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orignal а ну с тех пор дохуя поменялось
orignal и да тот момент не доделан
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R4SAS ага, вижу
R4SAS завтра раскатаю по своим нодам
orignal короче там какой то роутер херню шлет
orignal в SessionConfrimed
orignal у него порт 25880
ian Hi original, I did createlocaldestination, but I'm getting this error in libi2pd: 09:12:21@471/error - Identity: Buffer length 0 is too small
ian do I miss createlocaldestination, identity param it means?
ian Destination: Parameters for tunnel set to: 4 inbound (1 hops), 4 outbound (1 hops), 40 tags
ian I'm getting this tough also in log
orignal you must create private keys
orignal idk why you buffer is zero
orignal look at ClientContext.cpp and see how it's supposed to be created
ian Okay thanks I'll look again
orignal check ReadTunnels
orignal when it reads "keys" param
ian original
ian i2p::data::SigningKeyType sig_type = i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA_SHA256_P256;
ian i2p::data::CryptoKeyType crypto_type = i2p::data::CRYPTO_KEY_TYPE_ELGAMAL;
ian i2p::data::PrivateKeys keys = i2p::data::PrivateKeys::CreateRandomKeys (sig_type, crypto_type);
ian I set like this, but now I'm not getting Parameters for tunnel set log at all, only aes ni log
orignal *** afk ***
orignal you can find params list in Destination.h
ian original, thanks alot for helping again, it's appreciated hahah.
ian original, I was just missing m_LocalDestination->Start(); , I wasn't starting it, that's why it wasn't giving log lol
ian original, after I created the local destination, it showed in log once, but then it only shows in log .txt file that it works, how can I make it show full log in c++ console instead of .txt? so it's easier to debug
ian ah nvm thanks its via logStream for logging in console
ian I added i2p::log::Logger().Start(); and i2p::log::Logger().SendTo (logStream); but it still doesn't log output to console?
orignal I don't remeber
orignal void StartI2P (std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> logStream = nullptr);
orignal you shoudl pass your stream there
ian Yes, I passed it, how can I display the stream on console though?
ian I added loglevel debug also
orignal pass nullptr
orignal and it will go to stadout
orignal no, wait
orignal pass pointed to std::cout
orignal I haven't touched this code for last 5 years
weko ian: what project are you doing?
ian weko: a secure messenger
weko ian: you're my competitor, and you're probably gonna beat me up
weko good luck
` ian, via SAMv3?
orignal ` he wants to use a built-in router
orignal e.g. C++
` Oh..
ian yes, I'm not building via external i2pd, via internal
ian 'i'm integrating i2p fuincitonality into app
ian weko: how you're my competitor bro? you're trying to build samething?
weko ian: Yes, but i'm very lazy :)
weko and you're ready and you're installing an i2pd, or are you initially based on work only through i2p?
ian original: i got it working via reinterpret_cast since it was erroring out, thanks its logging to console now :)
ian weko: I compiled i2pd, linked libi2pd, and using internal api's of libi2pd
weko ian: i understand, but you make new program or improving old?
ian weko: a new program completely
weko Oh ok, super
ian yeah I love i2pd over tor too
ian instead of tor*
weko Briar analog?😀
ian weko: no, I'm just making the app for private use
ian I'm gonna use app to talk with political prisoners
ian people like from cuba bro
whothefuckami Interesting
ian my family member is like that, govt monitors everything thats why
weko ian: private use? Oh, ok. I thought you doing messanger for public use
whothefuckami Yeah open sources
whothefuckami Dw we won't laugh
weko you'd rather laugh at me
weko we*
ian I don't even have libi2pd fully working yet bro, I Only got few lines of initialization code
ian i need to build the messenger, once I confirm all parts work
weko I only add bb32 for SAM library and even not test it XD
weko I m so lazy, it's awful
orignal anci2pd has real wroking code
orignal burt very old
ian original: I'm getting terminate called without an active exception, on last line of log it says tunnel created, also it's exit code 3, is it because I didn't add createstream yet? and yeah I looked at anci2pd, I'm comparing different sources
orignal try to run under gdb
ian okay I'll check now thanks
ian [Thread 9508.0x1c0 exited with code 3], like 10 of those
ian ill add breakpoints and check
orignal no it will show if there is unepxteced termination
orignal sure, you must hanf on someting between Start and Stop
orignal like a loop or waiting for some event
orignal for example void DaemonLinux::run ()
ian original: how many params are needed? I added 5 basic. I need them all else it will exit?
orignal params for what?
ian createlocaldestination
ian it errored out on -var-create: unable to create variable object, in gdb
ian 74 m_LocalDestination->Start();
ian warning: RTTI symbol not found for class 'i2p::crypto::ECDSAVerifier<i2p::crypto::SHA256Hash, 415, 64ull>'
ian warning: RTTI symbol not found for class 'i2p::crypto::ECDSAVerifier<i2p::crypto::SHA256Hash, 415, 64ull>'
ian also this in gdb
orignal you don't need to specify any params
orignal they will be default
orignal lookd at LeaseSetDestination::LeaseSetDestination
ian Okay I'll look at it again thanks
orignal if it can't create some objects looks like your linking is wrong
orignal you know what? you might have wrong build of openssl
orignal without ECDSA
ian I'll check if the openssl has ECDSA
orignal alsway use EDDSA instead
ian okk
orignal that's why ECDSA is less popular
orignal some distro exclude it due to the US export restrictions
ian I used EDDSA, but samething
ian 15:50:37@471/info - Destination: Creating new temporary keys of type for address finsms2tpsbqrlmyvn3dwzbglsnm4a2juzmwcbw27l7suudthjha.b32.i2p
ian 15:50:37@471/info - Destination: Local address finsms2tpsbqrlmyvn3dwzbglsnm4a2juzmwcbw27l7suudthjha created
ian but error 3 at end
ian gdb not giving helpful info, the other object create variable dissapeared
orignal then add more logs and see where is fails
orignal since i2pd works fine
ian Yes, it's what I'm doing now.
ian terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_weak_ptr'
ian what(): bad_weak_ptr
ian boost::asio::io_context io_context_i2p;
ian auto m_LocalDestination = i2p::client::ClientDestination(io_context_i2p, *_private_keys, true, &params);
ian m_LocalDestination.Start();
ian original: it's working now yeah? IO just need to replace io_contact_i2p with the right boost asio code yea?
ian I was using wrong func, that's why it was throwing the unknown error in gdb
ian I gotta also use CreateStream after this like you said?
ian I don't need m_LocalDestination.Start(); because it's going to use io_context already? or ?