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dr|z3d > ok, party time at transit central. 13K part tunnels on one router, and climbing.
orignal same here
orignal Transit Tunnels: 5825
dr|z3d yeah, it's calmed down from earlier somewhat.
dr|z3d WARN […Handler 1/3] …ipatingThrottler: Temp banning router [7yerdd] for 12 minutes for excessive transit tunnel requests (Limit: 20 in 220s)
dr|z3d WARN […Handler 3/3] …ipatingThrottler: Temp banning router [5~9D1C] for 14 minutes for excessive transit tunnel requests (Limit: 20 in 220s)
dr|z3d WARN […Handler 1/3] …ipatingThrottler: Temp banning router [znxuzV] for 6 minutes for excessive transit tunnel requests (Limit: 17 in 220s)
orignal Transit Tunnels: 6458
dr|z3d Peer [F96R4T] published their RouterInfo in the future
dr|z3d • Published: Thu Nov 26 10:04:24 GMT 2037
orignal almost 100 Mbs cap again
dr|z3d on the plus side, we're now seeing some usage that we weren't before. on the minus side, it's probably all originating from very few routers.
orignal my suspect is outproxies
orignal all monkeys rushed i2p to get "an access to Instragram"
dr|z3d that doesn't tally with what I'm seeing.
dr|z3d on the outproxies, 99% of the traffic is internal.
R4SAS a bit of stats:
R4SAS Uptime: 24 days, 7 hours, 32 minutes, 43 seconds
R4SAS Network status: OK
R4SAS Tunnel creation success rate: 33%
R4SAS Received: 4030.00 GiB (6153.26 KiB/s)
R4SAS Sent: 4183.57 GiB (6691.01 KiB/s)
R4SAS Transit: 3980.42 GiB (5973.27 KiB/s)
R4SAS Routers: 7400 Floodfills: 1651 LeaseSets: 0
R4SAS Client Tunnels: 52 Transit Tunnels: 5283
R4SAS that is silly VPS, where reg.i2p is hosted
R4SAS s/silly/small/
R4SAS Dedicated server s2:
R4SAS Uptime: 18 days, 20 hours, 1 minute, 58 seconds
R4SAS Network status: OK
R4SAS Network status v6: OK
R4SAS Tunnel creation success rate: 58%
R4SAS Received: 2678.95 GiB (6118.75 KiB/s)
R4SAS Sent: 2828.40 GiB (6452.00 KiB/s)
R4SAS Transit: 2615.06 GiB (5860.52 KiB/s)
R4SAS Routers: 8001 Floodfills: 1503 LeaseSets: 0
R4SAS Client Tunnels: 241 Transit Tunnels: 14960
R4SAS hit the limit 15K
zzz I wrote a vanity b32 generator. It's about as fast as the i2pd tools one
zzz what are our thoughts on vanity? dumb and we should not encourage them? or valuable or nice for some people?
zzz > pkf -v aaaaaaaa vanity.dat
zzz Initializing vanity generator
zzz Test run with 10000 hashes: 99 ms
zzz Estimated hashes per second per thread: 101 K
zzz Estimated hashes per second with 6 threads: 606 K
zzz Estimated hashes required for length 8: 1.1 T
zzz Estimated time for length 8: 20 days
zzz Starting vanity generator (6 threads)
orignal no, it's not
orignal you need a real one ))
orignal look at b32 address of kkk.i2p ))
orignal do you have nvidia GPU?
zzz don't know, probably not
orignal I can give you cuda code
orignal was too lazy to rewrite to opencl
orignal that's one we actually use
zzz what's the hashes per second?
orignal don't remember
orignal 7 char would take less then a minute however
orignal on 1050
zzz for me:
zzz Estimated time for length 7: 15 hours
orignal that's what I mean
orignal you need a real one ))
orignal one in i2pd-tool is just a reference implemntation
zzz I don't need a vanity b32 of any length ))
orignal then how long do you need?
orignal 10 takes hours or maybe days but still doable
zzz I don't, I'm just playing around
orignal then whole idea is to try nonce on the last block of padding
orignal then you use midsate
orignal and hash 2 blocks only
orignal but thank you for reminding
R4SAS 10 taken 2.6 days in my case
orignal I think time to write opencl one
orignal on 1060
zzz Estimated time for length 10: 58 years
orignal also if you play with it
orignal why don't you try sha-ni?
zzz oh yeah that's interesting, just change the last part of the padding
orignal ofc if your CPU supports it
orignal I didn't have time for it
R4SAS vminer.exe data\r4saswashere.dat r4saswashere 22
R4SAS Starting with 4194304 threads
R4SAS Continuing from last saved nonce: 22733903626240
R4SAS [22742288039936 (5672 ms)] 2000: Hash rate 739 Mh/s
R4SAS [22746482343936 (5750 ms)] 3000: Hash rate 729 Mh/s
R4SAS [22750676647936 (5688 ms)] 4000: Hash rate 737 Mh/s
orignal when this miner was written there was no sha-ni yet
R4SAS [<nonce> (taken time)] <iterations>: ...
zzz ok, about a thousand times faster than mine is
R4SAS that's GTX 1060
R4SAS idk what will happen on GTX 30XX
zzz but, original question, are vanities good or bad or don't care?
orignal we always use them ))
R4SAS really dont care
orignal sportloto.., citrus...
orignal also it can be used as kinda PoW
orignal you olly allow connection from b32 starting with particular phrase
orignal *only
zzz if there's a GPU vanity generator out there, then it's not too helpful for security
orignal not everybody has a goog GPU
zzz you guys could offer vanity-as-a-service and charge BTC for it... but then you'd have the private keys, so probably a bad idea
zzz well, I guess somebody could do the keypair themselves, then give you the pubkey
zzz checked, I don't have sha-ni on any box
orignal the whole idea is
orignal you don't need private key for it
orignal you need only public key and adjust padding
orignal ok. go and buy one on the boxing day
orignal every cheap Ryzen has it now
orignal yes we had this idea for paid vanity generator ))
orignal and that's one of the reason why we don't publish cuda miner for everybody
zzz right
zzz the only time I ever messed with GPUs was when I bought a box to mine meeh's anoncoin
zzz what gpu is it...
zzz Radeon 7850 from 2014. Is that any good?
zzz dreadtoobigdsrxg4yfspcyjr3k6675vftyco5pyb7wg4pr4dwjq.b32.i2p is 11, but maybe he just went for 5 and then picked something interesting
orignal does it support opencl?
dr|z3d it was ok in 2014 :)
zzz I peaked at about $200 worth of anoncoin, but the attackers were driving up the difficulty to like one day per block, so it became pointless
orignal we still use our GPUs for gostcoin
orignal well as I said I can rewrite to opencl
orignal because I mostly use RX580s anyway
zzz the anoncoin cuda stuff was an enormous PITA to get working
orignal however really buy a modern CPU
orignal ryzen G alsos have built-in GPU
orignal huh? anoncoin cuda was just scryot
orignal one day we has hijacked more then 50% hash power there
orignal with our videocards ))
zzz I don't remember but I had a lot of trouble compiling it
zzz anoncoin was such a mess. the difficulty calculation was so screwed up, they would drive it up to one day per block, then wait for it to get super easy again, get all the blocks
zzz it just got stupid
zzz ok by keeping intermediate hash state I'm down from 58 to 36 years for length 10
orignal btw last anonocoin used gosycoin's pow ))
orignal anyway worth to buy a Ryzen-G
orignal cheap and had all modern features
orignal plus GPU