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orignal guys, somebody pointed me to this page
orignal "Using i2pd" section is wrong
orignal can it be fixed?
orignal inbound.backupQuantity = 2
orignal outbound.backupQuantity = 2
orignal i2cp.dontPublishLeaseSet = true
orignal first two don't exists in i2pd
orignal last one is not needed for client
orignal [SSH-SERVER] section must contain host
zzz ^^^ eyedeekay you wrote that, can you fix it please?
orignal Posted: 2019-06-15
orignal Author: idk
orignal yes I see
orignal somebody complained his tunnels didn't start
orignal I ask where he got such config from
orignal and he pointed to ru version of that page ))
orignal that was something new for me
dr|z3d that raises an interesting point, orignal, namely the purpose of the backup tunnel config. not sure it's that useful.
dr|z3d we have some forward momentum with stormycloud, zzz.
zzz I know, because I'm the one pushing it dr|z3d . how are you involved?
dr|z3d I've encouraged them via an initial approach to rambler to jump on irc, they want some help with configuration etc. they should be around later.
zzz what's rambler's involvement?
dr|z3d go between. they got in touch with him because he's visible on twitter and has promoted purokishi.
zzz I know they got some help from acetone already
dr|z3d last I heard they were having issues with the speed of the outproxies they're running, but I guess we'll find out more later if they appear here.
zzz I started this several days ago, we're trying to provide motivation on multiple fronts, several people involved
dr|z3d sure, it looks it's working :)
zzz I do think your experience/advice will be useful, we just have to be careful to guide them with requirements and let them arrive at a solution that works for their setup
dr|z3d indeed. I don't think a prescriptive approach is what they need, and I'm starting on that basis.
dr|z3d open mind..
zzz super. if the motivation works perhaps we can have a default in 3 months, but they haven't offered a timeline and I haven't asked
zzz obviously we need this release out first to get them out of sybil jail
dr|z3d true, true. 100 high bandwidth routers in the doghouse obviously not optimal for the network at large :)
zzz esp. when we're banning them but i2pd isn't
dr|z3d we have sybil detection, i2pd has trusted routers. each could do with the other :)
zzz we have trusted routers via same-family
dr|z3d I was looking at that recently and it looks like it's work in progress, wasn't aware you could nominate a family for the first hop?
dr|z3d I was referring to this:
dr|z3d * For future restricted routes. Does nothing now.
dr|z3d class BuildTrustedLinksJob extends JobImpl {
zzz that dates back to jrandom
dr|z3d there's also protected boolean shouldSelectExplicit(TunnelPoolSettings settings) in TunnelPeerSelector, presumably the same intent.
zzz I suppose there's several things you might do or not do with routers that are 'trusted', I don't have a list, nor do I know what i2pd does
dr|z3d i2pd allows you to nominate specific routers (and/or families?) to use exclusively for the first hop.
dr|z3d though sybil detection and restricted routes may appear orthogonal issues, they're both sybil mitigation strategies I guess.
zzz explicit works and I use it for testing
zzz I also have out of tree mods to force a particular ff for lookups/stores
zzz it's all extremely fragile and can croak the whole router if the specified router is down or rejects or isn't found or or or
dr|z3d currently just supports a single router hash?
dr|z3d oh, it's a list.
zzz explicit is a list, my ff stuff is try-this-one-first
zzz explicit right now only does it a % of the time, as an easy workaround to the issues above
dr|z3d so if that was extended to accept families, both the explicitPeers option, and your ff mod (in addition to a list), might be more robust.
dr|z3d explict and ff patch could just fallback to normal routing in the event the nominated router(s) aren't found.
dr|z3d with a nice WARN level message in the logs, obviously :)
zzz for explicit you have to have the RI already because there's no code path to do a lookup
dr|z3d ok, and fallback is 0 hop it looks like?
zzz and I don't think it's for first hop, just for somewhere
dr|z3d that seems dodgy.
dr|z3d presumably invoking SingleSearchJob wouldn't be too much of a stretch, in the event the RI isn't found, or an iterative search?
zzz there's some 10-15 year old post on my forum of all the things "restricted routes" *might* mean, with possible use cases
zzz you're thinking implementation, you're not thinking top down what is this for and how would it work reliably
dr|z3d a good start would probably be feature parity with i2pd, and sure, you're probably right, though I have _some_ idea of potential use cases.
zzz sure
dr|z3d thanks
zzz whatever the goal is, it's not 'fix janky test configs'
zzz nor is it 'find ancient jrandom stubs and finish them'
zzz gotta come at it from the other direction
dr|z3d absolutely. namely "how could this benefit us now?"
dr|z3d > hide IP complelely (hidden + restricted routes).. check.. geoip (include/exclude country or country list).. check.. frustrate sybil attacks.. check...