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idk_afk2 zzz thanks for pointing out the escaped tracker URL, I didn't realize that would not work. I'll fix it today
zzz yeah that's a URL-escape inside JSON, not necessary and wrong kind of escaping anyway
zzz I also couldn't find your torrent on postman to see if it has any downloads
zzz zlatinb's has only 5 downloads, sounds low
zzz did you ever upload your torrent idk_afk2 ?
orignal disconnected 3 times today
zzz 0) Hi
zzz what's on the agenda for today?
orignal good question
zzz zlatinb, idk_afk2 anything for the agenda?
orignal I think idk mentioned tor reseed
R4SAS zzz: only one question about packaging i2p for rpi
orignal would be nice to discuss that project first
zzz ok 1) i2p for rpi
zzz 2) tor reseed
zzz 1) i2p for rpi, go ahead R4SAS
R4SAS few days ago someone tested i2psnark-standalone on rpi
R4SAS jetty starting, but few errors printed that bigint library is not exists
R4SAS how to bypass that?
zzz I don't think it's too important, the jbigi library is mostly for elgamal
R4SAS there no lib for rpi built oficially by you
zzz if you bundle jbigi.jar, it will extract the lib
R4SAS so that can be skipped, and only 3 will by used?
R4SAS does jbigi.jar will be bundled with i2psnark-standalone in that case?
zzz jbigi is just a speedup for some operations like modPow. It works without it
R4SAS will be **
zzz we do have arm jbigi
R4SAS sometimes libraries built for stardart ABI can be used in rpi
R4SAS that's why I'm asking
R4SAS *can't be used
zzz I can change the build so it includes jbigi.jar. It probably won't speed things up much, but it will get rid of the warning
R4SAS ok, thanks
R4SAS about building i2p for rpi - still not tried to build it yourself?
zzz we ship 6 different rpi jbigi binaries:
R4SAS I remember that package was published for rpi on jessie
zzz -rw-r--r-- 1 zzz zzz 174428 May 8 2020
zzz -rw-r--r-- 1 zzz zzz 172444 May 8 2020
zzz -rw-r--r-- 1 zzz zzz 172008 May 8 2020
zzz -rw-r--r-- 1 zzz zzz 167476 May 8 2020
zzz -rw-r--r-- 1 zzz zzz 167260 May 8 2020
zzz -rw-rw-r-- 1 zzz zzz 183608 Nov 20 2020
zzz so our standard installer works on RPi
R4SAS oh, that's good
zzz debian/ubuntu packages are whatever launchpad supports
zzz I don't do any official package builds on my own hardware
orignal zzz, users need torrents much more than before now
zzz we don't do official i2psnark standalone release binaries. drzed might for his fork, not sure
zzz if you want to do your own releases that's fine
R4SAS ok. I ended
zzz anything else on 1) ?
R4SAS nope
zzz 2) onion reseed
orignal eyedeekay
orignal your idea
orignal I'm trying to understand it
orignal basically we support yggdrasil reseeds but checking if it's presented
orignal let me run
zzz it's not hard, only a few lines of code for us, but I don't know if it's a good idea or not
zzz what % of i2p users also run tor do you think?
orignal well how do you know if Tor is presented?
orignal not sure
zzz I guess open socket to localhost:9050 and see if it talks back
orignal I think less than half
orignal but how do I know if it's Tor?
R4SAS and what you will do if tor running on different that 9050
zzz do a socks 5 handshake
orignal is it supposed to be in a separate list?
zzz if it's not on 9050 it won't work. In theory you could configure it, but nobody's going to do that after they install i2p but before they run it
orignal opened his pruposal
zzz for the first time
orignal and first question
orignal why do we even need https there?
zzz sure, would be easier without https, but I think we ripped out http support? not sure, would have to look
zzz separate list? not the way he coded it, it's just another reseed in the big list
orignal I suggest it to use a way we did for ygg
orignal separate list and config param
orignal if we support Tor reseed and Tor's IP/port if necessary
zzz yeah, but if it's not on by default, it's not worth doing it at all. because nobody's going to configure it before the first time they run i2p
orignal it's on by deafult
orignal but can be turned off
orignal for whatever reason
orignal some people might provide config in a package
zzz the related discussion is about outproxies in general
zzz mikal is taking down most of his services including false.i2p by the end of the year
zzz it's mostly broken anyway of course, but still...
orignal what should we replce false.i2p with?
orignal purokishi?
orignal what's going on with Meeh?
zzz don't know anything about purokishi
orignal drozd's outproxy
orignal bascially works
orignal people use it
zzz I don't know any details about Meeh's situation
orignal but what did he say?
zzz all of his stuff has bitrotted over the last 2-3 years anyway
zzz I didn't talk to him directly and the people who have are respecting his privacy and haven't told me anything
zzz I haven't spoken to him in two years
orignal then why do you know it's by the end of the year?
zzz that's what the people that talked to him told me
zzz I just don't know anything about "what's going on with him" personally
orignal "last seen recently"
orignal in telegram
orignal I can try to ask him there
zzz if you like. Doesn't matter to me. I hope everything's ok with him and his family though.
orignal so what we do with outproxy?
zzz does i2pd rely on his servers for anything?
zzz besides outproxy?
orignal only false.i2p in config
zzz any "purple i2p" servers or sites?
R4SAS never been
orignal not at all
zzz what should we do? up to you. We won't add any new outproxy unless somebody submits a request
zzz I don't even have a list of questions to ask somebody who wants to add one
zzz 1) are you intercepting traffic? logging? is it multihomed? bandwidth available?
zzz don't know
zzz anything else on 2) ?
zzz anything else for the meeting?
zzz two weeks off, merry christmas, happy new year, see you in three weeks
orignal some network issue
orignal sorry
orignal so my question is
orignal do you have any outproxy in mind?
R4SAS so you can try to build package in it
zzz I don't have a list of any outproxies
zzz so no, none in mind
zzz I assume false.i2p was broken for several years already, didn't know it was still working
orignal it works
orignal Blinded message
orignal ofc we use our own private outproxies
orignal and especially mtproxies
eyedeekay Sorry I missed the meeting everybody, zzz orignal I tried to answer your reseed questions here on the issue tracker: