IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d the susidns badge is a solid badge that displays over the addressbook icon, so the same for snark, probably.
dr|z3d there's an extra section that's diplayed on hover underneath the app icons that displays the new hostnames.
dr|z3d not 100% happy with the implementation yet which is why it's only in the dark theme for now.
zzz the clubbing would be tricky, dunno how you'd do both, but let's see if I can come up with something I'm happy with and then get it by idk
dr|z3d when I say club them together, I mean in terms of visuals, not putting all the values in a single badge.
dr|z3d visuals/visual style.
dr|z3d elsewise, maybe all the notifications in brief in a separate notifications section in the sidepanel, similar to news.
eyedeekay All right all the right packages are in the right places I would tweet it in the morning maybe
eyedeekay Still having maven issues give me trouble with Android, webextension updates was pushed so easy-install can go forward
RN users are reporting they can't reach their own eepsites, and I am seeing the same here
zzz yeah reproduced here RN
zzz workaround of course is localhost:7658
zzz investigating
zzz padding strikes again
zzz accidentally fixed in 2.8.0-1
zzz eyedeekay, can you run local eepsites in the bundle or is that not a thing?
eyedeekay Yeah we have local eepsites, want me to try them in the bundle build?
zzz no need it won't work
zzz you started the bundle release build yet?
zzz ^^ eyedeekay
eyedeekay Only the parts unrelated to eepsites have been built, the router and package itself were waiting on the extension which rolled out to AMO last night
eyedeekay Technically the last CI build is what the release would have looked like
zzz you want to pull in a fix? it's in KeysAndCert in core
eyedeekay Sure can do
eyedeekay I'll do a 2.8.1 if necessary
zzz I'm thinking since there's a workaround, we don't need an immediate 2.8.1, I can put out a news entry with the info
eyedeekay Ok I'll pull it into Easy Install for now
zzz it's not in there yet, hold on
zzz let me do the news first
zzz then I'll put up a MR against HEAD, but it should apply cleanly against 2.8.0 with an offset
zzz think about how you want to do it for the bundle, if you want to branch or what
eyedeekay Take your time, I have to pick a checkin to feed to the easy install buildsystem
eyedeekay Usually I tag the checkin I am using if it differs from the main package
zzz ok but you'll have to fork/branch off the release to add the fix
zzz because I checked in a bunch of -1 stuff yesterday
zzz -1 also fixes it, accidentally, but the MR will fix it in a different place, belt/suspenders, so it will work for 2.8.0 also
eyedeekay Makes sense, so I'll take 2.8.0 and apply the patch from the MR, check it in and tag it
zzz yeah but check it in where? in a new branch?
eyedeekay New branch i2p-windows-2.8.0-fix, then tag i2p-windows-2.8.0
zzz yeah that sounds right
zzz thanks
zzz I'll have the news in half an hour and the MR in an hour
eyedeekay Thanks I will be ready
zzz newsxml checked in, please review before you push it out
zzz MR 229
eyedeekay thanks, having a look now
zzz I'm doing the PPA copy from Jammy to Plucky, you missed it
eyedeekay Thanks zzz
zzz did you do the deb repo?
eyedeekay Yes I did
zzz ok, you missed the home page news there, I'll do it when I set up and copy plucky there
eyedeekay Oh yeah oops I forgot about that, I was some fraction of the way through automating it and need to finish that too... figure out where I saved it first...
zzz there's instructions somewhere on how
zzz it's just editing a couple files, seems like more trouble to automate than it's worth
zzz um, there's no 2.8.0 in reprepro at all. what did you think you did?
eyedeekay Wait what... did I do it at the wrong path or something???
zzz export REPREPRO_BASE_DIR=/var/www/html/debian
zzz ok I see the files in there, but...
zzz 'reprepro ls i2p' doesn't show any 2.8.0
zzz what did you do to get here?
zzz ok I was wrong, bionic and focal have 2.8, but that's it.
zzz not jammy or later, and not any of the debians
zzz I'll fix it but it looks like you abandoned ship halfway through
eyedeekay I see what I did and it's so dumb. There's a script in signer's directory, I had updated it to copy jammy to the debians but I hadn't updated it to copy jammy from the PPA
zzz always check 'reprepro ls i2p' when you think you're done
eyedeekay I will put that in the script too
zzz and in whatever scripts you have always do reprepro -v because otherwise it's pretty quiet
zzz deb repo all done
zzz if you're happy with the news, please publish it
eyedeekay Ack back at the machine with the keys signing now
zzz bubbles MR 230 is up
zzz thx idk
eyedeekay no problem zzz
zzz lets see if I can figure out how to sort the addressbook latest-first
eyedeekay All right news servers should have it now I'll make sure
zzz I got it
zzz took way too many tries but I got the sorter working