IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
_borat HidUser0, надо по новой добавится а то я переустановил ретру но контакты сохранил потом импортировал новижу толка в этом совсем нет у меня только Xeha один одинешенек в сети и больше никого
_borat ABBm1POSuo01O3pW9Sgl0hfqAxTGdL4Gy3CwqdohA9NzXlfloziiVAEEVW5peJBCAAAABN/Lem83bTRhaHVheHc3Y21lcWFuZzJ2
_borat eHM1Z2U1cHd2a29iYmwzbjVmaW1kY3dtZzdvNW0ycS5iMzIuaTJwkwYBAAB/38sEA5w0NQ==
HidUser0 _borat: я не в ретре уже
_borat ну там вообще все в оффлайне
_borat такого же не может быть
_borat скорость счас нормальная
Xeha _borat: you can find some peers here: xeha.i2p/retroshare
Xeha or post in a key-exchange forum, my instance will forward it.
Xeha ah i see you posted some messages already, best is to wait then :)
_borat Xeha, yes, I know about this link, all my contacts except yours were offline as I just connected to the retroshare
Xeha i can add you to the list too, if you want?
_borat Xeha, and only you were online and no one else, and now there are already 8 contacts
Xeha good :)
_borat Xeha, wonderful
_borat Xeha, By the way, our speed has become a little better, since ours put something else filtering, which is why even mic bridges stopped working, which were specially developed in China and it would be the finish line, but it’s good that I still went to the i2p network, where I found out about yggdrasil
Xeha i like ygg, but i barely use it (prefer i2p)
_borat yggdrasil is the only thing left for me the only thing through which I have a connection with the rest of the world
_borat fortunately
Xeha ouch, hope it lasts!
_borat many do not know about it, but it is better to let them not know, for ignorance is good
Xeha might i ask which country is blocking so much?
Xeha btw, i've added your cert too :)
Xeha If you register your nickname with NickServ, i can give you +v
_borat by the way, i2p from zzz does not work directly, it only works through vpn, it does not even work through a proxy
_borat but i2pd, by the way, too, but by putting ygg in the configuration file, or by writing a proxy line - it works
_borat well, if through vpn, it also works)
_borat Xeha, what is +v ?
Xeha IRC thing, +v gives you that + sign in front of name
Xeha usually people register their nicks with NickServ so that no one else can take them
Xeha on connect, you need to provide credentials and then we can grant this user permissions too
_borat Xeha, yes, for now I’ll manage somehow, I’m very tired today, bother with nicknames
_borat I can and will do it over the weekend, although it will no longer be complete anonymity, or will it still be?
Xeha you can provide fake mail (no mail sent) on register
Xeha nothing else changes
Xeha /msg NickServ HELP REGISTER