IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
mesh and today i2p is very fast
dr|z3d what version of i2p+ you on, mesh?
dr|z3d testing, testing, is this thing on...? :)
mesh dr|z3d: same version as always
mesh dr|z3d: is there a new version that is faster?
dr|z3d release, mesh? -0+ ?
mesh dr|z3d: 1.7.0-13+
dr|z3d oh, 13+
dr|z3d I think we're up to 19+ now. could potentially be faster.
mesh hmm
mesh nothing in the blog about these point releases
dr|z3d blog?
dr|z3d the -{number} indicates a development build, you won't see anything in the blog about those.
mesh dr|z3d: yeah, I sort of see that, but it makes me nervous
dr|z3d but given how you're all over the codebase, you could be ahead of the curve with development builds and provide some feedback on the various patches :)
dr|z3d it shouldn't make you nervous at all.. you've got a good eye for detail, you can help with the dev process as a user :)
dr|z3d ask T3s|4_.. he's about as regular a dev updater as it is, sometimes several times an hour/day. :)
dr|z3d I soon hear if there are issues. It all helps.
mesh yeah it's a form of development I'm well aware of heh
dr|z3d be a part of the improvements you'd like to see :)
dr|z3d or not.
dr|z3d besides, -19+ is an RC candidate, very little likely to change between now and release next week.
dr|z3d *RC build
mesh I don't have time to update to several times a week. I might be willing to update once a week if these alpha and beta releases and rc builds were clearly labeled and had decent changelogs associated with them
mesh and, most importantly, there was an easy way to downgrade back to the previous release.
dr|z3d changelogs the gitlab commit logs. you can see every change there. and you don't need to update daily, whenever suits.
dr|z3d you can downgrade to any version you like, assuming you have the installer or update file handy.
dr|z3d or you can just backup your i2p dir and then update, and restore it if you want to downgrade. easy enough.
dr|z3d application dir, that is.
mesh dr|z3d: I'd be curious to know how that's supposed to work. though I tend to disable the i2p autoupdate mechanism. I think for me I'd probably have to hack up an automated process that would download a zip, expand it, shutdown the existing router, make a copy of the i2p workspace directory, and then start the new router with the given workspace
mesh even then it'd be risky because if my router did go down or something wacky went wrong it would affect more than just me
dr|z3d you could just script downloading the zip, making a backup of i2p/ app dir, copying the update to existing i2p/ app dir, then restarting.
dr|z3d or just automate backups of the i2p app dir on a schedule and timestamp them, and then roll with the in-console update mechanism and update manually as you see fit, with the update policy set to notify only and the skank unsigned dev update path configured.
dr|z3d it doesn't need to be hard :)
dr|z3d and it's super unlikely the updates will screw you over, they're tested before they're rolled out, or the changes that occur don't require testing (theme updates etc).
mesh famous last words hehe
dr|z3d well, I could use your feedback at the development end of things, but it's entirely up to you.
mesh I'll think about it. I would prefer to have a separate router used for shenanigans and leave the "production" router that hosts services like git and chat etc alone
mesh I've been thinking of spinning up another server in the USA that would act as a geographically distributed backup. an i2p router would run there too and could be used for testing
mesh ovh has 8gb servers in the US for just $20/mo according to
dr|z3d talk to rambler, maybe he has a package that's suitable, perhaps.
mesh does rambler sell servers?
rambler D'oh!]
dr|z3d dev site isn't registered :)
rambler No US stock right now, and out of IPs in NL unfortunately. Most things are on hold, I do apologize.
rambler Oh yeah, that's right. It remains a mystery to all, then. :)
rambler Hoping ARIN will toss me a /21. We're sort of in the middle of restructuring some things though.
dr|z3d have you got a timeframe for mesh, rambler? :)
dr|z3d I don't think his need is super urgent?
rambler 4-8 weeks, unfortunately.
rambler "Good things come to those who wait." or something
rambler Hardware hasn't even been procured in full yet. I placed my order and deposit like two days ago, so things still need shipped, built and racked.
parabo dr|z3d
parabo hey albat:D
dr|z3d no, parabo.
parabo but yes
dr|z3d when you put someone in the ground after death, what do you to to them?
parabo nothing
dr|z3d I mean the process, what's it called again?
parabo funeral?
dr|z3d no, the act of putting someone in the ground and then adding earth.
parabo burial
dr|z3d oh, so you can spell it :)
parabo spell checker
dr|z3d that thing you pastebinned the other day, you were berrying muhammed. which variant? raspberries?
parabo blue raspberry
dr|z3d dingleberry.
dr|z3d you good?
parabo Oh yeah
dr|z3d not bad, thanks.
parabo You coding?
dr|z3d not right this second, in between jobs so to speak.
dr|z3d release is next week, so not pushing the boat out with any more changes.
parabo you should play Civilization VI
dr|z3d I have better things to do with my time, but thanks for the recommendation. :)
parabo unciv?
dr|z3d games are a very rare indulgence for me.
parabo I used to be like that before I found Civ
parabo dr|z3d, how long is your beard?
T3s|4_ o/ dr|z3d : got lucky; after not seeing an update for 2 days, was only 30 mins behind you today :D
dr|z3d hey hey T3s|4 o/
dr|z3d yeah, slow lately, not necessarily a bad thing, things are pretty stable lately.
T3s|4_ even crazier, on the 17th update, I was only ~6 mins behind you :)
dr|z3d haha, tell that to mesh! :)
dr|z3d he seems to think he'll bork his install running dev builds...
T3s|4_ yep, read the drama - why doesn't mesh just test his borked 'theories' in various VMs?
dr|z3d Blinded message
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: snark continues impressing. Grabbed a fair size file yesterday from a large swarm; after watching it for ~5 mins, it rarely fell below 600+ K/s
dr|z3d very nice, T3s|4