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zzz whoa just got more evidence that it's a broad-based attack
obscuratus <raised eyebrow emoji>
zzz I have access to reseed request charts from one op
zzz requests ~ doubled and have stayed there since, starting... drumroll.. Dec. 19
zzz still could be stupid prestium I guess
zzz but thats a stretch
obscuratus Maybe suggesting transient routers?
obscuratus Empiricism... Make a hypothesis, then start testing that hypothesis, and see if reality agrees.
obscuratus I often jump to the suspicion of an "attack", but I've often been corrected by the adage: "Never blame on malevolence that which can be ascribed to incompetence."
zzz wow I could overlay the reseed graph with the part tunnels graph, they line up really well
zzz I'm hoping I can get some IPs from the op and we could ban them
dr|z3d I like the idea of throttling tunnels during the grace period. +1 from me.
zzz he reported a burst last summer and it was all coming from Turkmenistan IP block
dr|z3d you see that ip earlier, zzz?
orignal inteterseting
zzz dr|z3d, you have any data from your reseed?
dr|z3d don't keep much data, no. maybe nginx logs, but they might be regularly scrubbed. will look in a bit.
dr|z3d reminder:
zzz yeah obscuratus the only non-attack explanation would be live OS + 150 SAM tunnels + i2pd but I doubt prestium caught fire on 12/19
zzz reason dr|z3d ?
dr|z3d 5 ips I've seen in that range, mostly on the same ip. and at least 3 were at the top of the list of part tunnels for a sustained period, all same ip.
dr|z3d that and the fact that both ips in that range are flagged as abusive ips.
zzz yeah but we throttle so its hard to tell if abuse without looking at the rejected count
zzz yeah I don't know how to validate some 3rd party report though
zzz I'll see if the IP pops up in any of my routers
dr|z3d check for that range in your netdb. see how many routers you got. I saw 5, could be more.
dr|z3d amount of requests was suspicious from those routers relative to everything else.
zzz well, it's 4 XR
dr|z3d there we go. there's also an XfR in that range.
zzz don't see anything too alarming atm
zzz I'm focused on code fixes, the whac a mole is too tedious
zzz testing the grace period throttle, nobody snagged yet
dr|z3d do keep nginx logs for reseeding.
dr|z3d if you want them for analysis, I can make them available.
dr|z3d fail2ban handles overage.
zzz I don't want to do the analysis, but if you identify any blatant offenders we could consider banning them
zzz thing is, for a month I've been banging the congestion drum
zzz that we "tipped" into congestion, that we need better congestion management, etc
zzz but none of that applies to reseeding
zzz so it's either prestium in a boot loop or an attack
dr|z3d ok, well, let's see what we can deduce.
obscuratus If it was Prestium in a boot loop, wouldn't that show up in a sybil analysis when run on all routers?
obscuratus Oh, maybe not if it starts in hidden mode or firewalled by default.
dr|z3d SUNYSB seems to be misbehaving.
dr|z3d big chunk of those routers all on the same /24 banned on the reseed host.
zzz I can ban IPs but not ranges via the news
dr|z3d so 239 ips currently banned by fail2ban. you have any tools to feed those to the netdb?
obscuratus If this issue was arising from a single iP, or a range of IPs, an early step would be to tweak the sybil analysis to catch the behavior.
dr|z3d SUNYSB is a trusted family, so whatever they're doing.
obscuratus For my part, I haven't been able to pick up on a pattern in the IP address.
zzz lets see if the other guy reports any obvious offender
obscuratus While I think it's a different problem than the bandwidth/grace period problem I mention earlier, I'm still suspicious of all the LU routers in my NetDB.
obscuratus Nearly all of them have: NTCP2: cost: 14 and SSU2: cost: 15
zzz the increase was from 3k -> 6k/day, or from 2/minute to 4/minute
zzz too fast to be a single bad prestium
obscuratus I can envision an attack where the goal is to degrade the success/effectiveness of exploratory tunnels by flooding the network with transient LU routers. Since they don't have an IP, we wouldn't pick up on a pattern.
dr|z3d I'm asking myself if using amazon's aws cloud servers for i2p is cost effective for average user.
dr|z3d because a sizeable chunk of the banned ips are using amazon's cloud.
zzz banned by failtoban or by the router?
dr|z3d hmm, now this is interesting. I'm looking at a pie chart of 100 of those ips by ISP.
dr|z3d one ISP stands out above all others. Iran Telecommunication Company PJS
zzz see we don't know if reseeders are real routers at all
zzz I don't know anybody using AWS
zzz I guess we could banhammer the whole thing
dr|z3d no we don't, this is true. AWS is just a poor fit for I2P I'm thinking, but probably a great fit for trying to brute force the netdb via reseed hosts.
dr|z3d actually, re Iran, disregard. the site I'm feeding the data to is doing a poor job with the pie charts.
zzz no use banning AWS if it's just a wget loop running there
dr|z3d indeed not.
zzz the good news is AWS publishes their current IP ranges in json
zzz the bad news is there's 7036 v4 ranges and 1726 v6 ranges
dr|z3d don't think it's worth banning AWS just yet.
dr|z3d not until we have substantive evidence they're on the network and the source of abuse. which we don't.
dr|z3d the fact that they're all over the reseed servers is interesting, though. possible state-level brute forcing attempt.
zzz I'll parse the json into a blocklist and see what pops up
dr|z3d not entirely sure just yet if banning that range I mentioned earlier is affecting overall b/w and transit count on various routers, but it looks like it might be. significantly lower on both on several routers.
dr|z3d for example, pre-ban, transit count about 50% higher than post ban on 1 router, uptime 4 hours.
dr|z3d sorry, count about 100% higher, pre-ban.
dr|z3d yeah, I'm somewhat confident that range is abusive.
dr|z3d ok, another interesting pattern of sorts.
dr|z3d 2 distinct linode systems on different ip ranges both banning the same router.
dr|z3d (or maybe not interesting at all)
zzz obscuratus, I haven't gotten a single part. msg > 20 sec after expiration in 12 hours
obscuratus zzz: The behavior I was seeing yesterday has all but stopped. Oddly, it stopped shortly after we started discussing it yesterday.
zzz ok. if it comes back I can give you a patch to test
zzz based on tests so far, I think we can reduce grace period to 90 sec
dr|z3d ip range mentioned yesterday. 31337 VPN. It's named that. with first range blocklisted, another appeared, several routers at the top of part tunnel count. 100% dodgy.
obscuratus It may be a coincidence, but there was a noticeable jump in network wide tunnel.BuildExploratorySuccess (from stats.i2p) that also coincided with the time I stopped seeing this behavior.
dr|z3d ​31173 VPN:
dr|z3d 31173 VPN:
dr|z3d huge drop in traffic and part tunnels with those 2 ranges blocked.
zzz I've caught about 5 routers with my AWS blocklist, if anybody wants it. I got it down to about 2200 ranges
dr|z3d 2200 ranges! lol
zzz it wa 7K but I removed dups and anything smaller than /24
zzz it was all the way down to /32
dr|z3d that's got to slow the router down, no?
dr|z3d see what you've got in your netdb for those 2 ranges above, and if they're claiming top spots in the part tunnel stakes.
zzz not really, I've tested with enormous public blocklists, and also with hidden mode in US which, last time I checked, blocked 130K ranges
zzz our ranges storage and search is pretty efficient; it's the transient list that's not
dr|z3d 31173 VPN may also be part of Mullvad's VPN service, apparently.
orignal so you think Turkmen donkeyfuckers are doing it?
dr|z3d behave yourself, orignal!
dr|z3d what I can tell you is that with those ranges I mentioned banned, transit tunnels all look totally fine.