IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal we use AES instead elligator
orignal that was added later
orignal Basically Noise is just mane calls of HDF
orignal that's basically HMAC over sha256
zzz same thing 1 hour ago with 2RRY, never got any acks
zzz please paste logs of the acks you sent
orignal I will add logging for ack
orignal haven't update 2RRY for few days
zzz ok, standing by
orignal do you want me to print all Ack block I send?
orignal but it will be a lot
orignal interesteing
orignal SSU2: SessionConfirmed part 1 AEAD verification failed
orignal it was around 1.5 hours ago
orignal if it was yours the reason is clear
orignal and then SSU2: Unexpected message type 240 instead 2
orignal that makes sense
orignal I will add termination
orignal for this case
zzz you keep saying you send the acks when I send retransmitted session confirmed, and data messages, but I never get any
zzz but if you're not logging it, are you just guessing?
orignal but today's case is different
zzz not from my side, looks the same
orignal today I have veru clear error
zzz 6:40:55 our time is when the handshake was
zzz interesting
orignal yes, 6:40:55
orignal I guess I sent acks because I don't see error
orignal today I cleary this the error about AEAD
orignal and today's case have clear explanation
zzz obviously if session confirmed has AEAD error, nothing else is going to work
zzz you can't send a termination, you don't have keys
zzz you can fail, or retransmit session created, or wait for my retransmit of session confirmed
orignal but I can send SessionCreated with termination block
zzz yeah but I won't be able to decrypt it
orignal but I was waiting for your retransmit and it also failed
orignal <orignal> and then SSU2: Unexpected message type 240 instead 2
orignal maybe becuase wrong Noise state
orignal I need to check
zzz you don't have the keys to send a different session created message either... you'd have to roll back the handshake state
orignal the question is what caused this AEAD fail
zzz right
orignal better oto wait for retransmit I guee
orignal and rollback Noise state
zzz yeah you've already mixHash()ed the header, so you're basically screwed
orignal please check your side
orignal about AEAD error
orignal it seems coming from Java only
zzz no I've never had an AEAD error
zzz in session confirmed
orignal it looks like after your rfecenet change
orignal yeasterday's
zzz no, this has been happening all along
zzz found a different problem from R4SAS routers:
zzz log-router-3.txt:07-12 10:45:03.438 WARN [ handler 1/1] sport.udp.EstablishmentManager: Corrupt Session Confirmed on: IES2 lifetime: 31ms Rcv ID: 4033744011722190256 Send ID: 1970155895367655394 IB_STATE_CREATED_SENT
zzz No RI in Session Confirmed
orignal I mean AEAD
orignal no RI is SessionConfirmed?
orignal I will check
orignal just no RI block?
zzz thats right. session confirmed had only one block in it, not logged, maybe padding only?
zzz ummm here's a problem
zzz Router: gpUBQf-76CJFzCx7aIP2RuXFc7oUn3E0OCrydF8eqSo=
orignal what?
zzz nope, never mind, not that one
orignal I don't see this problem in my logs
zzz seen with YXEA and one other router
orignal questuin about SessionConfirmed
zzz BpAT is the other
orignal when you rettans what packet num do you use?
orignal 1 or 2?
zzz session confirmed is retransmitted as-is, packet number 0 always
zzz has to be that way, or else the mixhash() and key agreement would not work
orignal sorry I meeant nonce
orignal for part 1
orignal do you know what was his RI lenght?
zzz everything is exactly the same, the packet must be transmitted as-is, header and payload and everything
orignal then it's not the case
zzz there was no RI block )))
orignal yes but you see files in netdb
orignal I still didn't implement split
zzz I don't know what his RI size is when gzipped by i2pd, or what MTU you're assuming, so I can't answer
zzz but you don't do split RI yet ????? !!!!!!!!!
orignal no )))
orignal I only merge from you
orignal was going to implement it but forgot
zzz maybe your merge has a bug and that's why the session confirmed is failing AEAD
orignal because otherwise you wouldn't be able to connect
orignal but you are connected even now
zzz RI size isn't constant
orignal do you send two fragments now?
zzz I'm not logging # of fragments right now, don't know
orignal your RI now
orignal and BpAT is 1557 ))
orignal at least we know what his problem is
zzz will log # of fragments to see if it correlates
orignal strage that you don't see this problem with 2RRY
orignal because it's 1503
orignal as I said no frags in SessionConfirmed
orignal but I do compression
zzz 2RRY is on the list I posted yesterday
zzz for the retx issue
zzz but only seen BpAT and YXEA for the missing RI issue
zzz let me check other router
zzz only BpAT
zzz here's a new one from YXEAX:
zzz 07/11 19:51:05.601 INFO [ handler 1/1] ort.udp.InboundEstablishState2: Got token request from: /[2001:470:1f13:e56:0:0:0:32]:17971
zzz 07/11 19:51:05.618 INFO [ handler 1/1] ort.udp.InboundEstablishState2: Got session request after retry from: /[2001:470:1f13:e56:0:0:0:32]:17971
zzz 07/11 19:51:05.659 WARN [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Bad encrypted packet:
zzz Data payload error
zzz Caused by: Corrupt compressed routerInfo size = 954
zzz Caused by: EOF after reading 0 bytes of 64 byte value
zzz it was completely missing the signature in the RI
zzz actually, not sure who that was from, will need to adjust logging
orignal I will implement split
orignal let me investigate compression issue
zzz ok. may or may not be i2pd, didn't get logged
orignal I meant outgoing session from 2RRY
orignal how does it send SessionConfirmed
orignal do you use max compression level?
zzz i think so, yes
orignal I use default
orignal probably 5
orignal will change to 9
zzz i have some test results on that, let me look
zzz 9 is 30% slower, 2.5% smaller than 5
zzz 5 is 15% slower, 1.5% smaller than 3
zzz 3 is my default but I use 9 for RI in session confirmed
orignal I usually use 0 where compression is required
orignal but here I will set to 9
orignal for SessionConfirmed, PeerTest and RelayIntro
zzz ok, re-enabled my code to make my RI huge, and immediately had a failure with i2pd k8vhnd
orignal good point
orignal I wiill check
zzz 07-12 16:09:02.394 DEBUG [ Establisher] rt.udp.OutboundEstablishState2: Sess conf pkt 0/2 bytes: 1452
zzz 07-12 16:09:02.394 DEBUG [ Establisher] rt.udp.OutboundEstablishState2: Sess conf pkt 1/2 bytes: 210
zzz 07-12 16:09:02.394 DEBUG [ Establisher] rt.udp.OutboundEstablishState2: Send confirm packets, nextSend in 3000 on OES2 k8vhnd [2a06:a004:f0b8:0:0:0:0:2]:10143 lifetime: 130ms Rcv ID: 6290103009140556641 Send ID: -2766679158290681386 OB_STATE_CONFIRMED_COMPLETELY
zzz 07-12 16:09:03.396 INFO [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: ReTX Sess Conf on [2a06:a004:f0b8:0:0:0:0:2]:10143 k8vhnd OB2 recvAge: 1002ms sendAge: 52y sendAttemptAge: 1002ms sendACKAge: 1002ms lifetime: 1002ms RTT: 67 RTO: 1000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 3840 acwin: 3709 SST: 524288 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 0 msgs sent: 1 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 0/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 1/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 1
zzz theyRelayToUsAs: 1864394615
orignal but I hope it doesn't exceed 3K
zzz can't remember but I think I reduced it to be sure it was under that
orignal because I have 3K max now
zzz going to enable it on my other router too so you get a double blast
zzz this is strange because we tested it before. will be interesting to see what broke
zzz already hit 3PYq, bAU~, ImQC also
orignal maybe I have broken something recently
zzz now tXc6
zzz so get ready with your logging, it will get to you soon
orignal but it will tell nothing for now
orignal I see the issue
orignal fragments don't fit buffer
orignal I will fix
orignal in 15 mintes
dr|z3d you should hire orignal, zzz, he charges by the mint :)
orignal what?
dr|z3d lost in translation again *sigh*
orignal just busy
dr|z3d oh, well, don't mind me, I was just trying to be amusing. :|
orignal dr|z3d look at that code ))
orignal I should be fired from everywhere for this
zzz lol
orignal returned pounter to a local buffer
orignal childish mistake
orignal fixed
zzz shit happens
zzz good job
zzz lets see how it goes
zzz R4SAS, please update your routers
orignal I told everybody already
orignal now time to fix sending
orignal there is no ih in your RI anymore. why?
R4SAS updated bunch of routers
zzz thanks R4SAS
zzz orignal, having trouble making connections because of my big RI :)
orignal even with Java?
orignal -Akx: => [1912:15261]
orignal And I see you connected
orignal incoming conniction
zzz no, no problems with java, but I can't publish ih unless I have SSU2 introducers :)
zzz not guaranteed 100% of the time
orignal but you said you can't connect
orignal yes I understand you can't connect to i2pd due that bug
zzz I have about 5 connections right now, none of them are introducers
orignal how is it possible?
orignal <orignal> -Akx: => [1912:15261]
orignal it's not an introducer because you didn't request relay tag
orignal that makes sense becaus it's ipv4 only
zzz right, I'm only v6 firewalled
zzz will review the logs and see how things look in the morning
orignal but my question is
orignal if you use ipv4 connection as ipv6 introducer or not
orignal -Akx: [2a02:180:2:92:92:92:11:15] => [1739:669] [itag:1472016776]
orignal on 2RRY
orignal why it was disconneted?