IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal implemted for MNcW
zzz is it big enough for 2 fragments?
orignal not yet
orignal 15000
orignal but I will add more
zzz before compression though?
orignal yes size of
orignal two fragments now
orignal 1712 bytes RI
orignal ⇒ -Akx: [2a02:180:2:92:92:92:11:15] [2064:3096]
orignal just connected to you from MNcW
orignal please check for errors with fragments
R4SAS restarted YXEA and gpUB with latest commits
zzz MNcW no errors, looks good
zzz R4SAS, orignal, still no MTU advertised on gpUB HE address, lots of errors last 24 hours
zzz what's the real MTU?
zzz errors last 21 hours:
zzz 11 sQ8dVd
zzz 10 gpUBQf
zzz 9 ~GIB3b
zzz 3 p~8-FO
zzz 2 2RRYXk
zzz 1 YXEAXl
zzz 1 xZ9nsA
zzz 1 tXc6dH
zzz 1 oBZUnh
zzz 1 bAU~6X
zzz 1 3PYq0v
R4SAS zzz: how I can find mtu in RI?
zzz it's in each SSU/SSU2 address
zzz if not the default
zzz what's the real interface MTU?
R4SAS look... I have HE tunnel on one machine, there server-HE tunnel has MTU 1480
R4SAS gpUB sits on another server, to which I routing subnet, and that tunnel also has 1480
R4SAS on both sides
R4SAS so everywhere 1480
zzz then your address should have mtu=1480, it's a bug
R4SAS hmmmm
R4SAS all i2pd's with SSU2 on first service died
R4SAS hmm... looking for dumps
R4SAS first server*
zzz lol use in-i2p hostname, eat your own dogfood :)
R4SAS s/https:\/\/\/\/privatebin.i2p/e
R4SAS that's just backtrace
orignal I have fixed
orignal zzz, question for you
orignal how can you send a temination reason like "invalid S" if you don't know an address ans i?
orignal R4SAS you need to delete
orignal to start advertisign mtu
R4SAS orignal: already tried, nothing appears
orignal 2RRY still runs older version
orignal it should apper for ipv6 only
zzz orignal, you can't, many of those reasons are impossible
zzz I just copied them all from NTCP2
orignal that's what my mistake
orignal R4SAS so it recongnizes ipv6 address but not mtu
orignal please look at that code yourself in RouterContext.cpp
orignal and try again
R4SAS I restarted with deletion of just 15 minutes ago
orignal as I said print more logs into UpdateAddress
R4SAS hm, ok
orignal and check
orignal why it don't set mtu
orignal zzz but the source of the problem that somebody tries to connect to me with wrong S
orignal e.g. I can't find it thier RI
zzz and you're crashing?
orignal yes, because I was trying to send termination with that reason ))
zzz lol
orignal the question is why they do ut
zzz might be old java... possibly at startup... I fixed some problems with that a month or two ago
zzz you have an IP for them I can look up?
orignal I saw it in the core dump only
zzz I haven't seen that error from anybody in a long time, at least a month
orignal I have made this change a wekk ago
orignal but it started this night
R4SAS orignal: maybe because you sed MTU only for SSU, not SSU2 in UpdateAddress?
R4SAS set*
R4SAS if (address->ssu) address->ssu->mtu = mtu;
orignal yes, but SSU2 also has ssu portion
orignal add logs and see where it fails
R4SAS adding now
orignal zzz also it seems it happens with v4 only
zzz orignal, I'll keep an eye out for any missing/wrong S, will let you know if I see any
orignal will do
R4SAS orignal: Router: UpdateAddress: processing
R4SAS nothing more
R4SAS that's inside if (address->host != host && address->IsCompatible (host) && !i2p::util::net::IsYggdrasilAddress (address->host))
orignal then where ipv6 comes from
orignal from address6 ?
orignal that's why
R4SAS haha
orignal host is not updated
orignal comment out address6
R4SAS now mtu is added
R4SAS correct one, 1480
zzz orignal, good catch, I'm checking for missing s but not checking for s mismatch!!! will add it
orignal I do it differently
orignal I find as address by S
orignal assuming every address might have own S
R4SAS orignal: will you add MTU detect for address6?
orignal let me think how
orignal will do
orignal that's eary
orignal if (!ssu->mtu)
R4SAS asking because now that router publishing address for tunnel's endpoint address, not routed one
zzz actually, you don't need an "i" to send that reason code in a termination; you would do it in the data phase
zzz but probably not worth the trouble. I don't do it.
orignal what message do I send?
orignal temination is a block
orignal not a message
orignal simply speaking I don't have a message to send without address
zzz right. but in theory you could just look for a v4 or v6 address, enter data phase, and send data pkt with termination block.
zzz but it's not worth the trouble
orignal but I still need i
zzz no you don't, the data phase uses different keys
zzz never mind, you're right
zzz here's another problem from a few days ago:
zzz 07/14 16:12:43.385 INFO [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Got TERMINATION block, reason: 2 count: 241 on Cznve~
zzz 00000000 1b 88 9d b3 ec a2 e8 ac 00 00 00 ff 06 00 00 00 |................|
zzz 00000010 0c 00 05 00 00 00 f1 f1 06 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
zzz 00000020 00 00 f1 02 00 00 04 62 d0 24 5b fe 00 09 00 00 |.......b.$[.....|
zzz 00000030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 69 35 a6 cd bc 4c 8d 11 a3 |.......i5...L...|
zzz 00000040 8d bd b4 cd 63 1b 6c |....c.l |
zzz Data payload error
zzz Caused by: Illegal block after termination: 0
zzz 4 blocks: ack, termination, datetime, padding
zzz java router
zzz I need to fix it
orignal yes it must be before padding
dr|z3d keeping zzz on his toes, orignal :)
zzz orignal, more ack block problems:
orignal what kind?
zzz 07-17 15:44:23.812 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Got new ACK block from k8vhnd ACK 2199 NACK 2198-1944 NACK 1943 ACK 1942-1688 ACK 1687-1672 NACK 1671 ACK 1670-1416
zzz 07-17 15:44:23.998 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Got new ACK block from k8vhnd ACK 2200 NACK 2199-1945 NACK 1944 ACK 1943-1689 ACK 1688-1672 NACK 1671 ACK 1670-1416
zzz 07-17 15:44:24.089 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Got new ACK block from k8vhnd ACK 2202 NACK 2201-1947 NACK 1946 ACK 1945-1691 ACK 1690-1672 NACK 1671 ACK 1670-1416
zzz 07-17 15:44:24.315 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Got new ACK block from k8vhnd ACK 2203 NACK 2202-1948 NACK 1947 ACK 1946-1692 ACK 1691-1672 NACK 1671 ACK 1670-1416
zzz yin first line you ack 2199
zzz after that you're nacking it
orignal good ctach, will check
orignal what is acnt? zero?
zzz correct
orignal must be 1 I guess
orignal it this case everything will be correct
orignal looks like I never send acnt of 1
orignal *** afk ***
orignal maybe it's older router?
orignal because I don't see this problem in current code
orignal do you see mtu in this RI?
zzz k8vhnd
orignal will chek
orignal on FF
zzz 1420
orignal then I need to investigate more
orignal becuase it's new
zzz one sec and I'll pull the whole log
orignal stange that acnt is zero
orignal looks like Orion's again ))
orignal Kirov
zzz here's every non-dup ack I got for that session:
zzz so you can look for where it went wrong
orignal thanks
orignal let me download
zzz looks to me like the first bad one is ACK 990
zzz that's when the acks of 989-734 turned into nacks
zzz ant it was mostly bad from there to ACK 2215
orignal do you see non-zero acnt?
zzz it was all normal until 990
orignal let me investiagte
zzz from there to 1091 it was acnt = 0
zzz then it kindof got normal again for a while
zzz then messed up again starting at 1459
orignal 990-734 = 256 )))
orignal and acnt is 255 max
orignal and 256 makes acnt 0
orignal will fix it
zzz yeah you're not skipping the nacks field
orignal it's clear now
zzz if you want to ack 1000-0 you have to do thru=1000 acnt=255 and then ranges 0 255 0 255 0 255
orignal yes I know
orignal that's what I tried to do
orignal maybe I flipped nack and ack fields
orignal anyway let me fix
orignal well I just don't consider this case yet
orignal implementing
orignal when acnt > 255
orignal implemneted
R4SAS looks like POP in France is died...
orignal dead?
orignal I use in New York only
R4SAS I some strange route via NL
orignal war never changes ))
R4SAS that is on dedicated server in Online SAS
R4SAS (Scaleway(
orignal Europe falls
R4SAS tserv10.par1 - Paris, FR - Down
R4SAS haha