IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal I don't have MTU implemented it
orignal it's always 1488 for now
zzz sure but whatever it is, don't go over :)
orignal looks like two different problems
orignal btw what is 1517?
orignal including UDP and IP headers or just payload?
zzz 1517 was including udp and ip headers and SSU2 header and SSU2 MAC
orignal that explains
orignal that part will be fixed
orignal and hence no buffer overflow
orignal just extra headers
orignal 1488 + 28 = 1516
orignal that where it comes from
zzz 48 for ipv6, don't forget :)
orignal yes I know
orignal I counted it
orignal got SSU2: PeerTest msg=4 code=65 again
orignal any idea why it happens?
orignal e.g. how do you pick session with Charlie?
orignal and SSU2: PeerTest msg=4 code=70 from another
orignal and SSU2: PeerTest msg=4 code=68
orignal but this one seems reasonable
orignal SSU2: RelayResponse status code=70
orignal interesting code 70 for PeerTest and for RelayIntro
zzz Peer Test responses as charlie last 6 days
zzz 0 60%
zzz 65 24%
zzz 67 2%
zzz 68 12%
zzz 70 1%
zzz Relay responses as charlie last 6 days
zzz 0 0%
zzz 65 50%
zzz 67 38%
zzz 68 3%
zzz 70 9%
orignal my question is where 65 comes from
orignal basically why it happens
orignal especially for relay
orignal since Alice know where is she trying to connect to
zzz looking...
orignal for 67 I need to double check
zzz for relay, the 65's are all 6to4 addresses 2002::
zzz for peer test, the 65's are either 6to4, or port 0
orignal for Alice?
zzz yes
orignal but why I receive 65?
orignal I'm 2001:470
zzz the peer test or relay address for alice is invalid
orignal peer test
orignal it looks like Bob chooses ipv4 session with Chralie
orignal and Chrlie doesn't support ipv6
zzz we will never connect to or test or relay to a 6to4 address 2002::
orignal I don't care
orignal but you said Alice has such wrong address
orignal and I receive 65 on Alice with 2001:470
zzz the bob/charlie connection is usually ipv6
orignal do you check charlie when pick Bob-Charlie session?
zzz right, you are bob, you asked me charlie to do a peer test with alice [2002:b28d:383b:0:0:0:b28d:383b]:9733
orignal for compatibility
orignal that's another problem
orignal I'm asking about my own Alice
zzz I think so. It's compatible, it's just not a valid address
orignal but again my address is defintly valied
orignal and I receive 65 frequetly
zzz ok let me look for you as alice
orignal I don't know who was Charlie
orignal and it doesn't happen with relay response
orignal but this strange 70
zzz 2RRY is not at 2001:470
orignal not 2RRY
zzz 70 is mostly fixed, only happened once in last week
orignal one with ipv6 only
orignal what was the issue with 70?
orignal and why I receive it for both peer test and relay
orignal my impression that you don't recognize first RouterInfo block
zzz I think I mentioned, I wasn't handling out-of order, now I delay and recheck if I don't have RI yet
orignal it only happens when Bob is i2pd
orignal yes but it's not the case
zzz so probably just java routers that don't have the fix yet
orignal i2pd sends RI, relay intro blocks in one message
orignal and I got 70 if Bob is i2pd
zzz put the relay intro block before the RI block, it will probably help
orignal no, that 70 was through 2RRY
orignal and relay was sent to you
orignal my concern is that it happens with both peer test and relay
zzz I know what router that is, my routers really really don't like it. I think it's banning it or something else is wrong
zzz I can't load the RI on any router
orignal I don't understand
orignal that RI was mine
zzz I don't understand either, but there's something wrong with that ipv6-only router of yours
zzz 4 days ago the relay signature was failing, and I've never been able to lookup the RI from a ff
orignal that's right
orignal I run it rarely and it's not in netdb
orignal but it doesn't explain why 70
orignal you should receive it in RI block
orignal you think RI block is invalid?
zzz I don't know. leave it running and we can try to figure it out
orignal fine. will do for couple hours
orignal 07:58:05@187/info - SSU2: RelayResponse status code=70
orignal can you take a look?
orignal it's just now
orignal 70 is from you
orignal and at the same time
orignal 07:58:03@187/debug - SSU2: PeerTest msg=7 code=0
orignal another attempt
orignal 08:07:44@187/info - SSU2: RelayResponse status code=67
orignal 67 looks better
zzz yes, 70 first time, 67 the next time
zzz also had a 67 4 days ago
zzz The RI looks fine
zzz but the signature of the relay data is bad
orignal then why 70?
zzz looking...
orignal I'm checking signature
orignal looks like you recognized RI from first message ib second message
zzz ok. this is a i2pd bob PeGQ
zzz the first time there was no RI block, only a 172 byte packet:
zzz 06-26 13:58:03.358 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: New 172 byte pkt 92 rcvd on [2a05:4800:3:161:0:0:10:c]:11916 PeGQYG
zzz the second time there was a RI block, 1136 byte packet:
zzz 06-26 14:07:44.426 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: New 1136 byte pkt 96 rcvd on [2a05:4800:3:161:0:0:10:c]:11916 PeGQYG
zzz the first time I returned a 70, next time a 67
orignal maybe they run older code
orignal found another bug
orignal when I pick Charlie I don't exlude session with Alice
orignal will fix it
orignal for peer test
zzz don't know why bob would not send RI first time, would send RI second time
zzz and of course other problem is the signature
orignal because it was different Bov, no?
orignal or it's the same?
orignal if it's the same I guess I know why
orignal race condition
zzz I've had 14 relay signature failures in last week. 10 are from that ipv6 router.
zzz not sure how many bobs
zzz looking...
orignal both cases are clear now
orignal will fix
zzz about 4 different bobs, all i2pd
orignal found the issue with signature
orignal ver is missing
zzz great
orignal 10:17:07@644/info - SSU2: RelayResponse status code=68
orignal 68 now
zzz yes I see it
orignal I did something wrong
orignal because I couldn't parse some messages from you
orignal but at least I tried to connect
orignal lol. I have an incoming connection from your to that router
orignal hence can't test relays