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zzz 0) Hi
zzz what's on the agenda for today?
orignal SSU2 status as usual
zzz I'll say up front my last week is mostly non-ssu2 bug fixing, and non-i2p stuff
eyedeekay If orignal's not here you're the only one who might do an SSU2 update
eyedeekay I'd like to ask a question about SAM interactive auth
zzz ok that's 1) eyedeekay
zzz I guess 2) is SSU2 status
zzz anything else for the list?
orignal than I have some question about peer test
zzz ok 3) is peer test
eyedeekay OK so I've almost got the whole thing figured out, I've even got it working on Android, but I've hit a snag and I think I can fix it but I might have to do something drastic and I want to know if I'm not missing a simpler alternative
zzz 1) SAM interactive auth
eyedeekay Jumped the gun, my bad
zzz back up and remind us what it is?
eyedeekay Pop up a dialog during "HELLO" that asks the user if they want to "authorize" an application to make a SAM connection
orignal so what's an issue with it?
orignal you can't make a callback of what?
eyedeekay Implementing the UI on Java on Desktop, the way that I'm doing it on Android is I'm passing an implementation of the interface "SAMSecureSessionManager" to the SAMBridge constructor, which I can do because I use the SAMBridge constructor directly
orignal use a singleton for it
eyedeekay But as far as I can tell when the SAM API is started on Desktop it's being run with args and uses a different constructor, where I can't do that
zzz is there any desktop use for this feature?
eyedeekay And moreover I wasn't sure if I should add javax.swing stuff into SAM to implement the UI, or put it somewhere else and pass it like I do for Android
eyedeekay I mean hypothetically there's still malware on every platform
eyedeekay It's less useful for Debian maybe but on Windows it might make sense
zzz the code you have now for android, does it go in the android tree or the i2p tree?
orignal it's a bad idea to use for CLI apps
eyedeekay Part of it goes into apps/sam and part of it goes into
eyedeekay Yeah that's my point orignal, in it's default state the interface gets a "dummy" implementation that does nothing and breaks nothing
eyedeekay I don't know how to inform it of a GUI
orignal if we decide to implment it
zzz I'd recommend for now that you put as much code as you can on the android side, and minimize sam changes
orignal we would use #ifdef ANDROID
orignal and that's it
zzz I agree with orignal it's kinda messy to put GUI stuff in a CLI (or really an embedded) protocol
zzz maybe you provide some auth hook in sam, and register it, to make it generalizable later
zzz but I wouldn't fight with desktop at this time
zzz no ifdef in java (((
eyedeekay OK then that was really my last hangup so I should be able to proceed
eyedeekay Desktop later then
zzz that's what I suggest, yeah, it's really a different set of problems
zzz anything else on 1) ?
eyedeekay No I don't think so
zzz 2) SSU2 status
zzz I don't have much to report, as I said at the top
zzz orignal, what about you?
orignal so, I see incoming sessions form to time
orignal and bunch of tunnel messages through it
orignal I have rewritten resend code
orignal to encrypt with new packet num on each resend
zzz nice
orignal started implementing window and RTT
orignal so I'm almost done
zzz I think I mentioned the other day:
orignal excepting peer tests and introducers
zzz I think we're going to need an ack-immediately flag like we have in streaming
orignal we are going to run some perforance test soon
zzz you set it when your send window is full, or almost full
orignal good point
orignal but for now I always do "ack immediately"
orignal basically I read a batch of packet from socket
orignal and send Ack after it
zzz so the question is a bit in the header, or a new block. In the spec I added a "congestion" block, but I think a header bit might be better
zzz I don't have a recommendation today. Just something to think about
orignal 128K buffer
zzz let me tell you our delayed-ack algorithm - one sec
zzz we recently changed it
orignal please
orignal I didn;t implement it but going it
zzz after some simulation tests
zzz looking...
zzz after first incoming packet that needs to be acked, we delay for:
zzz max(10, min(rtt/6, 150)) ms
orignal so you start timer for it?
zzz that's now for both SSU 1 and 2
zzz yes
orignal that's bad
orignal remeber you have throusands of connections
zzz yes, but most are idle
orignal and a file descriptor for each
zzz one timer per connection - that's what we do for both SSU and streaming
orignal you start time after receiving a data packet
zzz long ago, we had one timer per packet !!!!!
zzz at least for retransmission... but thats outbound
zzz anyway, that's what we do. We've had one timer per SSU connection since our redesign last year
orignal I use single time for all connetion for retrans in SSU2
orignal because people keep complaining about SSU1
orignal where one time per connection
zzz the thing about SSU 1/2 is you really don't want it to be too "bursty"
zzz because the packets will get dropped somewhere if you send everything at once
orignal I'm just thinking about delayed ack
orignal I do the same stuff for streming
orignal but number of streams is much less than SSU sessions
orignal I have a better idea basically
orignal to check is retrans list is not empty
zzz ok, just wanted to let you know what we do, I don't have any advice really, except that delayed ack is important so you don't send too many packets
zzz how you do delayed ack is up to you
orignal see my point
orignal if we have something to retrans
orignal we have to send a new message soon
zzz yes I understand
zzz thing is, unfortunately, most of the time the traffic is "one-way" if it's only one tunnel
orignal that's why read and handle packets in batch
zzz sounds good
orignal up to 32 at the time
zzz anything else on 2) ?
orignal nothing
orignal I keep working ))
zzz 3) SSU2 peer test
zzz keep up the good work :)
orignal I'm confused about separate Peer Test message
orignal not just a block
orignal what is it for?
zzz ok, I'll answer as best I can
zzz I wrote all that a month or two ago
zzz and I plan to restart work on peer test tomorrow :)
zzz but basically:
orignal nice ))
zzz one sec let me copy in the chart
zzz Alice Bob Charlie
zzz 1. PeerTest ------------------->
zzz Alice RI ------------------->
zzz 2. PeerTest ------------------->
zzz 3. <------------------ PeerTest
zzz <---------------- Charlie RI
zzz 4. <------------------ PeerTest
zzz 5. <----------------------------------------- PeerTest
zzz 6. PeerTest ----------------------------------------->
zzz 7. <----------------------------------------- PeerTest
zzz 1-7 are almost like SSU 1
zzz 1-4 are in-session, so they are blocks
zzz 5-7 are NOT in session, so they're separate messages
orignal my questuin why we can't do the same for 5-7?
zzz I don't think we need to do a whole handshake
orignal epecially since cost of SSU2 session if much less
zzz I don't think it's necessary
orignal and this session could be reused later
zzz put probably wound not be reused later... what do they have to talk about?
zzz charlie is chosen randomly by bob
zzz so alice doesn't naturally have anything to send to charlie, or vice versa
orignal but when Alice selects first hop
orignal she migh pich Charlie from existing sessions
zzz the thing is, peer test should not be expensive
orignal agree
orignal so what's the format of PeerTest message?
zzz if alice wants to set up a session, she can. she got charlie's RI from bob
zzz I think it's in the spec, type 7
zzz basically, similar to retry. long header, AEAD with maybe datetime only? can't remember
orignal so no blocks
orignal of it's still PeerTest block?
zzz datetime block, address block
zzz here's what the spec says:
zzz In messages 5 and 7, the Peer Test block is identical to the block from in-session messages 3 and 4, containing the agreement signed by Charlie.
zzz In message 6, the Peer Test block is identical to the block from in-session messages 1 and 2, containing the request signed by Alice.
zzz let's not make any decisions or changes today. I really don't remember it well enough to say if it's good or bad
zzz happy to make changes but let me read what I wrote first
orignal no problem
zzz it's been too long
orignal or maybe better to start with introducers first
zzz I have this almost all coded. introducers is more complex
zzz just give me a couple days to get smarter
zzz thanks
orignal introducers are more important however
zzz agreed
zzz anything else on 3) ?
zzz anything else for the meeting?
orignal as I said we will try performance test soon
orignal of SSU2
zzz orignal, FYI our release will probably be either May 16 or May 23
orignal great
zzz ^^ R4SAS too
orignal will be reasy with most of SSU2 by that time
zzz great stuff, thanks everybody