IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
irc_man_0 Hello. Almost all computers from the list here are offline. Is this true or am I just not able to connect to them?
i2puser 8/84 for me rn. No idea, maybe down, maybe connection limit.
Leopold Yup, I also have same irc_man_0
Xeha Leopold: did you post your cert somewhere? Are we peered?
Leopold No, don't posted. I just add friends in retroshare from site in head romm
Xeha if you add someone but dont give the cert back to them, they dont know your destination and cant connect back (if you have incoming setup)
Xeha it still works, just if your outgoing has issues or my incoming, we coulndt connect
Xeha i accepted all open ones, do you have me as alive now?