadoc" in your i2p workspace/build.xml then you've got a template.
dr|z3d (sort of)
RN *** pastes some notes for review when sober ***
dr|z3d the javadoc target is probably overkill, but it should be easy enough to create a target that makes the contents of i2p/docs/{foo} available in the console.
RN *** slides a beer down the bar to all who would enjoy one, and a surprise consolation item to those who don't drink ***
RN yeah, that sounds really nice. I would definately use that if it made it to both javas
zzz rst2pdf ?
dr|z3d we moved on from the idea of converting the website technical documentation to pdf
zzz i havent
hk zzz: it uses wkhtmltopdf. if anyone is interested I have it in working condition.
hk git clones instead of wget this time of course
hk the problem is that the apt version of wkhtmltopdf is patched so that you cant do multiple html files. you'd have to manually download an old version of libssl and ontop of that download a static build of wkhtmltopdf. but it works