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zlatinb Hello again. I know this is offtopic for this channel, but there is some serious shit going on here and echelon is right in the middle of it.
zlatinb And good thing this channel is logged @ major.i2p
zlatinb So, if you care enough to get up to speed, logs are here major.i2p/irc2p/i2p-dev/2023/01/18 (towards the bottom)
zlatinb echelon banned me immediately at the end.
zzz zlatinb, this isn't appropriate for this channel, please find another
zlatinb Ok. Friendo?
zlatinb Where is that ok to talk about?
zzz that's up to you, I'm only here and in i2p-dev, both are for development
zlatinb I've known you for 10 years, if you choose to tolerate this nonsense, I'm afraid I can no longer call myself your friend.
zzz there's also other servers if you don't like the admins on irc2p
zlatinb I'm already on ilita don't worry.
zzz for many reasons I let it go, I have to pick my battles, and that wasn't one
zlatinb Ok. I'm in #dev on ilita. It is logged on to major.i2p. If you have any remains of a spine or a self-respect, and I really hope you do because I LOVE you zzz, please let's go there.
zlatinb now I shut up.
zzz I love you too and you will always be my friend
zzz but I don't have time for further on this right now, either here or in ilita
zlatinb You cannot image how much you break my heart.
zzz if your goal is to be somewhere that major is, perhaps discuss adding more channels to major with the major op
zlatinb No, I'm sorry. It's over zzz.
zlatinb Have a good life.
dr|z3d another one to keep an eye on: gf5oj7oQxjkCJ25eg54~WueRpT5odU9AduBaGxI2~qI= N class, no ip address, no introducers, medium request tariff.
orignal zzz, is it true that JavaI2P http proxy changes destination every 10 minutes?
zzz orignal, no
orignal dr|z3d are you sure it doesn't contain an yggdrasil address from example?
orignal somebody asked dumb question at 333
orignal I thought I missed something
zzz if configured for close-on-idle and new-dest-on-resume, it will do that on resume, but that's not the default setting
zzz and we don't ever change destination on an open tunnel
orignal got it
orignal will respond hime
orignal probably he has got it from kislitsa ))
eyedeekay orignal in the Easy-Install for Windows I take the HTTP Proxy out of the shared tunnel group(so it has it's own destination), configure new keys on re-opening, and set it to have an idle timeout of 10 minutes.
eyedeekay That's might be where a misconception arose
eyedeekay After 10 minutes, the tunnel is closed until it's needed again
orignal and detination gets destroyed?
eyedeekay i2cp.closeOnIdle=true
orignal and new one will be created in 4444?
orignal so 10 minutes no activity, destroy, the create new one upon request
orignal will add
eyedeekay Exactly, the idea is to avoid allowing the destination to link a user across browsing sessions
orignal thanks. didn't know about this option
orignal is it for any client tunnel?
eyedeekay I think it's actually one of the ones that isn't a real an i2cp option but actually is an i2ptunnel option, is that correct zzz? or is that just i2cp.newDestOnResume=true
eyedeekay You would approximate it with SAMv3 by using a transient tunnel, and closing and re-opening after 10 minutes without a request
eyedeekay The three I change in the HTTP proxy(only) are:
eyedeekay i2cp.closeIdleTime=100000
eyedeekay i2cp.closeOnIdle=true
eyedeekay i2cp.newDestOnResume=true
zzz orignal, that's what this guy is asking for:
orignal got it
orignal didn't know what he was talking about
zzz specs are linked in there
orignal now I know
zzz our defaults in i2ptunnel are:
zzz tunnel.0.option.i2cp.reduceIdleTime=900000
zzz tunnel.0.option.i2cp.reduceOnIdle=true
zzz tunnel.0.option.i2cp.reduceQuantity=1
zzz we don't close-on-idle by default because it's more lag for the user
orignal what does "reduce" stand for?
zzz reduce quantity on idle
orignal to 1 or by 1?
zzz so like you go down to 1 tunnel after 10 minutes, then close the tunnel after 30 minutes
zzz I think it's to 1
orignal but that guys is asking about new destination
orignal it's definitly close-on-idle
zzz new dest requires close-on-idle enabled
orignal yes, that's what he is asking about
zzz it's a nice package of options to reduce load on the network
orignal agree
zzz I remember having trouble getting it all right back in 2009, but maybe I'm smarter now, and I'm sure you are :)
zzz even just delay-open by itself can really help things at startup
dr|z3d if it contains a ygg address, it ain't showing, orignal
orignal yes because zzz consider them invalid
zzz no, we don't ban ygg routers
orignal no, I mean you exclude ygg addresses
orignal and dr|z3d don't see them
orignal *doesn'
zzz no we don't
zzz and it would break the signature if we did
orignal I mean after parsing
orignal I think it doesn't appear in the list of addresses
zzz nope, you will see it in the UI, in the logs, everywhere
orignal then I was wrong
zzz Router: 0AKmSl799nd4gaJM~3B4Hp0yr6Q9vbsCUeciMcvDxZA=FI [Full entry]
zzz Published:23 min ago
zzz Addresses:NTCP2: cost: 3 host: 201:8cb8:4184:9750:6cc2:f0e0:e02b:ba89 i: YBLqsiMambYUtY1GUVQ0QQ== port: 20235 s: ~oWX91wQUlYLUzlian9vjbJFosRe1cTHEgP52es7C08= v: 2 
orignal hmmm why cost 3
orignal might have to change it
zzz underneath, java i2p client-side I2CP sends ReconfigureSessionMessage for reduce-on-idle
orignal yes I know we handle it
zzz right. these are all client-side options, the router side doesn't know about any of them
orignal but for I2CP only
orignal we need to handle these options in tunnels
zzz yes
dr|z3d yeah, I don't know what's going on with routers with no published addresses and no introducers, but it seems wrong.
zzz hidden or starting up or can't get anybody to offer
orignal you mean just no addresees or without IP?
orignal no they still must publish s key
orignal if no addresses it's very wrong
dr|z3d here's what I've got for the aforementioned hash:
dr|z3d NTCP2 caps: 4 s: Ad6qFroQQsZQllzNJjMtQ69o~2qJnC5r3pD6z18bOCI= v: 2 SSU caps: 4 i: xLdeEtjcofZ~yRZ1KrnTszpE8orxdtya01-b-JSw1Eo= s: Vt0HCLpHOOKhpy3-AB08-SYbUcVXROt6c-QofVwaZS0= v: 2
dr|z3d note the total absence of ip addresses, introducers or otherwise.
orignal ok. so you do have addresses
orignal then what's wrong ?
dr|z3d no ip addresses, that's not normal.
orignal wut? ))))
orignal good morning
orignal IP addresses are not published at least last 5 years
dr|z3d ordinarily I'd expect to see either ip addresses or introducer ip addresses.
orignal if your status is not OK
dr|z3d (and mostly I do)
orignal what would you say if you see NTCP2 only?
orignal I can clearly say what's this
orignal proxy
dr|z3d the above hash is both NTCP2 and SSU2.
dr|z3d apparently an i2p router, not i2pd.
orignal so you question is why SSU2 address doesn't publish IP address or introducer?
orignal for example I have "published" option
zzz <zzz> hidden or starting up or can't get anybody to offer
dr|z3d yeah, but in that event it should be temp banned, no?
zzz only if we tried to connect to it
zzz if he connected to us, it's all good
dr|z3d hmm, ok.
dr|z3d still smells dodgy to me.
zzz don't try to purge your netdb of everything smelly, it's counterproductive, that's not how it's designed
dr|z3d I'm not.
dr|z3d I'm just observing weirdness.
dr|z3d as a general guide, I'm looking to keep unreachable peers at max 20% of total netdb, and L tier routers < X tier routers. on that basis, everything appears to be working as intended.
dr|z3d re cancel input, that's probably not what you want.
dr|z3d I'd suggest you want a link to the url + query - search param instead.
zzz snark? back to the other channel
dr|z3d or just /i2psnark
dr|z3d oh, my bad, sorry.
zzz no sorry required :)
zzz as sponge would say, nobody died
Xeha sponge... sad he left
RN miss sponge. that aggravating M***** F*****!