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orignal fixed and sent wthout hash
orignal looks like I have have received something back
orignal SSU2: Unexpected message type 212
zzz good morning, time to investigate
zzz 06-03 00:28:52.920 WARN [ handler 1/1] .transport.udp.PeerTestManager: Bad IP length 32
zzz should be 6 or 18
zzz msg code flag ver nonce ts sz port ip
orignal so, asz now
orignal fine will check the code
zzz remember we flipped it around at your request
zzz used to be port sz ip I think?
orignal yes, but it shouldn't affect length anyway
orignal another question
orignal what do you do if Charlie has a session with Alice already?
zzz I didn't send anything back so I don't know what the 212 was that you got
orignal I have fixed that part
orignal anyway
zzz already has session shouldn't happen, alice should know that, but there's a code for it: 68: rejected by Charlie, Alice is already connected
zzz oh, you're right, alice doesn't know
zzz anyway, code 68
zzz that part I've tested because in the testnet everybody is connected to everybody
orignal exactly
orignal Bob picks Chralie for peer test
orignal inlike relays
zzz yup. need more coffee
orignal so, Bob sends error code back. Right?
zzz in this case, charlie sends code 68 to bob and bob forwards to alice
orignal what if Charlie just had a session with Alice that's terminated already
orignal but not long time ago
zzz it's a good question, I guess the test would be a false positive
zzz I don't remember "recently connected"
orignal does Bob forward error code back or try another Chrlie?
zzz I just forward the error code back. I don't retry.
zzz I guess you could
zzz I'll add that to the spec that it's optional, it's a good idea
orignal see the problem
orignal I'm Alice and got this code back
orignal what should I do?
orignal if I try same Bob or even another Bob it might be the same story
orignal while Bob knows Charlie not good for Alice
zzz what I do is the same as in SSU 1 - the test results are unknown, reschedule another test, probably with somebody else
zzz FYI sz was 32, 32 is the first byte of your IP address 2001:... so I think your IP is in the wrong place
orignal yes I think so too
orignal let me check
zzz also got a sz = 42 from some other i2pd 2a01:...
orignal somebody updated from trunk
orignal Kirov guy again? ))
zzz nYlJ XfR ipv6 only
orignal then somebody else
orignal got peer test back from you
orignal not sure from Bob or Charlie
zzz 06-03 14:43:04.717 WARN [ handler 1/1] .transport.udp.PeerTestManager: Unable to pick a charlie (no peer), IPv6? true
zzz should be status code 2
orignal don't process it yet
orignal so it looks right for now
zzz yes
orignal will add more processing
zzz code 2 should be very common until we get more SSU2 routers out there
orignal and I guess you don't verify signature at Bob
zzz 06-03 14:43:04.715 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] .transport.udp.PeerTestManager: Got peer test msg: 1 status: 0 hash: null nonce: 1137883093 time: Jun 3, 2022, 2:43 PM ip/port: 2001:...
zzz looking...
zzz no, I only check sig of msg 2 at charlie and msg 4 at alice
orignal yes I know
zzz anyway, success for now, great
zzz I think I have the Bob and Charlie sides of relay almost done... thinking about how to test
orignal publish relay tag
zzz yeah and I need to force-firewall it. will probably be a different router
eyedeekay orignal, polistern do either of you have any insight into how to use i2psam(C++ SAM lib) with Boost ASIO?
eyedeekay Trying to help this app dev with their question: zzz.i2p/topics/3324-simplest-cpp-lib-for-samv3
zzz orignal, saw a problem on another router receiving bad ack blocks
zzz i2pd router ImQc
zzz 06/03 17:57:11.957 WARN [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Bad encrypted packet:
zzz 00000000 6a fb 9c 5a 86 6f 37 4b 00 00 00 2b 06 00 00 00 |j..Z.o7K...+....|
zzz 00000010 0c 00 15 00 00 00 2f 0c fe 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 |....../.........|
zzz 00000020 02 c4 33 c2 50 43 17 76 d6 f6 f4 1a a2 9f 19 c7 |..3.PC.v........|
zzz Data payload error
zzz Caused by: Block 0 type 12 length 21 at offset 0 runs over frame of size 16
zzz 00000010 0c 00 15 00 00 00 2f 0c fe 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 |....../.........|
zzz so it's an ACK block, claims to be length 21, but there's only 16 bytes total remaining in the message (13 bytes of payload)
zzz ack through 2f, acnt 0c, nack fe ack 00 nack 05 ack 00 nack 00 ack 00 nack 00 ack 00
zzz so it's total garbage
zzz please take a look
zzz I got it several times, each one a little different
zzz ok actually fe 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 is a padding block
zzz to the ack block is just 0c 00 15 00 00 00 2f 0c
zzz the length should be 5 but it's 0x15 = 21