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orignal I might be later today
eyedeekay Hi everyone, meeting time, who is here today?
eyedeekay Hi orignal
orignal me ))))
RN aloha
eyedeekay Only big topic I wanted to make sure we covered today are SSU2 changes
eyedeekay Any other topics for today?
eyedeekay hi RN, hi xeiaso
eyedeekay Last call, topics for the agenda
xeiaso maybe on release? when is next?
eyedeekay Probably late August or early September for 2.4.0
eyedeekay So let's make that 1 and get it out of the way
eyedeekay 1) Release Status 2) SSU2 changes
eyedeekay Java I2P is releasing libraries to maven and downstreams and my subproject(easy bundle) will follow on that, should be done today and that will conclude our 2.3.0 release
orignal release status I guess
eyedeekay you guys have been done for a week or two right orignal?
orignal we see tunnle creation success rate still low
orignal but looks like it's cause by LU routers
eyedeekay hi dr|zed
orignal also sometimes we pick non-ipv4 routers for OBEP
dr|z3d seems to be a surfeit of LU routers on the network right now.
orignal will be fixed soon
orignal beside this everything else works good
xeiaso so you will not build tunnel through LU?
orignal we will
orignal we pick L for exploratory tunnels only anyway
orignal we need to fix enpoints however
eyedeekay What's wrong with them?
orignal as I said sometimes we pick non-ipv4 routers
orignal that's not right and will be fixed
eyedeekay Oh I see that's all, OK
eyedeekay Glad you're on it
orignal Vort did many tests to see what causes low rate/failures
orignal it's minor issue anyway
eyedeekay Our ETBS is not very different from before, too early to say but only one of our changes is likely to have had any effect on that
dr|z3d a casual 72% avg over 24h here.
orignal because you exclude LU
dr|z3d in France it's good luck to tread in dog shit. doesn't mean you need to find some to tread in :)
eyedeekay Sounds like an excuse to not clean it up
RN 85 and 81% here
orignal we prefer to not disciminate LU
eyedeekay I'm simply not ready to accept the numbers I have in front of me yet. Want to see BiglyBT update and everything else first
orignal we tried to exclude LU and the rate becomes 2 times higher
eyedeekay Anyhow, when do you want to do the next release? I'm proposing early September
orignal fine for me
orignal what will it include from your side?
eyedeekay Lots and lots of netDB fixes, and if you're still ready to work on it with me, SSU2 fixes
xeiaso speaking netdb fixes did you see the message i sent in #i2p-chat earlier about local lease sets and receivedAsPublished?
orignal no I mean new features
orignal I need to be aware
orignal no I'm not presented on any echelon's channels
eyedeekay If it's the one I'm thinking of it was for me and yes xeiaso I did
xeiaso yes i was talking to idk and his netdb fixes
eyedeekay RAP handling made it into the release
eyedeekay IIRC we conversed on the subject there
orignal what is RAP handling?
Xeha whats RAP?
eyedeekay receivedAsPublished
xeiaso RAP handling is a netdb hack to prevent linking stores
xeiaso it doesn't really work
eyedeekay That's what I mean by lots and lots of netDB fixes, we've got the meta-netDB proposal to work on this release, it's likely to be the bulk of my time
xeiaso the problem is that local LS stores to a destination are stored but overwrite what the router stores as published
orignal so you want to come back to metatLS?
orignal please let me know because I have only stub for it
orignal but the main question is what for
eyedeekay No, meta-netDB, there's not really a thing you'll need because I gather it's fairly simple for you to use separate netDB's for clients and the router, for us the incumbent design doesn't really accommodate that, so we have to do it differently
orignal got it
eyedeekay What it is is an API for organizing access to and from our netDB by offering the ability to manage them by context, in the end every client will be able to get it's own netDB from a sort of "parent" netDB
eyedeekay So it won't have to break literally everything that touches the netDb in our application
eyedeekay But that's a java-specific topic for the most part, and not really a good topic for the meeting, I owe a writeup on our gitlab issue(395 IIRC), will post it here when I finish it
eyedeekay Ready for 2) SSU2 Changes?
dr|z3d shot, eyedeekay
dr|z3d *shoot
orignal but I didn't have time to think about it
eyedeekay Are we still basically settled on the send Alice-sends-Bob his own identifier in the first phase of the handshake, Bob rejects it if Alice is wrong solution?
orignal Alice sends Bob's ident hash
orignal right
orignal and Bob rejects if mismatch
orignal we need two things
orignal 1. new block type
orignal 2. new termination code
eyedeekay Ack makes sense
eyedeekay Can you still write down the changes to the spec so we can both implement it?
eyedeekay For 2.4.0 in the timeframe we proposed?
orignal when I have time
orignal unfortunately I'm too busy
eyedeekay We both have a ton to do, if you don't have time for the SSU2 changes I can focus on our netDB needs until you are ready
eyedeekay Anything else for 2)?
orignal this SSU2 fix is not a big deal
dr|z3d since we're on SSU2, when are you planning on disabling SSU1, eyedeekay?
eyedeekay Hadn't planned on doing it yet, seems like a change I'm not ready to make to lop off the whole mystery-router section
eyedeekay the 0.9.23's specifically, I want to know what those are before we do anything, the explanations I have are conflicting at best
dr|z3d 0.9.23 I suspect is Azureus holdouts.
orignal you should
orignal gradpa promised to deisable it
eyedeekay Gotta be, Vuze is supposed to be using the BiglyBT version of the plugin now
orignal and start publishing it as SSU2
eyedeekay If we find out about the 0.9.23 contingent I'll consider it but for now I'm leaving it on
eyedeekay Anything else for the meeting?
eyedeekay OK thanks everyone for coming, I'm circling back to the the last of our release items and will post about meta-netDB as soon as I've got the proposal finished
eyedeekay See you around IRC/in 2 weeks at the meeting