IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz 0) Hi
zzz what's on the list for today?
zzz 1) can be my test results from checking the logs on immediate ack
zzz eyedeekay, you have a go-i2p report to put on the agenda?
eyedeekay I'm able to do a small go-i2p update this week
zzz ok 2) will be go-i2p
zzz anything else for the list?
eyedeekay Yes just a brief one
eyedeekay Nothing else from me
zzz 3) for eyedeekay's brief one
zzz 1) immediate ack results
zzz so as promised
zzz I looked in my logs and discovered I wasn't handling the flag except on one router, because I accidentally checked in test code 2 weeks ago
zzz so credit to orignal for asking
zzz so I got that fixed
zzz and verified that I'm getting, and responding to, immediate ack flags from both java and from i2pd routers
zzz everything looks good
orignal what?
orignal any imporevements
zzz you asked about how immediate ack flag was working, I said I'd check
zzz example log:
zzz PeerState2: Sending immediate ack in 1: sQ8dVd IB2 recvAge: 0ms sendAge: 0ms sendAttemptAge: 28ms sendACKAge: 28ms lifetime: 28ms RTT: 29 RTTdev: 11 RTO: 1000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 4555 acwin: 4555 SST: 524288 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 1 msgs sent: 1 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 3/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 1/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 0
zzz orignal, I did not attempt to measure improvements on the live net
zzz it just doesn't seem that it would lead to any useful results
zzz all I can say is I do ack "almost" immediately when I get the flag
orignal that's fine
orignal and I see SSU2 woking fast
zzz I also promised to do another round of speed tests on the testnet, but probably not until next month or two
orignal everything looks good
zzz yup, nothing else to report
zzz anything else on 1) ?
zzz 2) go-i2p
eyedeekay 2 things, looks like more than it is:
eyedeekay 1: onboarding updates: thulium recently contacted me and helped out already by rewriting the broken mapping struct, which I had been stuck on for a while
eyedeekay both thulium and apeace have expressed a desire for better onboarding docs and for me to devise a style and policy for us to work toward
eyedeekay to that end, I took a look at the contributing documentation and used it to outline what should form our guidelines for new contributors
eyedeekay not everything is in compliance with those guidelines yet, notably the godoc is way behind the standard that document now sets, and thulium and I are splitting the task of updating that.
eyedeekay 2: transport updates, I had a successful test of my Noise-like transport
eyedeekay but when I got back into it this week finally I found that I was creating the socket without making the socket part of a muxer
eyedeekay the result of which was that I could build one Noise connection then it would be blocked from occupying the same port again, or select a new port for every connection
eyedeekay Obviously that's backward so I need to fix that
eyedeekay That's really all I've got
zzz that's great that you're making things better to get more help
zzz that's the only way things will move forward fast enough to catch up
zzz also important to get the licensing straight up front before the code base gets contaminated
eyedeekay And I think I'm finally getting the hang of actually doing this much more challenging network stuff, building point-to-point connections is simple enough but my mental model has been really lacking
orignal soory network issue
zzz yeah I never really understood threads until I started working on i2p, if it makes you feel any better
eyedeekay I don't remember if I covered the licensing stuff in the dependencies section of
eyedeekay I'll add that really quick after the meeting if I didn't
zzz might want to skim thru the github open source guide I linked on my forum a couple weeks back
eyedeekay There's so much of computing I *only* understand because of working on I2P at this point
zzz take what you like, ignore what you don't
eyedeekay Will do
zzz anything else on 2) ?
eyedeekay Nothing else really, unless you're interested in a toy bittorrent client
eyedeekay But that was a lark for the weekend lol
zzz psi_'s XD could use some love
eyedeekay I'll wait until I have my other projects under control to make that a focus
eyedeekay I messed with a pure-go libtorrent to see how difficult it would be to adapt it with onramp(one of my go SAM libraries) and it worked pretty well so far
zzz but everybody loves writing a BT client as a way to learn something, have fun
zzz anyway
zzz 3) eyedeekay brief item
eyedeekay Everything I had was covered in 2) go-i2p update
zzz ok, there is no brief item then
zzz misread it
eyedeekay no problem
zzz I'll add a quick 3) just to make a promise
zzz following eyedeekay's lead of promising something here so it gets done
zzz I've started writing my giant blog post on SSU2
zzz with links everywhere
zzz target completion, end of the month
zzz so somebody ask me how it's going next week
zzz EOT
eyedeekay looking forward to it(The blog post and the asking)
zzz when I'm done orignal is welcome to copy and translate it for elsewhere
zzz I'm trying to cover everything we've done since 2014
zzz which was the start of sig types
zzz anyway
zzz anything else for the meeting?
eyedeekay Nothing else from me
zzz okey dokey, thanks everybody
orignal sorry guys
orignal had to restart the router and modem
orignal so what's the task?
zzz huh?
orignal <zzz> when I'm done orignal is welcome to copy and translate it for elsewhere
orignal what are you talking about?
Xeha ~zzz | I've started writing my giant blog post on SSU2
Xeha ~zzz | with links everywhere
orignal acetone is working on article about ssu2
zzz ok. please let him know I am also